Gentile Inclusion in Early Christianity #shorts #jesus #christian #jewish #thegospel #bible

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In this short from “Misquoting Jesus with Bart Ehrman”, Bart takes us into the early Christian movement and the role of the Apostle Paul in shaping its direction.
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If Jesus would have said to go to Gentiles, the apostles wouldn't have waited for over 10/15 years for Peter to get a revelation, that it's okay to sit and eat with Gentiles (Acts 9/10), the apostles would have started immediately. Paul also wouldn't be necessary as a self appointed "apostle" to the Gentiles and Acts 15 wouldn't be necessary, since Jesus would have taught the apostles if Gentiles need to keep the law or not.

I think what happened is that the apostles preached only to Jews just as a jesus taught them, but then more and more Gentiles became interested in Christianity and then the 12 apostles needed to handle that situation on their own and I think Galatians 2 12-14 is reliable, they (James, Peter, John etc.) wanted Gentiles to keep the law, while Paul didn't want it and so they split.


I know there is a message here but we went from crazy glasses to super thick glasses


I grew up in a moderate church and was always an agnostic. Kind of person with no strong beliefs but see the social value and psychological/emotional importance of religion. Main reason I couldn’t be a Christian is I simply don’t believe Jesus ever saw himself as anything more than a Jewish prophet. He spoke to and for Jews, and nobody else. It’s actually kind of a melancholy thought to me, that all of these serious and devout Christians, mostly good and moral people, have been worshipping a prophet who didn’t want them😢


Bringing in the lost sheep out in the "Gentiles" was to fulfill a promise from long ago so that all Israel would be saved.


Kind of sad that millions of people are worshipping as a God a man who saw himself as the prophetic fulfilment of what is a very ethno-centric religious tradition. It gives me way more respect for those Europeans who are looking into pre-Christian religious traditions


What's that background Gregorian chant music called?


Can I ask, when did Paul's understanding of the gospel become standard Christian doctrine?


I cant see past the Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood glasses.


Im afraid to say anything because you never know who or what will be in power in the future.


Wrong… God gave Peter revelation he didn’t even understand on the very first day of the church when Peter spoke Acts 2:38-39… Peter himself didn’t even realize what it all meant, all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call! Then fast forward to Acts 10 when he is on the roof of Simon the tanner and God gives him the vision and then he goes to Cornelius and sees the Italians get the Holy Ghost and he understands what God is doing… Acts 2:38 IS the plan of salvation… if you haven’t followed it and you haven’t been filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues you aren’t saved. Period.


Due to his non-requirement for circumcision, Paul more easily preached to the Genitals.


Donc c'est tout la faute de Paul ce prosélitisme!


The god of Abraham is a demiurge, the embodiment of wrath and jealousy. Jesus tried to warn us of Yahwehs true nature, but failed, and thus his words were twisted. There was no resurrection. Jesus KNEW he was not the son of god. He was merely a prophet, disciple, acolyte, whatever you would call it.


Paul was the correct one, what matters is faith in Jesus, faith and works in Saving.
Peter and others ego and conscience was still attached to the Law and practices, but faith isn't dependant on laws, rituals or practices.
Jesus told some pagans who worshipped many false gods that their faith was great, and to one pagan Jesus said his faith was the greatest. These pagans were focused on Saving, believing and in practice, had faith in Jesus.
And to his disciples (first Christians) Jesus told them that they had little faith.


twelve apostles, ... twelve different teaching. only in Christianity😂, no wonder too many contradictions and confusions, .
and the Christians counted all to be word of god. 😂
it's clear that, .. the death of their leader Jesus was a disaster that scattered them all, and so.. everyone on his own with he's own version of teaching.
... imagine Paul who never saw Jesus also claims he met the spirit of Jesus on the way.😂 and the spirit of Jesus thought him what no one has ever known..., i guess Jesus forgot that part of teaching when he was alive.😂
thesame thing with peter.
i think in order to convince people about a change you're about to bring in, you have to be smart, ... it has to sound like a private encounter which happened between you and God alone. 😂 so that no one will oppose it.😂
just say the spirit of Jesus met you somewhere ALONE and minister to you the mysterious left over message😂, with that, .. no one dares to say its not true.
and to the Christian... all these was called the word of god. 😂😂
that is how Christianity was built.


Paul understood what Jesus wanted - the rest of the disciples were almost worthless. What Jesus wanted out of Peter he got out of Paul. The disciples didn't understand the New Covenant - still thinking selfishly.
