How to Fix a Nasally Voice

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00:00 Introduction
01:26 Health Issues
02:57 Bad Muscle Habits
04:43 Exercises

Here are the supplements I used that really changed things for me:

1. Serapeptase enzyme. It breaks down the sinus blockage connective tissue.
2. Xlear natural saline nasal spray. The 3 ingredients are: Saline, grapefruit seed extract and xylitol.
3. Personal Steam Inhaler from Bosistos. Most chemists have this
4. Also - eliminate anything that blocks you up. Start eliminating dairy of all sorts, plus gluten and see how it changes things. Wine blocks me up too. All alcohol actually. Once you figure out what makes you worse, avoid those things as much as possible. Keep a food journey to track your breathing and health daily. Write down everything you eat and drink and how you felt within an hour afterwards. You will find it fascinating!

Good Luck on Your health Journey!

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🦋 About Elisa James:

Elisa James is a professional performer with over 30 years’ experience in the entertainment industry world-wide.

Starting out at just 14 years old as a professional dancer/acrobat, Elisa moved to singing and acting as her fulltime career by age 17.

Performing all over the world singing in bands, orchestras, as solo Cabaret Artist, One Woman Theatre show, Musical Theatre Productions, Session singer for famous pop stars and many other gigs lead her eventually to living in Europe and America for the majority of her career.

Along the way, as a confident performer, she was always asked to speak, MC or present at various venues around the world for events and seminars, and due to this fell into the professional speaking industry almost by accident.

After completing 3 degrees in Holistic Health (USA) and Voice Production, she now coaches aspiring and professional speakers, actors and singers to use correct voice production for their career.

She also holds webinars, masterclasses, events, workshops and trainings for corporations, small businesses and private coaching clients.
Рекомендации по теме

Elisa -I am just starting a voice over career and I was told on feedback that there's some nasally issues and need to overcome...been watching vocal coaches as I can't afford one I must say Thank u so much and love your video as you are the first one who made me so aware on this -Ng and hah vibration...
You are amazing ..thank u so much


Thank you very much ! This exercise definitely has made me aware, will keep practicing now and see what happens.


I have asthma and allergies. It drives me mad cause my voice will just randomly change through out the day. I recently started as a walk on for a Disney Plus series and while I wasn’t speaking on it, it started to terrify me. My voice kept straining and going hoarse and just getting more hoarse while straining as I spoke. Even if I went ages without speaking. There were flowers near the set, lilies which I’ve been told are high for pollen. Buts one times it just happens randomly and I hate it! I’m aware of it happening and I start sounding like a boy who’s voice is breaking. For an aspiring actress I’d rather not have the issue that could break my career :(


Also how did you fix your nasal breathing/ deviated septum in a "holistic" way. That would literally change my life.


Very nice video, are there any other exercises that we can do in order to improve our awarness and/or to reduce the nasal sounds?


Thank you. Great video! I think my issue is mostly nasal polyps from allergies.


I don't know why people keep doing this, but "nasally voice" is incorrect, "nasally" is an adverb, it's "nasal voice"...


It would be great if you shared a video about how to fix the issue with breathing. I also got a surgery for a deviated septum that didn't help at all and my voice is nasaly. Thanks.


Thank you so much for this video, I was told in school in that you have a nasal voice and that made me so conscious about it and thanks to your test I now know for myself that n and m are nasal sound and hence I do not have a nasal voice it's normal


I like to watch your videos
I'm SLP so it's giving me a nice idea for my patients 😍


Mam I think my voice is good while speaking but later on listening it in by recording. This sound doesn't satisfy me. I feel very bad about it.This video is very great and I watch your all video.


I talk through my nose been doing this forever it's bothering me idk how to fix it


Thanks for this ma, am
My 5 years old son have issues pronouncing some words
And I also found it difficult to hear him sometimes


This is the second video of yours I've watched and I really like your friendly, informative style!

What does it mean when a person can't feel the nose vibrations for any sounds at all? I tried both sides of my nose and didn't feel anything at all. Though, considering my nose is almost constantly clogged year-round, I'd be surprised if air was going in or out at any given time!


thank you so much! this helped me sing properly!!!


Was a very helpful video and thank you so much for giving us such information


Thanks to you my spanish sounds way better!


When I like hold my nose (not with my fingers but inside my nose like not breathing through it and closing it up) then I can’t feel the vibrating… but aren’t I still using my nose


This is the great video I found on youtube so far. I am 29 years old, and have hypernasality. The air escapes through my nose when I say the letters 's', 'c', 'x', and 'z', and I cannot say these letters at all with my nose closed. Can this be treated at this age?


Would love to know your natural tips to help allergies, blocked nasal psssages
