How to Ride UPWIND in Kitesurfing | Learn to Kitesurf Ep. 12

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In this 12th episode of learning to kitesurf, I go through how to ride upwind. As a beginner kite surfer, this is an essential skill to learn as this allows you to kite consistently without having to stop and walk back upwind. Once you learn how to kitesurf upwind, your progression in kitesurfing will increase significantly as you can ride more without having to walk back upwind.

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I'm also a beginner and I was struggling to find the right body position on my board, leaning to far on the backfoot, and not having a stable enough body position for easy upwind crusing, especially during light wind conditions. I've found that a better notion of "leaning with your shoulders" is leaning with your pelvis engaged, like you would with your hip thrusting in a "sexual" motion. When you lean the shoulders only you tend to pull in the bar too much, and I tend to pull my weight too much on the bar instead of with the harness. So keeping my abs and cheeks engaged while resisting the pull of the kite with my harness, almost as if I was doing a dead lift with little bit of a rounded back, helped tremendously. Now I can better distribute my weight and edge much harder while not loosing speed or comfort.


Great video. Lots of good shots of your posture which is really helpful.


gonna try it out, I want to improve my upwind riding, it got better but its not perfect yet. I have one problem though and it might sound weird. I often feel like im leaned back but im not as i record myself often and then I see. I can lean back more and more.
