Old Computers Won't Work on Windows 11 24H2

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Old Computers Won't Work on Windows 11 24H2

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#windows11 #windows10 #tech
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Am i the only one that was very relieved when i found out i can not upgrade to Windows 11?


It's absolutely ridiculous how many computers are going to end up in the landfill because of this. Most people don't want to use an alternative operating system. And windows is trying to force everyone on to Windows 11 using newer machines.


Just FYI - any Linux distribution will happily run on old hardware. Plus, it's free.


When Windows 11 first came out, the unsupported hardware list included CPU's that were only 5 years old, that was a piss take. This is for stuff that's 15+ years old, so this is understandable. But as you say this could be the start of a slippery slope.


I will never downgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Once Win 10 is no longer supported, I'll be permanently done with Microsoft.


every company who pushes hard against e-waste comes up with the best methods to create even more, overflowing i guess


I don't think it has anything to do with nostalgia. I think it has to do with the fact that if it works for what one needs so be it. I still miss Windows 7 as do many but M$ made sure we would eventually all need 10. My mom is 87 years old and still runs an online business using a simple AMD system I built for her in 2013. It does everything she needs. I can guarantee that new tech will confuse her to no end and that especially includes having to learn a newer version of Windows. When she had to move from 7 to 10 it took her a long time before she felt comfortable. I have tried to work with her on 11 and frustration is basically what she feels. YMMV


I'm running WinXP, Vista Ultimate, Win7 and Win10 on old, perfectly working laptops and desktops. Why would I discard them if they're doing what I need and want them to do?


I'm running Linux Mint instead of Windows 11 on my everyday laptop. One thing I'll never have to worry about is if the next version won't install on my machine.


This is them trying to end legacy support


This stuff would make a lot more sense if Windows 11 did anything user facing that visibly requires any more oompf than Windows 10. What are they doing that requires more modern CPUs, is is just spyware related?


Will add that Linux Mint has been very good to us, both with new Ryzen builds and on older systems.


I've tried several distros of Linux and I like Mint Cinnamon the best as it's the closest to Windows that I've tried. Most people will catch on to the basics in no time.


I never even tried win11 even with supported hardware, didn't see any reason to update when win10 runs fine and I only hear of issues with win11.


No way I'm replacing parts or whole computers for an O.S. that is too much of a cost hit for me. So when Windows 11 came out; I switched all the basic computers in the house out for Zorin O.S. and this is simply because for my household, the Windows feel is there and that is all that is needed, same icons launch the same programs, with few issues.


Even in the Linux world a lot of Distros stopped supporting older x86 hardware, you can still get Linux working on old hardware, DSL (Darn small linux) just released an update after a long time, I think it is based on AntiX with support for older computers and I think it still fits on a CD even for older computers. There reaches a point with older hardware, where it becomes a pain to do anything online, I was playing around with an old netbook the other day I found in a closet, with only a gig of ram and that thing choked on most modern webpages. The only reason it could even get online at all is because it had Linux on it.


Whether you're reviving an old laptop or simply prefer a stable computing environment, Linux distributions offer the perfect blend of reliability, performance, and support for legacy hardware. From the user-friendly experience of Ubuntu LTS and Linux Mint to the lightweight efficiency of Lubuntu and Puppy Linux, there's a distro to suit every need and preference. Embrace the power of open-source software and breathe new life into your aging hardware with these Linux distributions.


Just checked the CPU in my old Dell XPS 8300 I7 2600 Desktop, bought in a thrift store. Happy to find it's still going to be supported.🙂


If Win 11 was better than 10, I would use it. ALL the changes in Win 11 are unnecessary and unhelpful.


Most older people do not like moving forward to new technology because at some point adapting to new stuff becomes more of a challenge to learn. When I was young, new tech was an exciting adventure, and I was eager to learn new ways of doing things that would make life "easier" or more "productive". However, as technology evolved and legacy data became more important requiring major backward compatibility to allow continued use of well-known systems, things felt like a great deal of upheaval and trouble to move with the times. I still am not too fond of the ribbon interface in Microsoft Office and find the older toolbars and menu system far more intuitive.

It would also be nice to be able to play well-loved games which ran on older platforms on newer hardware for a little retro relaxation. Obsolescence is a curse that comes with progress, and learning new technology becomes more of a chore than an exciting adventure. Computing used to be fun, but with complexity and progress it is now as dull as learning arithmetic was when we were at school.

Still, progress goes on and ultimately we have to learn to move with it.
