This is the EXACT WAY Your EX will Reach Out to You when YOU are in NO CONTACT

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This is the EXACTWAY Your EX will Reach Out to You when YOU are in NO CONTACT

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#breakups #nocontact #relationshipadvice #avoidantattachment
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If your ex comes back just be the best version of yourself and treat them right.

If they don’t then in your next relationship be better than in your previous relationship


sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie. unless a person truly puts in the work for themselves to be better not for a relationship's sake, but better than their old self plus the legit apologize to my soul and ancestral line...and i genuinely see it in her eyes...just let it be. never chase or entertain someone who never saw your value or felt you brought nothing to their life. furthermore, always remember your worth people.


I'm NOT finding 'no contact' difficult. I'm loving it and I find it empowering. I ALREADY feel the power shifting. He has tried to reach out, but he needs to feel uncomfortable a bit longer.


I survived a week of no contact it’s been a emotional rollercoaster but I’m slowly getting there 😖😖😖


He reached out in under a month and we’re back together no contact works well.


Time heals all ! Level up and start working out !


Can we just appreciate that this man is also Gorgeous lol! but i will continue to concentrate on what he is saying!


My ex just got back to me after 9 months of no contact. I already forgive him for everything but suddenly after a few weeks of us seeing each other again he told me he is not ready for a "commitment". I take a break and see what is going to happen and come to a point that i will block him and go into silent treatment cause i don't deserved a person who doesn't even want to commit


Yes, I got the 3rd one after he saw I wasn’t going to chase him 😅. He was doing his best to trigger me but finally reached out with a “hey, how are you?” text. He said he wanted to be friends and he’s trusted me more than most. I’m taking it at face value. I really don’t think we should reopen the toxic door anyway as much as we might miss each other. I won’t reach out to him. Letting him to do the work.


My mom passed away in January. My ex broke up with me by ghosting me a month later. We were together almost two years. I know she'll never reach out because she's most likely feeling extremely guilty for what she did.

I went into NC as soon as I realized what she did. I never called or texted her. Her birthday was in May and I said nothing but suddenly in July she blocks my number. I figured she was waiting for me to call her up and do my best Keith Sweat impersonation.

I don't want her back. After what she did? Never! The only thing I want from her is a sincere apology. I'll probably never get it because she's a coward. I'm still fighting feelings of anger, sadness, and depression but I think I'll get through this eventually. Oddly enough, the only time I don't really think about her is when I'm at work. My co workers take my mind off of her without them knowing anything about my situation.


Haven’t heard from her in 2 weeks ima give it a month with no contact hopefully we find our love again man she was the love of my life. I’m right now giving her space to think things thru


Holy cow, what a great comforting coach. I go to bed and can listen to you over and over again.


Let them go, level yourself up and find better


Who knew that there would be so many rules when it comes to this stuff I had no idea 🤷‍♀️


My ex ghosted me for days. I sent one text, stating I will no longer reach out to you. You made it obvious, it's over by pushing me away. 18 days later, he knocked on my door un announced. I left him on my doorstep knocking.


Been just about 4 months NC. She’ll watch my snap stories but that the only sign. Been working on myself tho, gained 25lbs from the gym, learning about how to be a better partner. Although learning hurts now because I feel like I’ll never be able to show all the things I’ve learned


After 24 days of No Contact I got a text from her saying Please I Want Sex so I thought she wanted more and I let her come over but afterwards I didn't hear from her anymore and I went back to no contact.her birthday is coming up on the 23rd of this month I know she'll be waiting for my text or something but I ain't gonna give her that. Thanks coach ❤ from Nigeria


He reached out to wish me happy birthday which was 10 days after he blindsided me with the breakup. The only reason he did it is cuz he felt guilty cuz it was a milestone birthday for me & cuz we were supposed to spend the day together. He knew how important spending my day with him was, yet he strategically broke up with me 20 days prior to my bday. I responded to him 3 days later with "Thx" & I haven't heard from him since. The only reason I want him to reach out again is to have an honest conversation about why he lied, faked his feelings & chose to discard me the way he did. However, if I never get that convo, I'm ok with that. He can't provide me any closure cuz I can't expect what hurt me to heal me.


it's been 6 months, and he texted me 10 minutes ago after 5 months of NC asking if he could take me to a musical that our mutual friend is in
we'll see how things go


The ex reached out with a video. I don’t really use social media and he does not have access to mine. I realize he was testing the water. I made a comment and said thanks for sharing. It sucks to double guess yourself.
