What is Integrative Medicine? - Kara Dobelis Pohren MSN, ARNP, FNP-BC - Integrative Family Medicine

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Integrative medicine. It's not less than traditional medicine. It's more. IFM combines traditional therapies with additional ones like IV hydration or nutrition to take advantage of all the good, proven therapies available and coordinate them into your care so you can make fully informed decisions for your family. Not anti-medicine. Integrative medicine is pro-health

Kara wore several medical hats since the start of her nursing career in 2008. She practiced in Critical Care , Surgery, and operations management before starting IFM. Kara completed her undergraduate (BSN) degree at the University of Iowa, her master’s (MSN) degree at Grand Canyon University, and is currently completing her Nurse Practitioner degree. Des Moines is home for her. Having grown up here, she always knew she would live and raise her family here. With the support of her husband Tyler and son George, she’s ready not only to work, but to give back.

Her own health journey led her to this place. After traditional medicine held no answers and she faced undiagnosed symptoms and ineffective treatments, she found her own answer in integrative medicine that included lifestyle changes and a multi-pronged approach to total healthcare that not only changes health, but that changes lives.

After discovering the number of people who had stories similar to her own, she found herself in a unique position to do something about it. Not only did the integrative model open up treatment opportunities not available in traditional medicine, but it also allows her, as a provider, to become independent of healthcare systems that prioritize revenue over patient care.

At Integrative Family Medicine, she assures clients that they will be heard and their symptoms validated. In this community, the client has an opportunity to do the same as she did; to access everything they need to attain health and healing.

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Integrative unifies separate things. There it is. You can all thank integrative for your current status. Good luck.