SECRET Gragas Tips & Tricks

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🎇LoL Analyst Dobby🎇

Track: Xaia, Rain Man, Oly - Breakdown [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track : Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Track: Blooom & Ghost'n'Ghost - Desire [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Well, the counter's going to be Darius/Fiora
Because you have to die the moment you make a mistake with E.


Dobby: It's easily predicted in challenger.
Me: *laughs in silver* They will never see it coming.


Gragas in the enemy team:this clips
Gragas on my team: Drunker than gragas


"you're especially deadly near towers"

*proceeds to kill garen under his own tower*


using W before e flashing is good but its too predictable. Most good players will know the e flash is coming and will be prepared to counter play it.
2.4m mastery Gragas OTP, one thing these tips dont tell you is that Gragas's E takes priority over a lot of other abililtes so you can use it to interrupt enemy ablilities Mid way if you time it right and most of them you can also severely punish them right after too.
~Riven- Q - Pre 6 you can E riven during any part of her Qs. its best if you do it on the third one since it knocks back. You can W to tank the first 2 Q's and on the third Q, E into her and return fire. Once she gets W, thats when you want to just E into the first part of her Qs because if you E the last one she can still chase you down with E an Stun you then punish you. She will also start playing safer by chipping your health and mana slowly and push you out of lane.
~Talon's Q - bait his mark and once he jumps on you, E into him mid way through his Q animation and follow up with a basic rotation. Talon most likely cant return fire unless hes 6.
~Leblanc's E- If LB marks you with Q, most likely she will try to W. Same thing with talon, wait for the W animation and interrupt it with your Bodyslam and follow up with a basic rotation.
~Fizz's Q - Only way fizz is going to get on top of you is if he use E but if he use Q you can literally just E into him midway animation. Sadly his w burn is to good. dont do long trades.
~Ekko's E - Wait for the first part where he leaps first then the 2nd part you can E into him.
~Ielia's Q - Same Thing as talon. E into her if she Q's on top of you. Pre 6 easy punish..but once she hit 6 dont do it unless shes got no ult.
~Katarina's E - walk into Kats Q daggers on the ground and see if she jumps to it. If she does You can E in to her and do a small rotation. She wont jump on those daggers after that. l0l
~Jax's Q - Gragas> Jax - cant jump on you if you go CDR early. E into his Q Jump animation. If he uses his E and Q at the same time thats even better, he will be down 2 abilities to your 1 Interruption.
~Pantheon's W - E into his W when he starts the Animation. Easy to predict.
~Alistar's W - Alistar cant head butt you if he cant reach you. E will Interrupt his W, Just got to time it right.
~Camille's E- You can only Interrupt the first part of her E, when shes going to hug the wall and jump at you. E her when shes at the wall. If you mess up youre going to get punished hard.
~Diana's E - She marks you with Q, you can Interrupt her E with your E, she will have a hard time with you in lane. Diana is a hard match up.
~Fiora's Q - You can use your vitals as bait and E her when she comes in for a Q. BUT Fioras will catch on if she cant Engage so she will try to Q + E at the same time to Predict your E and Parry it.
~Jayce's Q- His Hammer form wont be able to touch you if he cant jump on you. He will have to play with range Form. E him during his Hammer Q animation to stop his engage.
~Leona's E - You can E into her when she grabs you.
~Lux 's Q - You can E into her Q and it wont stop your E animation, you can bait her into throwing it at you but make sure your also in range for your E to hit to make it work.
~Morgana's Q - Same as lux Q.
~Twisted Fate - W - Same as Lux and morg Q- You can E into the yellow card as its thrown and it wont stop your animation.
~Nidalee- W- Bait the spear and when it hits you and she turns to couger form, she will W to you. You can E into her w to interrupt it.
~Pyke- Q- You can only interrupt Pykes Q when hes charging it. Time it late and you'll get grabbed.
~Qiyana's E - You can E into her E to interrupt it.
~Renekton's E - You can E into his E to stop his engages but pay attention to his fury he could have 2nd part up.
~Shen's E - You can E into shen's taunt to interrupt it and cancel it.
~Sions' Q- You can E into his Q when hes charging it to cancel it. But he can recharge it again right away so position yourself better after the first interruption.
~Syals's E- You can only Interrupt the First part of his E where he dashes forward.
~Tryndamere's E - You can E into his E to stop him from reaching you. Q him if he uses his W so he can also be slowed. Only do short trades. Tryndamere wins in long trades.
~Wukong's E - Same as Jax - Gragas > Wukong. You can E into his E to interrupt the abililty.
~Rengar's R or Passive- You can E into rengar when he jump out of bushes. You can also E into him when he jumps at you during his ult. Short trades though because he can full heal short bursts and stomp you.
~Xin Zhao- E - You can interrupt his E but its hard to time sometimes....he just seems to do it fast AF L0L.
~Jarvan's Q - When J4 goes for the E+Q you can E into him midway and interrupt him. Pre 6 or if his ult is on CD, you'll have a high chance to survive.
~Zac's E - You can Interrupt his jump as hes flying towards you. Zac Cant gank you if your E is up.
~Warwick's R- You can only Interrupt it if you E backwards Because if you E into him, he cant be interrupted during his jump but if you do it backwards he will lunge at you but when he grabs you your E animation will trigger and hit him Canceling the suppression. ODD yes but it works l0l

Some Champions can escape your Ult Combos even when it hits them


For anyone panicking *right before their game and need runes: 3:28

Thanks for the great vid as always Dobby


i’m glad you’re finally getting the recognition you deserve, you deserve it


One important thing I thought you'd mention but didn't is that his W auto cannot be stopped but can be animation cancelled. Once your auto swing starts, it will go through no matter what (as long as it can hit the target, it's not like it can bypass Jax's E Counter-Strike). So when you do the W auto -> E, you don't have to wait for your auto to finish.


Well done man, your videos make me want to play the champions I never wanted to play, Keep posting great stuff !!


Gragas is probably the only champion i have a mastery on that I don't know how to play correctly, nice vid.


Hey Dobby, On April 1st you should do one of these guides on Garen or Master Yi as a joke.


i’m a M7 Gragas and I still learned something from this vid. good shit 👍




Now this I have been waiting for. Keep up the amazing content. Trying gragas top for a while now but this will definitely improve my games.


you can cancel W animation if you do this:
Press W > AA the enemy while simultaneously use your E

10:00 can be seen in this scenario


Great vid as always!
If I can suggest a champion, can you do Fizz next?
Or maybe an analysis of Mango Fish (called best Fizz world)?


Love your videos mate. I learned a lot from them and am very grateful for that reason. The only complaint i'd have would be to switch up the songs a bit.


5:31 unpredictable flash that u can use in challenger, the opponenets will never predict it!


English subs really make a big difference, i missed so many things in the korean video.
Also, i tried this in solo queue and lost to a yorick, his cage makes it hard to ever use e offensively and his sustain is sick, but at least grag has better team-fighting. any tips on how to deal with heavy sustain lanes as gragas ?


this is the best mechanical guide channel for league
