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Do you enjoy making melee DPS cry? Bard is the answer. It's actually busted. Extremely busted. Bard is undeniably the strongest utility job in FFXIV PvP and when you use your entire kit correctly you will make melee DPS cry.

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0:00 Ultimate Guide to Bard in PvP
0:16 Bard PvP Guide
0:33 Bard Strengths
2:04 Bard Weaknesses
2:49 So what is the point of a Bard in pvp
3:30 Bard Matchups
4:37 PvP Strategy with Bard
9:11 Final Notes on bard in pvp

Given I somehow hauled myself up to diamond using bard instead of you know white mage, warrior, dragoon, samurai or ninja and instead vested myself with the power to literally troll explicitly those jobs with bard and I am quite confident I made many of those same players smash their keyboards.

It’s time for the first guide I’ve put out in what feels like a millenia. Yes all the pieces of exodia have finally come together for me to bless you with the spoony pvp bard guide.

So let’s get the strengths of the Bard settled, as in the highlights of why you’d pick it.

-The first strength is that the bard brings a ton of mobility and range, shocking absolutely no one. You are able to consistently put out small amounts of damage pressure and bridge the gaps with little downtime.

-The second strength is the fact you have an on demand single target root that lasts 3 seconds, which on a short 15 second cooldown timer allows you to absolutely mess with melee.

-Third strength is the single target silence that lasts 3 seconds which allows you to pin point weak targets and enable them to be finished off with little ability for counterplay from them. Add the root to this and yeah you basically get to flip off one player every 20 seconds without fail.

-The fourth strength is you get to superbuff your team’s damage as well as provide them with limit break.

-And lastly you get to basically protect the king with warden’s paean making one ally extremely and I mean extremely durable.

Now let’s talk weaknesses.

-The most notable weakness is that while bard’s damage is consistent it’s actually really terrible on it’s own. Your ability to focus down and pick off targets through damage is pretty miserable. If you don’t believe me on this point try red mage, dragoon, samurai, ninja and then you will 100% get it. Yes even accounting for empyreal arrow your burst potential is just sad. And your damage gets lower and lower based on range.

You do not pick a bard for damage.

So now that takes us to the wrapup of this section. The bard is extremely powerful as a party utility bot, your ability to trap enemies with roots, cut off their ability to function with silences and absolutely decimate their focus target on say your team’s white mage makes you very powerful on the field with strategy.
Buffing damage and limit break generation also makes it so that the bard really just cranks the team as a whole up.

Now let’s talk good pairings.

Bard pairs well with warrior and white mage because you buff their damage and limit break, it’s really as simple as that. Their combo together becomes more available and harder hitting allowing your team to crush the others. Roots and silences for picking up the rest of the scraps and cocooning your team’s white mage with warden’s.

But saying this feels a bit funny because obviously it can help anyone but in particular these two highly meta picks flourish with a bard.

Bad pairings are obviously anything with lower damage or less optimal limitbreaks, such as dancer.

Now let’s run through general approach and strategy with the bard.

You want to generally be as far away from the action as possible and be cycling through targets to hit whatever is lowest in health, especially since as said before your own damage is dog. But for your damage really just spam powershot combo and get 3 stacks of empyreal arrow since that will allow you to secure kills when they are low. But don’t overcap charges just for the sake of that since there is no diminishing returns or lost returns if you use it early. It stacks up to 3 at 3k potency per. So if a target is low on health and you are whittling them down by all means slam this button as it comes up.

On the note of securing kills, you want to however constantly monitor the healthbars of the enemy because your silence will secure a kill, if you see someone being burst down and like 40% or lower health silencing them will often crush them.

Apex arrow buffs the team’s damage for 30 seconds, keep this up at all times.
Рекомендации по теме

My entire purpose of playing anything with pvp in it is to make my opposition break their keyboards with rage. BARD ALLOWS ME TO DO EXACTLY THAT


The probalem with bard is one thing, if your team is bad, you will be useless even if you are the best Bard in the game...


Powerful shot is the best feeling ability in the game. Even though the damage sucks lol.


As a PvP Dancer main, I agree that I don't even know why our Limit Break is even there.
Sure we can cc in a fairly wide circle, but we don't even have a follow up attack large enough to cover the entire area for the guaranteed 4 second charm...

And don't even let me start on the Honing Dance's paltry potency and the long 3-second ramping up to get the full effect while not being tolerant to cc in some form yourself in the heavy cc landscape of PvP.


I love bard but I am still frustrated with it in pvp. I get focused down and my team does nothing about it like "hey, a teammate is getting burst down. mayhap you should help them and kill the dude while they are preoccupied with you friend?" I find it hard to use my buffs cause my teams never take advantage of them. They're either dead or ran in alone. My point is, if my team doesn't take advantage of my buffs, I'm dead cause I do too little damage on my own (even with buffs). On an absolute losing streak and I don't know what to do anymore.


I suck complete ass at pvp so never care about how many kills I have. And while I'm also too stupid to understand and know optimal ability usage and priority targeting I still have the most fun with Bard.


I love bard, and play it almost exclusively in PvP. I get frustrated getting insta gibbed with 48k crit, but love this video. However, I do think Cole Evyx could get some content out of the difference between Frontline pvp (the 'follow the horde, idk what im doing!") mess that that is vs crystal conflict, for example. Sometimes I Apex/Heavy back to back on aoe yanks because getting that Battle High past V really makes Bard a nasty customer =D


Idk if this has changed but from my experience, "root" might as well not exist for dragoon, because I can never get it to work on them, they ignore it and sprint me down.


Powerful Shot feels amazing to use. I need more skills in PVE with the same feel. Really feels like you’re charging up a strong skill (even though it’s not that strong).


I am curious because I haven’t seen anyone cover it what is your opinion on the white mage cooldown reset bug


FINALLY a game where bards aren't usless ty.


Hello, thanks for the vid'. I would appreciate a litlle tuto macro for bard in pvp like target a special ally with Warden if you had the time :) ( sry for my english ) Thx !


i played a lot of bard on frontlines, sure you are useful, but god that i hate the lb, standing still for 5 seconds is so sad :(


Bard is great in pvp. Pve, I still say bard need that summoner rework but pvp version so much fun.
I thought Warden was group buff and didn't know it was target only.. lol. opps.


Bard is busted, can carry game.
(In volcano stage it sucks).
