Mayor Pete Calls Out Hypocrisy, Denouncing Mike Pence’s Stance On Homosexuality | Deadline | MSNBC

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AP’s Jonathan Lemire, former Assistant Director of the FBI Frank Figliuzzi, republican strategist Mike Murphy, The Root’s Jason Johnson, and NBC’s Heidi Przybyla on Mayor Pete Buttigieg winning more than just a news cycle

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Mayor Pete Calls Out Hypocrisy, Denouncing Mike Pence’s Stance On Homosexuality | Deadline | MSNBC
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This guy is on another level. I never thought I would be so impressed with another politician in my lifetime.


Go Mayor Pete you show courage and class!!!


Why is it that the most outwardly religious people, who preach compassion, are also the most hate-filled and quick to condemn people for being different? 🤔🤔


Go Mayor Pete! 2020 ... I think this young man is very impressive. Politics uniting. Intelligent articulation. Military Veteran. It doesn't matter who he loves! I hope he continues his momentum!


I'm a black woman who was born, raised, and works as a elementary school teacher in an impoverished city in Michigan. (Heard of a little place named Flint??) I am only one person, but there is not a candidate that has gotten to me on so many levels more than Pete Buttigieg. So... I'm going to continue to have faith in my people. I'm going to continue to believe that people who look like me can see the benefit of a leader like Mr. Buttigieg. I'm going to continue to believe that race and gender and sexual orientation are not the end all or be all. We need someone like this man to turn our country around. Please, let's not sleep of Mayor Pete! If I could dedicate a 6-hour round-trip car ride, I would be there in South Bend this upcoming Sunday to witness what I am expecting to be a very powerful announcement of his candidacy.


Mayor Pete’s responses are honest, thoughtful, well articulated and well informed. What a moving speech! He would make a great president. Our country needs someone like him. His intelligence, humility and genuine willingness to listen are his greatest assets. His honesty is so refreshing! He has my vote! He is BRILLIANT!


I'm black and I don't know what that black guy was talking about. I've already watched him talk to the black community in SC. I've listened to a ton of his speeches cuz to be perfectly frank, it's nice to here a white guy say "I'm not perfect and this system isn't perfect but let's make it better." Sure it's not specific (yet) and it's not directed at only me or only the black community, but this country isn't just blacks or just whites or just anybody. It's all of us. He doesn't need to speak to each individual race, he needs to speak to America. And I for one feel like he does. I'm excited to have the chance to vote for a politician who I believe can move the hearts and minds of democrats and republicans. Based on what I'm hearing from most other politicians, I beginning to think he's the only one who can right now.


One of the hardest things you face is just being yourself. Being comfortable with who you are. He seems like a good guy with his heart in the right place.


Pete is teaching some lessons. I get the sense that some people are threatened by the fact that they didn't see this coming, and that the kid is teaching them.


Mayor Pete has much to say and apparently people are starting to listen.


It takes courage to come out, which is why men and women who do are honest and without guile.


The thing I've found sad heretofore is how amazingly good American Christians have become at justifying "necessary evils" - to the point that they seem comfortable swallowing evils that aren't the least bit necessary. I'm glad there are still people like Pete out there to show 'em the right track.


The consultants you speak of, are they the same one's that anointed Hillary?
Furthermore, Mayor Pete sounds like a Christian, Mike Pence does not.


Good for him. Showing Americans what strength and what an unyielding moral compass looks like.


Nicolle Wallace is really shining brightly in this video clip...


Pete boy, stay true to yourself. Your terrific.


Its a breath of fresh air listening to someone so eloquent and a speech so deep that it will make you reflect.


It's amazing how quickly quality rises to the top. I'm watching to see if he can attract a quality policy team, especially on foreign affairs.


Mayor Pete is the right guy for President 2020!!! It's time to have an intelligent, down to earth person who doesn't lie for our Nation.


Even atheists like major Pete because he is calling the evangelicals on their BS without preaching to us. He is one of my favorites!
