Older Quadro or GeForce GTX 1080 for 3D Work

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Benchmark for Maya, 3ds Max, and Cinebench, comparing
Quadro K5000 vs GeForce GTX 1080 viewport performance for the same budget.
Quadro GPUs were a-must-have for studios and serious 3D artists, but if you have $800 is it better to get GeForce or older Quadro of the similar price?
Benchmark done on Dual Xeon 56-core workstation
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EDIT: Please note that the video is not relevant anymore. It was created when new 1080 costed as much as second hand K5000. But today GTX cards are too expensive because of cryptocurrency mining, and Quadros are much less expensive than several years ago


If you have a choice between a modern Geforce card or a quadro, the geforce will likely outperform it (higher clock), but the quadro is one of a few devices (AMD FirePro) that enables the 10-bit opengl path in its drivers which can be used by Photoshop/Premiere and other professional applications to display deep color. To be clear -- a geforce card will likely render scenes out faster than a quadro, the content may be 10-bit depending on where it came from, but the wider color gamut cannot be displayed inside Photoshop/Premiere/Resolve for professional color grading (this also requires a true 10+ bit professional display).

The question isn't "what is faster?" but rather "do I need to display 10-bit content in a professional application, or do I require more VRAM than geforce cards can provide?". The last 2 points are why Quadro cards are still relevant to professionals. If I was uploading 10-bit video to youtube/netflix for HDR, I'd probably want to see the content on a 10-bit display and maybe do some color grading with deep color available. I could handle a similar situation with a geforce card, but I wouldn't see 10-bits, it would dither down to 8-bit, there might be some banding, and while it may look "good enough" I would still want to see it in 10-bits before publishing it if this was professional work.


With Quadro your paying for stability, Drivers that are compliant with the Pro tools and memory that is stable. I use Catia in my day job and licenses push 100k pa and then the Hourly rate for design engineers is high. The few grand for a bit of hardware really doesn't come into the equation. Just buy what is sure to work.


To be fair, that quadro is from like 2 generations ago.


Yes geforce are better for content creation software. But for broader use of 3D, do benchmark with Specviewperf. Benchmark software for industrial 3D. Then we could see the quadro completely destroy geforce.


Please note that the K5000 is based off the Kepler architecture and was released back in 2013. A more fair comparison would be between the Quadro P6000 against the GTX 1080, both bearing the new Pascal architecture.

But essentially yeah Quadros are not worth the price in MOST cases for typical PC users and are made to delete your wallet


Comparing a Pascal vs a Kepler card, of course the way older card will loose


Thanks for the post, it helped a lot with quoting a 3ds user their new PC, seeing the vid and the comments, I was convinced

The customer is getting a new i7 rig (16GB RAM, PCIe SSD, 27" monitor) and I went with a GTX 1060 6GB. A champion computer I'll sell for US$1400
Cheers Tech Guy :)


because k5000 is a older , his double precision-130 GFLOPs , 1080p has a double precision : 277 GFLOPs


Yeah, the only problem is that Maya, 3ds Max and Cinebench only check 3DX capabilities of cards. Let's try comparing the cards in OpenGL and 3D-modelling (CAD) environment... ;)


need select OpenGL option from viewport maya and 3dsmax for better test


Spinning heads and such like is all very well, but I've had both Quadro and GTX and will say that the GTX's are good for Activeshade rendering (VRay) the Quadro is better for viewport *display*. Maybe. I'm still testing my new Geforce cards but when working in 3DS Max, things like edges are hard to see and sometimes even not visible at all - it's a glitch and will drive me nuts if I experience it permanently. It's early days, might be driver issues, but I've got two 1080 ti's and was intending to fill up my motherboard with 4 of them. I think I'll just go with 3 and make the 4th a Quadro specifically for the viewports alone (you can do that with VRay).


Yeah, It's only marketing, I have not seen differentiate between Quadro and GeForce. I using Octane Render with dual GTX 980 TI and I found that GeForce is more worthly than Quadro. A few year ago, I try to test preview speed of modeling in heavy polygons in viewport between Quadro K5000 and GTS 450, I have not seen difference.


Don't forget that there's more to 3d performance in some cases than just viewport rendering. There's also CUDA enhanced Path Tracing and GPU enhanced real time rendering nowadays, which all benefit greatly from the amount of CUDA cores in your card, and the clock speed of those cores. In many cases, GTX gaming cards like the 1080 or now the RTX line will have substantially more cores than a similarly priced Quadro. This means faster rendering in path tracing render engines and faster overall performance rendering in GPU enhanced software renderers, like the Mercury engine that Adobe uses.


I agree with u when it's on 3ds max because Nirous it's optimize for Gaming card
but on Maya I think Quadro is better on OpenGL Setting
U can try
srry for my bad eng


GPU NVIDIA Quadro K5000 (GK104). Аналог по скорости GeForce® GTX 680


If you are working with Davinci Resolve or other GPU accelerated video editing tools, forget about the quadro. get the gtx.


1080 costs about a 10th of what the quadro k5000 and performs better. amazing.


GeForce is the same Quadro, except there are limitations placed on GeForce cards, though those limitations are possible to be removed, it wouldn't be worth it.


I heard that Quadro has 10-bit colour per channel for OpenGL, but Geforce only has 10 bit in DirectX, is this correct? As getting a 10 bit monitor, would mean you'd need Quadro to fully utilize it.