Things You Should Know Before Playing on Teek TLP

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Things you should know before you start playing on a random loot server like Teek.

Redguides Multiboxing Link

---All my equipment and resources below---


Multiboxing Setup:

Private / Emulation Servers


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I stopped playing EQ back in the day when the Planes of Power came out. As a shaman, it was hard to get into groups or I just didn't have the right connections or reputation. But, when I hear everyone talking about EQ in expansions I've never touched or "chronos" I'm glad because I know it's like being a fresh player again. So many raids I didn't do and things I didn't see. I'm still trying to figure out which server to start up on...TLP this...and weird loot rules the happened to the game. hahahah


First time back in over 20 years, I'm just glad I decided to play again in time for teek. Gonna be fun.


I really miss the old, scrupulously individualized loot system, where every item was carefully tailored to be of specific use to either a certain class, or an archetype (melee, hybrid, caster, etc). At the same time, I must admit that especially at the higher levels and on a free trade server, having All/All items makes getting the loot out into the community as a whole a much, MUCH faster process. Even more so when it's randomized, so there aren't encounter-specific bottlenecks for that one item you really, really want.

Still, it makes me sad to see that items are still tailor-made for *certain* classes throughout every expansion (Rogue and Ranger), but everyone else has to squabble over the All/All stuff with maddeningly generic item, focus, and clicky effect names.

But that's a particular bugbear of mine I tend to go on about at random, so allow me to get back on topic: I loved raiding, not just for the loot but the accomplishment of it, learning to wring out every bit of performance from my class that I could. But I'm also 50 years old, and don't really want to HAVE to do it as a full-time job anymore just so I can experience the fun parts without getting pancaked into the floor with a single hit. God bless randomized loot that's free trade! Now, if they'd also do away with level requirements (but not the recommendations) like they did on Vaniki...


Thanks for mentioning EQ Progression. I've been doing my epics on live (FV) and his guides for those quests are excellent.


15 krono? So like 150 dollars? What the actual fuck man. Let's normalize not dropping a car payment on your character for gear.... 😮


Sir, you are the everquest master. Thank you for your service.


I saw an ad for teek servers on Reddit. I had no idea the game was still live.


TLP auctions worked for Oakwynd, so hopefully will work for Teek.


Servers gunna be a banger. Only plus that would make it crazy good is better crackdown on the afk bot crews. Say no to 10 picks of SG come Velious.


I haven't played since 99-03. Is it noob friendly?


Never played EQ and only recently heard of TLP... hows other ppl's experiences getting into EQ in 2024 having never played before?


I can’t wait for AnyBrain Ai anticheat to tackle multiboxing.


Don't all characters on an account share dz lockouts ? I thought this was the case for all servers except Oakywynd ?


I was a mage back when earth pets were better tanks than warriors lol. I would assume that isnt the case anymore?


It is a trick! rush! Burn through and you wont burn out!


I was excited to check an official TLP out, but this video ruined that. Thanks for saving me time.


Oh jesus.... they took WoW aids GDKP system from classic and have put it in eq... fuck that garbage im out


whoa was thinking about playing eq after many many years but wtf is this pay to win bull shit? lmao gtfoh


I was thinking about logging into my account I have kept up since 2000…thanks for showing me that it is pointless as long as there are krono in the game. Back in the day the idea of spending real life money on in game items was repulsive…now you say…and support non dkp raid loot earning is non existent since buying raid loot is now the way to go…this is wrong..wrong…wrong. This shit is what destroyed EQ and you are supporting this behavior. $18.00 for a krono…16 krono for a item…$288.00 real life cash for one item…this is what killed the game…this is why there are no new players…you did this because you support this behavior. Trying to justify split profits on the sale of an item in a raid outweigh the right to someone who actually was at the raid…regularly contributes…and has earned the item.


The very first thing you should actually know is that everyone who plays on new TLPs always think they are the best at the game so a lot of egos and cock measuring goes on. GMs of the guilds are typically worst people. Be prepared to get your camps trained and stolen by people who "legitimately" multibox. Other than that, have fun! 😂
