Books I Want to Reread

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I need to reread more books!

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Yes thank you for making this video - not enough people on booktube talk much about rereading. I love returning to a novel, either as a reread of a familiar favourite or giving a book a second chance (which often has worked out well!). I've started saving such books to a reread tag on Goodreads!


Great video! I love rereading so much that it actually often crowds out my time for reading new and backlist books, but I can't seem to stop.


Anyone who calls Wuthering Heights a love story has not understood the book. I describe it as a Gothic tragedy. It is one of my favorites, though it took me 3 or 4 attempts to get through it because initially I hated it.


Olive, I knew I loved ya already, but when you said The Glorious Heresies, I smiled from ear to ear. You talked me into reading that book and it's in my top 10 fav books! That is a book that I'd grab if my house was on fire and I could only get my favorite things. Seriously. It's just so good! I have 100 plus unread books, and yet I re-read all the time. They are like a hug, reuniting with a best friend. It's pure comfort to re-read favorites.


Yes Olive! I love re-reading and there's this odd pressure to race ahead and leave beloved books behind. I find the need to slow down and take my time and re-read and just slow it down lately. I read Zafon's children series last year and loved it, I recently obtained the Shadow of the Wind and the other three books in the series....who knows when I'll get to it. Let me know if you'd be interested in buddy-reading that one.


I'm also planning a re-read of The Shadow of the Wind, the other three main books and the novella that sits between the second and third book, The Rose of Fire. Having been born in Barcelona, these books mean a lot to me and I was really sad to hear of Ruiz Zafón's passing. It's a good time to re-read them.


Hi Olive, a book recommend. Lexicon sounded intriguing and it reminded me of a book from the 60s. Babel 17 by Samuel R Delany gets a big recommend from me. It deals with, among other things, using language as a weapon with a lot of interesting world building from Delany. And it's short, you can probably get through it in an hour or two. A real punchy and interesting short novel.


Olive, I love you. You single-handedly got me excited about reading again. Sending kisses xxxx


I’ve only recently started rereading books and I have to say that it has been an absolute pleasure. I didn’t make time for rereading for a long while because I had so many new books that I wanted to discover, but there is something so comforting about diving back into a book I enjoyed and experiencing it all over again.


I sometimes revisit a book as an audiobook, adds another dimension to a reread.
Euphoria, I think I picked this up at the library but returned it unread - must get to it.
Shadow of the Wind - yes so beautiful.
Asunder sounds like an interesting novella.
Milkman is one that is top on my list that I'd love to reread. Cloudstreet by Tim Winton, I love to reread.
Happy reading :D


Cork Dork sounds so interesting! Going on my TBR right now.


I love to reread books but I am so very much older and I’m not sure that I have the stamina to keep up with prizes and new releases anymore. So yes to rereading and yes to finding headspace for Shadow of the Wind and it’s sequels. I read the first book and enjoyed it and have the next two so I think that is an early requirement.


I often reread my favorite books via audiobook. Especially classics, since there are so many amazing audio editions. I love Wuthering Heights so much, so I hope you like it this time around. I fell in love with the book during my doctoral program in literature, when I had to read it again. I love the Brontes so much that my dog is named Bronte!


Hey, Olive! Would you consider making a video about your favourite art related novels and nonfiction books? I've recently noticed that I love reading them as well (it was right after I've read Strapless, back in June) and since you've mentioned it, I thought it was worth to try and ask :)

I'll be very curious to see your thoughts on your reread of Wuthering Heights. Rereading books that were terrible reading experiences when we were in high school is always eye opening (of how our perceptions changed and of how badly taught they were). Hope you have a great week!


I am a holiday re-reader LOL! I have to reread Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow on Halloween night and Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol on Christmas Day. This year I may add a few other spooky rereads that I loved from years ago as well. Have fun on your rereads!


I added a couple books from your video to my reading list!


I only read Wuthering Heights in late middle age after trying to start it so many times and getting bogged down in the too similar names from generation to generation.
It was only when I turned to using online sparknotes chapter by chapter and reading each chapter with this in mind, the themes, the motifs etc, that it came together.
I was able to finish it and really get something from it, to gain understanding and appreciation of it.


You should totally listen to The Odessey. The version by Claire Danes in beautiful. Hope you find the time to do more re-reading!


I think you might like Rush by Stephen Fried. It's a biography of Benjamin Rush, a Pennsylvania signer of the Declaration of Independence and a doctor who pioneered both mental health research and treatment. He helped create universities. The book was written by a team of students with a variety of majors, and their professor. The students got to pick aspects of his life that connected to their interests.


I must give The Shadow of the Wind another try... great list of books they all sound very interesting...
