Next time they say 'Love Is Love', say THIS | Voddie Baucham

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In this video, we break down one of Voddie Baucham's sermons, "Do Not Love The World". He shows us from 1 John 2:15-17 when Love is actually the WRONG this to do. And then he tells us about true love, God's way.

00:00 - Love is Love?
00:47 - Christians need to know this about love
01:18 - When not to love #1
03:28 - When not to love #2
04:16 - Joe Rogan debates same-sex marriage with Matt Walsh
05:59 - When not to love #3
06:51 - Same-sex marriage?
9:42 - How to draw people to Christ


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One of the biggest misconceptions, and sometimes Christians are guilty of spreading this lie - the meaning and purpose of life is not for you to fill your heart with everything you desire. It’s not even to be happy. The purpose of our lives is to know God, to love God, and to serve Him in this life, in preparation for the next life. That is it. Everything else is superfluous.


Amen! Love your enemies DOES NOT MEAN endorse and promote their sins!


As a woman who has struggled with same-sex attraction in the past, I can say that homosexual lust comes from the same root as heterosexual lust: it's a root of SIN. It's a love of SELF rather than a love of God, plain and simple. This is what I've been telling my lesbian friend who has begun saying she wants freedom from homosexuality. Please pray for her spiritual growth as she's begun reading Scripture... we'll call her "Miss Marie". ❤


I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. Lived there for 30 years. I’ve had numerous conversations with homosexuals, many times because a homosexual man was attracted to me and began to solicit me. It gave me an opportunity to share the gospel. The Bible tells us to speak the truth in love. Hard to speak the truth in love when the truth isn’t considered loving. A reprobate mind will not accept the gospel.


“If you want to help someone, tell them the truth.
If you want to help yourself, tell them what they want to hear.”
Thomas Sowell


God didn't create people that way. He gives us free will. We choose to do things that don't line up to God's will. However if you turn away from your sinful nature and turn to the Father, He will forgive us.


"Love becomes sinful when it produces the wrong fruit." love that explanation.


I believe the only way you can truly love someone is telling them the truth even if it hurts there feelings.


Do not confuse worldly lust with Godly spiritual love. His Word tells us exactly how to tell the difference.


Just remember that telling people to turn away from sins without preaching the gospel is useless. If somebody who steals stops stealing, that doesn’t mean they are going to Heaven. They still need forgiveness and faith in Jesus for eternal life. The mark of a Christian isn’t that they simply stop sinning, it’s a true belief in Christ in tandem with a repentant heart.


This is why lies are damaging--the first lie, "born that way, " leads to another lie, "God made them this way"


Voddie doesn't mess around - he aims straight at the biblical truth of the matter and makes no apologies for it either! I am blessed to learn from him through his sermons. Thank you for sharing!


They say Jesus sat with sinners, so it is ok. But they leave out Jesus taught them to repent. He didn’t accept their sin. Matthew 9:9-13 KJV


This is the most cogent teaching on this subject that I’ve heard in a long time. Further, I would add that what some people call “love” isn’t love at all—it’s a disordered passion. God bless you!


I always tell them that water is water but that doesn't mean we drink from the toilet. Love can be tainted like water


“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James4:7.


Most sexual immorality seems to come from childhood trauma or exposure. I was exposed to adult content and transgender content at a young age and it took me a while to realize that wasnt right. Children must be protected from being programmed by society and its ills.


I love Dr Baucham’s straightforward teachings because they are biblically based. We need to keep going back to the Word for our instruction and enlightenment. Great video.


I identified as pansexual for over two decades. I thank God for bringing me to his LIGHT and to THE TRUTH. ❤ I had trauma from the evils of the world. Temptation to comfort the self with what was temporarily satisfying. Instead of finding sustenance in His Word and His will.
When I started to see the truth; it was clear that had been a toxic lifestyle. The more I learned what true healthy love is, the more I recognized how unloving those relationships were. That I never witnessed a teuly loving and caring ("romantic") relationship between two individuals in that community. But I have seen healthy loving relationships of such, between two heterosexual individuals. ❤ Including my own marriage.

Blessings. My testimony is not on the channel Delafé Testimonies; but its a food one for more examples. I've known plenty of people in life that have similar. If you need the support of relatability and/or to understand some of how that happens.
