Belgrade could become a 'pariah' over Kosovo, Serbia’s President warns

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Kosovo has signalled that it's willing to create an association of five Serb-majority municipalities in the north of the country, in order to unblock talks with Belgrade.

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I'm surprised Vusic is being this reasonable. Honestly, he's probably going to need to push this through despite the objections of some Serbians. They will move on eventually.


I Hitler je postavljao Srbima uslove i Austougarska je postavljala uslove i vidite šta su dobili, isto to će dobiti i ovi danas što postavljaju uslove Srbiji.


The Serbians(well all yugos) have a stupid saying "it fell apart like the Bulgarian parliament". It didn't age well it seems.


The Two Towers - Saruman's Speech of War. 2 War.


This is why all the ultra-nationalist parties were needed back in the Serbian parliament. They regularly help Vucic, himself a "former" extremist, appear as a moderate and foreign powers buy it.


he said that if we dont negotiate and talk with the EU and the US, serbia would become a pariah state, since serbia isnt sanctioning russia and does not want to recognize kosovos independence, which right now isnt even on the table. The talks are in process and we dont even know all the details, the most important negative thing from an agreement that could be made here is that serbia is supposed to not fight against kosovos membership in the UN. The opposition in serbia is a joke and has no real power, since they would prefer war, which would result in serbias destruction while they bath in sunlight somewhere in mali.


The Peace Meditation Phrase
Old Lyran written as: Salome gam nan ben Urda - gan njber asala Hesporona!
pronounced as: Saalome gam naan ben uurda gan njjber asaala hesporoona!
Français : Que la paix soit sur la terre et parmi toutes les créatures !
En español: ¡Paz en la tierra y entre todas las criaturas!
Portuguese: Que a paz esteja na terra, e entre todas as criaturas!
English: Peace be on the Earth, and among all created creations!
Deutsch: Friede sei auf der Erde, und unter allen Geschöpfen!
Romanian: Pacea să fie pe pământ, și printre toate creaturile!
Italian: La pace sia sulla terra e tra tutte le creature!
Afrikaans: Vrede vir die aarde en onder alle skepsele!
Croatian: Mir na zemlji i među svim stvorenjima!
Czech: Mír na zemi a mezi všemi tvory!
Albanian: Paqja qoftë mbi tokë dhe ndër të gjitha krijesat!
Indonesian: Damai sejahtera di bumi, dan di antara semua makhluk!
Arabic: السلام على الارض وبين جميع المخلوقات!
Persian: سلامتی بر زمین و بر جمیع حیوانات باد!
Polish: Pokój niech będzie na ziemi i między wszystkimi stworzeniami.
שלום עלי אדמות ובין כל היצורים! Hebrew:
Danish: Fred være på jorden og blandt alle skabninger!
Finnish: Rauha on maan päällä, ja kaikkien olentojen joukossa!
Swedish: Frid vare på jorden, och bland alla varelser!
Ukrainian: Мир на землі та між усіма створіннями!
Russian: Да будет мир на земле и между всеми существами!
Korean: 지구와 모든 피조물 사이에 평화가 있기를!
Chinese: 愿和平降临于地上,万物之中也。
Vietnamese: Nguyện sự bình an giáng trên đất, Và giữa các loài vật!
Japanese: 地上に、そしてすべての生き物の間に平和があるように!
Hindi: पृथ्वी पर और सभी प्राणियों के बीच शांति हो!


Ah the Serbian National socialists - enjoy your pariah status.


Vucic tace SR police aut Job in KS coz car plate


Serbian People say Kosovo is Serbia. West Maffia Serbian Kosovo you can not stollen from Serbian People.


Kosovo+nato+us VS Serbia+Russia, who the winner?
