How to Kitesurf Upwind

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This Kiteboarding tutorial looks at how to ride upwind. It shows the body position, as well as the speed and kite control required to ride upwind well. Upwind kiteboarding is shown in a veriety of angles, with markers showing the wind direction so you can picture what is happening when you kitesurf upwind.

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The quality of these tutorials is amazing. Thank you for these. I'm watching them before going out for my first session without my instructor and they're a great memory refresher!


The superimposed wind lines are tremendously helpful, keep up the great videos!!


Best video that explains upwind riding.. for years gone and for years to come 😎


This is exactly what my instructor taught me with 10hrs lesson, thank you so much make it so easy to understand.


This is evergreen YouTube content. Great work making it such high quality and concise


Very good video.I think its also important to note that looking upwind / turning your shoulders in the direction that you are riding makes it easier to edge upwind. Many people dont realise this and are focused on the kite instead and not looking in the direction they are travelling in.


Superb quality production. A pleasure to watch. Thanks.


You are an amazing instructor.

The videos, the drawings, wind direction indicators, virtually shown power zone areas, technical explanations, slow motion and repetitions from different angles... All these helped me "not to memorize what to do" but "to actually learn and understand what to do" under various conditions.

The video is amazing to understand how the board can go upwind while the kite trying to pull the kiter downwind. Before watching this video; heading against the wind looked like magic; but after watching the video and listening every single word that you say, I understood that "this is not magic but science".

No one other than your video can explain this better:
-If you go too fast, then board will barely touch the water, so there will be no resistance and the kite will pull you downwind.
-If you go too slow, then there is too much resistance and the kiter is sunk.
-If you start upwind too early before planing, then the board will sink and energy lost for nothing. Rather, do this turning like a smooth carve or arc.
-If you try to sit; rather than leaning backwards with your upper body; then your center of gravity will be out of the board and your heals will not push the board downward and the board will be dragging rather than cutting the water.
-If you want to (re)gain speed; either sheet in the bar, if this was not enough then do up & down loops to reposition the kite into the power zone, and if this was still not enough then aim the board back downwind for a while. If you go too fast (which results in to less water contact), then sheet out the bar or turn the board upwind.

Actually, the whole idea is to learn how to use your kiteboard like the "keel of a sailboat".

Thank you so, so, so much. This video is priceless.


Another excellent video with very very useful information, explained in the best possible way!
Nobody explained it that well.. So clear and well articulated speech, with adequate speed!

Thank you!


Easily the best kiteboarding instructional video I have seen to date.   The use of graphics is excellent and makes it easy to understand.  Great work!


had my 1st proper upwind training was making all mistakes that you mentioned. Going to be mindful of your advice in my next water session!


Great video! Best camera and diagram work I've seen to date. Thanks for posting this. Can't wait to see more.


best tutorials out there!! I'm thinking about taking a membership. One thing tho: in some examples I see you guys having the safety leash sideways on the harness. I don't care what you do in your own kitetime, but if you make tutorials for people to watch them all over the world (mostly beginners) please hook it in front. ITS JUST NOT WORTH IT, when you find yourself in some real bad (bone breaking) situations.


Similar to what everyone else commented, great diagrams and super logical explanations. Thanks a lot, this is a helpful refresher, can't wait to see more.


best youtube kitesurf video- very useful helping to explain all this to my mate who's learning. wish this had been about years ago


Quality vid and easily the best on you tube for riding upwind by a long long way.


Love Provo! Just showing these videos to my friend like an hour after riding longbay


verry helpfull video. I defenity saw myself doing the poopsart. Twisting the shoulders insead helps a lot.


This was an amazing breakdown. Thank you! I saw several of own mistakes
