Body Groove - Super Funk

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I'm so excited to share with you my brand new Body Groove Series DANCE YOUR HEART OUT. It's been a lot of work... tons of fun... and now it's ready for you. It's got all new music and routines and best of all... you can access it right now!!! Check out this preview of just one of these new routines from my DANCE YOUR HEART OUT series. It's called Super Funk and it's so much fun. Please let me know what you think and look out for more posts with more previews really soon. Much love and big hugs - Misty.

Here's a link where you can learn more about this incredible new collection...

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I'm an amputee, and I just got my prosthetic. I've not been able to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time since 2015. This has helped me learn to walk again! So glad I found this!! Thank you!


The guy on the sofa is my spirit animal. I’m disabled and he made me so happy seeing that it’s not how much you can do, but just doing something 😀


THANK YOU for showing people sitting down and still exercising. I have pain in my legs and knees at this current weight and just being able to do something while sitting in my chair lifts my spirits. LOVE YOU !!


This is so much fun. For a year or so, my phone alerts me to take my 3 o'clock dance break. No matter where I'm at, I have a private dance party. At 55, some think it's embarrassing when an "old" lady dances. Inside, I feel 21. At first, my granddaughter (12) died of embarrassment and told me to stop, when my dance parties began. I laughed and told her she was just jealous of all my fun. Now, she joins in. Your videos are teaching me some better moves for exercise sake. Thanks so much.


So glad to see the two sitting. They give me encouragement since I don't walk much these days. Even if you have to sit...Keep it moving y'all!


I've just come across your videos and I just have to say THANKYOU! I suffer from anxiety and depression and for the past 20 minutes of 'exercising' with you I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I rarely ever dance because I feel so awkward and uncoordinated but I feel this is something that will make me more comfortable in my body and I'm so grateful I found you! ❤


you inspire me Misty, Im elderly and wake up 3 in the morn to you. I believe God put you there for me to get motivated in OZ. Thank you darling,


My mom and dad are 85 and they live with me. And have gotten so used to being couch potatoes. But we are using this to get their energy up and we love it. Helps our entire family. I just love the lady with the locs that leads this. Her enthusiasm is EPIC


OMG! I can’t say how much I love this! My 16 month old baby girl and I just had a blast doing this together! I literally had so much fun I was laughing and crying. This will absolutely be in our future! I am totally blind, and can’t say how much this uplifted my day and made getting movement fun. Can’t wait to do more!


I'm in quarantine in Spain - and this is a godsend. Thank you Misty.


Love seeing different genders, sizes, ages, and ppl just having fun!


I' still watch this from time to time for inspiration. Since sitting is the new smoking, I like to take-5 for a dance break at the top of the hour throughout the day. Thanks again for these fun videos.


She has the best energy, and so inspiring.


Thank you for selecting the people you did to be in the video with you. I love that you have all body types, ages and abilities. You gave me permission to sit on a chair the days my joints hurt really bad just by having someone sitting. Days I feel better, I can move all over my living room. Thanks again.


It's just so lovely to see, witness and actually experience that exercises can be FUN


I’ve been going solo for a few years now since my three daughters grew up and became mothers, occasionally I get the pleasure of dancing with our grandkids. It’s a fun way to exercise!


This video made me so happy, I can't explain why


"I don't know about you...I'm funky, I'm HAPPY" Amen!


You have created Magic! I Am Able Exercise AND Dance. I've had physical issues caused by a few things from childhood to soon to be "56"! I'm Thankful & Grateful for YOU Sharing previews. You have a Gift of Lifting others Up thru Mind, Body, & Soul! Your previews are an Awesome Boost. Thank You!! With Much RESPECT, Tina


I use to dance all the time... and that's why I always thought I stayed so skinny!.. its not boring.. it's so much fun..u could do what u feel!... love!!
