Best & WORST Weapons in Apex Season 22

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The Weapon Meta has changed in Apex Legends Season 22
Weapons Tier List - MangosInTrees Apex Legends

D Tier - 0:00
C Tier - 3:35
B Tier - 5:42
A Tier - 13:09
S Tier - 17:44

Best and Worst Weapons Apex Legends Season 22
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I should have clarified… Akimbos being B tier is without hammerpoints. Of course if you get hammers/gold versions they move up to maybe high A, S Tier I could see. Both have their pros/cons in terms of which one is better but it really will just come down to what you like and how you find them for yourself.


G7 in C tier is insane. Similar damage to 30-30 but with much faster fire rate, twice the mag size faster reload, and better hipfire. High A, maybe S for me


I still stand by the Mozam-Akimbo being S tier.
Game after game, these guns shred.


Saying the 30-30 is better than the G7 is wild.


Never let bro make a tier list ever again


Nahhh Akimbo Mozam is S tier you win most close range fights with it


Okay this is where I'm about to disagree with you G7 scout in c tier no it does equally the same damage as the 3030 it reduced The recoil spread it has an increased fire rate compared to the 3030 repeater. I think both the G7 scouts and the 30/30 repeater should B tier if not A tier. The akimbo Mozambiques shreds with the hammer points is very good and it has an increased fire rate alone it should be S Tier


I agree with everying but the G7 does 33 dmg per shot got its recoil spread and consistentcy buffed and hipfire with it is insanely good and 20 shots on a purple mag with the light ammo Give the gun another try and you should put it top of A. G7 rn is just a faster Firing 3030


Im glad you mentioned the ammo situation. My friends and I had noticed that it felt like we were constantly desperate for ammo and couldnt really prove it other than it just felt scarce.


That RE45 placement is CRAZY gun actually shredds with or without hammers. Has a faster hipfire straife speed of other smgs with the same accuracy, less recoil and similar mag size


Once again I do not understand your placement of the CAR in C Tier. I mean obviously it's not S tier, but C? I don't get it.
Ignoring CP weapons it has the 2nd highest DPS out of any gun in the game behind the Havoc, and with it one of the shortest TTKs. It is very consistent once you get the recoil down (which isn't hard to begin with).
The hipfire is actually pretty good: It's the same as the Alternator/Prowler without a Laser (although ofc that has the slower fire rate as a benefit in hipfire), and it's way better then the Volt (even with Laser) or the Havoc for that matter.
It has a fairly high Damage per Mag (228 without a mag... uh OK), so it's good enough to melt someone on Purple, if you ADS spam you can kill pretty much anyone with it. If you get even a blue mag you can oneclip almost anything that runs at you.
The ammo-swap makes it amazing for team economy and it also alleviates the ammo concerns you have because you can just pick up whatever you find on the way.
Honestly, I don't get it, but you've been placing it way down for a couple season and I am really curious why.


I also disagree with your assessment of the significance of the r3 mag buff. Those 3 rounds make 1 clipping so much more consistent in my experience.


Rampage is a deleter when charged but when it's not you lose 90% so it's tough


Putting the P2020 and the Mozam on the exact same tier is nonsense. The akimbo Mozam are broken. The P2020 are not.


I wanna see the Alternator with Anvil Receiver or just an alt fire that shoots both barrels at once.


The damage fall off for the r99 is so people can't beam from a distance. It's just normal for a weapon to lose it's viability the further out of its intended range it goes


one thing that makes no sense this season with LMGs is adding the reverse hipfire aspect to them all, incentivizing hipfiring... and then proceeding to add a hop up for only LMGs that incentivizes ADSing... seems very counterintuitive to me


The R9 is prolly one of my favorite guns to be meta. It’s got a hard to control recoil but shreds when you hit your shots


P20 and the Mozam are god tier right now. Try pushing out the range, use them at mid to long range and you will be SHOCKED. Not to mention they are insane close range. Also mad maggie and gibby have a perk to auto reload shotguns on knocks.


They should do an event where they bring back the hop ups and have them built in
Anvil reciever
Select fire
N buff em
Prolly not the anvil receiver cuz that shit was cracked but buff em all
