Tilian: The Oral History–From Tides Of Man to Dance Gavin Dance

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#Tilian #DanceGavinDance #BloodWolf

Whether you know #Tilian Pearson as the vocalist for #DanceGavinDance, fondly remember him as the frontman of #TidesOfMan or exclusively follow his career as a solo act–it's obvious that Tilian is one of the most prolific artists in modern rock music. In this APTV exclusive, Tilian walks us through a definitive timeline of his career. In this #OralHistory, Tilian recalls his roots as a standout singer in his school show choir, getting signed to #RiseRecords after being randomly discovered on #MySpace, and reveals the Dance Gavin Dance record that he thought he finally "found his style" on.

For the first time, Tilian publicly tells the story of the time he spontaneously filled in for a sleeping #KurtTravis during a #DGD soundcheck and how that moment may have lead to him eventually joining the band.

Tilian also opens up about recording demos with #Saosin, his awkward exit from the band Archive, and the "weird" new album that Dance Gavin Dance are poised to release in 2020.

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Dance Gavin Dance has been the ONLY band of the genre that no matter if the singer changes it's still good AF


Tilian really out here vibe checkin every band


“It’s going to be a busy year. We are going to hit 2020 really hard”

You’re telling me that you’re going to work even HARDER?? I don’t think these guys sleep.


Whoa, Tilian went through bands like Dance Gavin Dance went through band members.


Not gonna lie, my favorite time for DGD is the Tilian era. Something about his voice just captivates me and works so well with Jon's unclean parts. His solo work is also pretty damn good. Can't wait for the new stuff to come out.


Get Jon on here. I wanna hear about his crackpot lyrical style


Thought it was oddly poetic how he wanted to be a pilot when instead his voice is flying over of the most influential band of this genre.


Acceptance speech is tied as my favorite with jackpot. "You won't realize its over till you slip into unconsciousness, and the moment takes over" makes me cry all the time.
And "I haven't slept for weeks, just a couple more and ill be yours. I'll be coming home again" with that riff has me belting all day


I have a special connection with Mothership, that album came out when I was going through a rough time in college, I was close to dropping out but the album helped me get through those tough times


Rofl he homewrecked his way into dgd. That's great


Now I wanna hear Tillian cover 7 years


3:09 Honestly one of the most important tours of the scene.
In 2009, Dance Gavin Dance was on their second singer (Kurt Travis) while Jonny Craig joined a singer-less Emarosa, so you’ve got two important bands going strong. Chris Roetter started Like Moths to Flames. Of Mice & Men were a new band after Austin Carlile left Attack Attack, which also led to Beartooth, Tides of Man opening up for DGD led to an eventual addition of Tilian as DGD’s new singer, and Of Machines the opener released what would become the “Rise Sound” for years to come, while Austin Thornton would use the popularity of the band to form Woe, Is Me, as their drummer, which went on to cause Issues to become a band from Austin basically being a dick.
In conclusion, 9 complete bands were solidified from one tour in a butterfly effect.
Dance Gavin Dance, Emarosa, Slaves (and Jonny Craig’s solo work), Like Moths To Flames, Of Mice & Men (with Austin Carlie) which led to Of Mice & Men (with Aaron Pauley), Attack Attack (with Caleb), which led to Beartooth, and Of Machines, which led Woe Is Me, which led to Issues.
UPDATE 2021: Tyler Carter is now a full time solo artist, Tillian being added to DGD led to Kurt Travis being a solo artist AND the singer for Royal Coda.
Update 2023: So… Dance Gavin Dance, Emarosa, Beartooth, Of Mice & Men, and all of the swancore bands are still super active. Attack Attack and Woe, Is Me are bands again. Apparently Jonny Craig almost joined A Skylit Drive in 2008, but couldn’t due to contract obligations with Rise Records. Crazy scene.


“Here’s my oral history. So, my high school girlfriend—“

Totally thought this interview was going an entirely different direction


I love Tilian. His vocals are amazing and he just seems like a genuine person.


I've followed his career since 09 with Tides of Man. Dude's never have a bad performance and is always a standout. I remember being so stoked with DGD picked him up. He and the band are only getting better too.


He seems very “real” in a way I think few people are. Critical but not to the point of being unhealthy


I love how his personality is always the same, meeting him, interviews, being on stages, none of these change the way he speaks or acts, so it always feels like you're getting his genuine personality and nothing fake.


I want a Jon Mess vocal history, STAT.


Tilian knows what he's good at but also what he could do better. His confidence and humbleness seem to interwine in a very healthy way.
