Mandukya Upanishad with Karika - Session 20
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The verses dealt in today’s class are very important and profound.The 21st verse analyses the essential nature of Atma and Anatma. Immortality is the essential nature of Atma and mortality is the essential nature of Anatma. Claiming the immortality of myself, the Atma and gracefully accepting the mortality of Anatma by dropping the mis-conception that I am mortal is Moksha. These are Nidhidhyasanam verses which lays emphasis on the aim not to become immortal but to claim that immortality which is my essential nature. The verses also clarify that Vedas do not talk about the actual origination of the world but only of the seeming origination just like the the actual Sun-rise even though it is only a seeming one. Mimamsa, the Vedic analysis and Tarka the Logic help in establishing this conclusion that creation is not an actual creation. To support this profound understanding, Gaudapadacharya takes mantras fromKathopanishad,Brahadaranyaka Upanishad,Purusha Sukta,and Isha Vasya Upanishad.