This Simple Trick Makes Dog Nail Trimming EASY!

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In this McCann Dogs video, Kayl introduces her puppy, Kaos, and provides a detailed puppy nail trimming guide. Whether you’re wondering how to trim puppy nails without clippers, exploring the best nail trimmers for puppies, or searching for tips to keep your puppy calm during nail trims, this video offers practical answers. Kayl shares her step-by-step process for handling puppy paws, building positive associations, and ensuring that nail care is stress-free and safe. Learn how to cut black puppy nails, decide whether puppy nail filing vs. clipping is right for you, and discover tools for safe puppy nail trims.

This video is perfect for anyone looking to establish good grooming habits, understand how often to clip puppy nails, and recognize the signs a puppy’s nails are too long. By following Kayl’s approach, you’ll gain valuable puppy nail care tips and help make every nail-trimming session a simple, positive experience.

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I just include paws being touched in being pet. I scratch her good spot and pair that with paw touch. I mark yes when she lets me hold her paw. I run my fingers around the nail and move fur, extend nail, etc. Just sneak it in here and there and "yes" when she is still and allows it.

I make sure to only actually trim her nails when she is wore out and falling asleep. Same with grooming. She wakes up, yes, but she's way calmer and I can still mark with "yes" and other praise. 20 weeks old and so far so good, she's almost completely tolerant without wiggling or pulling away if I catch her in that sleepy state.

Edit: my motto is that if I can't tell if I'll hit the quick or not, I don't go for it. It's not worth the possible trauma. If I'm not sure, I've probably gone far enough already for health/comfort to her purposes. I make sure to keep on top of trimming, that way her quicks don't get longer.


Excellent helpful video...thanks so much!😊


Training from day one is the key especially a puppy but what about grown dogs? Fosters? Adoption older dogs difficult


Happily my Bullmastiff💖 breeder started dremeling the puppies' nails when very young!
I now continue this practice and have since tossed the clippers.
My other 2 dogs also now put up very little resistance to getting their nails done. (Including my other mastiff at 120#!)


We have concrete pavers in the very large driveway so i rely on these to keep nails shorter. The trick is to brush teeth and i started day one with puppies with a toothbrush in their mouth. It is easier with one dog than it is with the other.


My 2 year old is very comfortable with her paws touched, I can play with her toe beans all day long. But as soon as she sees clippers (or trimmer) she turns into a Tasmanian devil 😭


My dog is absolutely nuts and doesn't have a calm state. So it's always fun.


The vet tech cut directly through my dogs nail when he was about 6 months old and it was a bloodbath in the room. The powder didn't help, they had to hold him down and even touching the nail to stop the bleeding made him crazy. He was whipping his head back and they ended up muzzling him, which shockingly he wasn't afraid of. He kept licking the techs face too. So that was shocking. Can't touch his nails anymore. He had to wear a boot and be put on pain meds, antibiotics, etc. It was terrible. So now we can't cut them


Ive got 3 staffys. I've never once have given them a treat to trim nails.I've sat them down, said we are trimming your nails, and they just accept it. Same woth ear cleanings, baths, and getting eye boogies
They trust me and know its just what Mom does😅 Staffys are the best!!!


I work at a kennel and dogs get bathed and nail trims… it can take 3 of us sometimes to accomplish it! 😰


Been trying to train my new dog who is about a year old. He’s not treat led at all. Been using positive attention as reward but is there any thing else I can try?


I know you can take your dog and walk him over the blacktop and they don't need to have their nails cut if you do that daily and for about 15 minutes or so a day. Unfortunately my knees aren't the best and I need them for work, so we have minimal wax and not that long which is understatement but we play inside which does not do nothing with the nails so I take her to the vet to get them done. And she cries...she gets highly anxious


I gave it up long ago. Chinese Pug a/k/a great white. Take him to the vet, and he’s a perfect gentleman. WTH??


What 8f your dog doesn't take to treats?


I trained my dog from dat one for grooming. She was great, use to fall a sleep while I was doing her brushing and clipping. I took her to the groomers and now she is terrified of the grooming experience. I do not know what they did but now I cannot undo it. She had been to this groomer many times but the last time she had a new groomer and she ruined my dog. No treats, no tricks nothing works. She is a lhasa Apso and needs her hair cut all the time.


The way you are trimming the dogs' nails will cause joint injuries
