Is Masturbation A Sin?

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One of the most common questions I receive from students when I talk on love, sex, and dating is about masturbation. Should Christians do it? Here's my QUICK answer.

TikTok: @sean_mcdowell
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When Jesus saved me my husband left. It's not an easy situation so I greatly appreciate this topic!


Self control is a believer's super power.


I've struggled with this in the past. But by God's grace, I have been able to get to the point where I feel confident I can say "No" to myself.


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Wow, in under 3 minutes you gave the most convincing and clear reason I've heard yet. Thank you


Well said! I think making blanket statements of "It's sinful and that's just the way it is!" (which i've heard before) is hard to back up scripturally. I think it's a lot more nuanced than that. I think theoretically masturbation free from lust could very well be not sinful. Personally, I have found that it is addictive, and also tends to corrupt my mind and how I view people around me. It tends to ignite a lustful fire, not quench one. Even if it's not sinful, I think we should all strive to abstain from sexual activities until we're within the scenario that God designed sex for.


The problem I have with this is I'm not going to automatically assume I'm going to get married. The thing with adultery is you have to be married in order to commit it. If someone masturbates just for the mechanics (am female but I know guys especially have non sexual random erections) I can't really find fault with it. I agree that porn isn't good, but there can be an argument made for non sexual intended release.


Regarding the quote by Jesus, how can two unmarried people, even if they have sex in reality, not just their imagination, commit adultery? Why didn't he use the word fornication instead?


What I miss in almost every answer to the question about masturbation is that we are called to walk according to the spirit, not to the flesh. Masturbation is satisfying your flesh. and we are to crucify our flesh with its lusts.


I think Jesus' intent with discussing adultery in the Sermon is more metaphorical and to show people that none of them are perfect and they should be careful how they judge others. In a sense he's saying that since everyone commits mental adultery, that we shouldn't judge others too harshly who commit actual, physical adultery. His intent is to increase empathy among the audience, not to instill more guilt with even stricter rules than before.

I've always taken this to mean Jesus is speaking to married men. I've always read that passage as "whoever looks on 'another' woman ...", meaning a married man who is engaging in sexual fantasy with someone other than their wife. Applying this thought process to single men would be rather strange; saying that lustful inclinations of a single man is wrong, that's rather strange. It's how the human species procreates. Also, the word "adultery" itself implies that at least one partner is married. Two unmarried people having sex is fornication, and someone that fornicates freely and frequently is promiscuous, but adultery is a word reserved for married people. I don't think a single man should be feeling guilty about acting out on their sex drive.

I get a chuckle out of the verses that follow. Cut this body part off. Cut that body part off. Blah blah blah. I think I've gained enough wisdom in this world to say when it comes to acting out sexually, cuttin' off body parts ain't gonna solve the problem here. If I were addicted to pornography and lost my eye sight, no problem, I could still have plenty of sexual fantasy without the visual stimulation of porn. Cut off my hands and I'm pretty sure I could find a way to self stimulate without benefit of manual manipulation. Even removing my genitalia wouldn't do it - I could still engage in sexual fantasy even devoid of carnal equipment. It's all in the mind, which I think is Jesus' ultimate point here, and I don't think he's suggesting that we all self-lobotomize.


Dr. Sean, I will have to disagree with your conclusion on this one.

The scriptures are clear on sexual boundaries in both the OT & NT, yet never once is the issue of masturbation brought up and deemed sinful. I lead middle school boys in our youth ministry and this topic comes up from time to time. I advise them on what scripture says - lust is sinful (as you mentioned) and so is any sexual activity (mental or physical) involving someone other than an opposite sex spouse. I believe calling masturbation a sin is adding to the scripture.

Now, you bring up a good point about addictive behavior - however this principle should apply to many things a believer is at risk of being enslaved to, from eating sugary food, watching TV, time on social media, etc - yet none of these things are sinful in and of themselves. I would add that non-lustful masturbation would fall in this camp as well.

I absolutely agree that the design and intention of sexual desire was to be given to a spouse, but God has, I believe, permitted non-ideal things as a result of the reality of His ideal, vs our reality in a fallen world. For example, many Christians believe that eating meat is a result of the fall, yet God permits it. Hopefully that makes sense.

Regardless, God bless you bro!!! Thanks for all you do!


As a Christian, I was watching a video by Paul Washer about any type of Sexual immorality. God has decided that a celibate life is what's best for me and I only had the thought that doing it with someone else was the sin. Paul Washer made the video, of one of his sermons, and said all sexual immorality was like temple prostitution in the Holy of Holies. That took the want and the need away, Now I just think of that and am turned off immediately. I mean the Holy of Holies? Gross.


Pray for me, please. I struggle a lot with this issue and it seems that I cannot help it. Please, help me, brothers and sisters in Christ!


Sometimes I get an erection randomly with absolutely no sexual thoughts at all. when you practice semen retention it happens, no way around it. There are times my erection can last a long time and like I said with absolutely no sexual thoughts towards another human being, many times it happens when nobody is around me. It’s difficult to not let my body release when I have gone months without releasing semen and those erections can come up randomly when I’m at work or in public and I can’t just find a chair and sit down for 15 min because they can last a long time so it can be an embarrassing situation. Sometimes I need to go into the restroom and release especially if it’s been months. When it happens I don’t think sexual thoughts, I specifically focus on the release and just let my body do it’s thing…… many times when the subject of relieving yourself comes up many people automatically think porn or lust but for many of us it has nothing to do with either or.


It’s a struggle for some I’m single, no kids, established, great personality, many cool hobbies, age 42, great looks, and care yet, can’t find any Christian woman to date these days, having to deal with these urges and no possibility of finding a woman even Jacob in the Bible was married at 40 . I feel the path has been very long to every experience a single date with a woman period. I go to church often yet never found a woman to meet with, At this point I believe its not a sin anymore since I’ve tried to make myself available to meet a woman.


English Bibles translate that passage wrong. It does not say "with lustful intent", it says "in order to covet". That is a reference to the tenth commandment. Not lust is required in order to covet.

Masturbation gives the same physical benefits as sexual intercourse. This is particularly important for men as they are less likely to contract prostate cancer the more ejaculations they have.
God has given us organs that have no other purpose than to give us lustful pleasure. And they are placed right where our hands can conveniently reach them.
That is more than enough evidence from creation demonstrating that masturbation is well within God's intent for our bodies.

There is nothing wrong with lust. It is a natural part of life.


Jesus in that passage is not saying lust is wrong. He saying lusting after a married woman is wrong. The passage is about adultery not lust.


Well said dude. Non Christian here been on that nofap grind for a decade. Never made it more than a couple weeks. Gut feeling is that I’m losing potency by my lack of self control.


Well I’m same sex attracted. Since coming to Christianity, I am okay with no dating or seeking a partner. It’s not something I can change, and I have zero attraction to women. What about it that situation?


This is a very touchy subject. You are definitely correct. We shouldn't rely on feelings to live but truth; also remembering when we feel something we are doing is wrong, that means it probably is.
