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In this video, we're breaking down the KULLERVO S-TIER Warframe build with a full build guide for maximum efficiency and power! If you want to dominate in Warframe, this guide is a must-watch! Believe the hype KULLERVO is the real deal!
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Been searching for anything to help with steel path and alot of it although helpfull is expensive mod wize and this build is amazing and has mods i already have
I never thought of combining harmony and kullervo but that is genius
Thank you so much for the time and effort of this build and sharing it with all of us


Quick note with kularvo, if you're using a glaive (or some other melee weapon you dont want to use a heavy at point blank range) then i recommend swaping the tap and hold ability inputs for him as holding and releasing his 1 will make you teleport while still giving the crit damage but wont force you to heavy attack


Thanks so much for sharing this build!! Just finished and was able to pull double digit mil hits. VERY happy with the time and effort put into the build. Thank you!


This is the best Kullervo Build on yt. Well thought out and not overly complicated. You earned a sub bro. 😁👍


Hi! I tried out this build a month ago and I'm using it since, making Kullervo one of my most confortable and favourite frames to use (not having to monitor the combo feels really good). I just swapped streamline for equilibrium as it fit my gameplay better, and made a few minor changes, but overall it's the same.

He will be my go-to in the elite-deep archimedean this week with the dual ichors, but I like to play him with syam of harmony, depending on my mood.

Thanks for this build, I really love it!


Hey mate, many thanks for this video! Today I forged Kullervo and played him for the first time together with my Reaper. I was stunned about his abilities. What a fun to play this WF! So I googled for a SP viable build and here we are. I strongly believe Kullervo is massively underrated. I expect him to enter my top picks, beside Wisp, Dante & Nova. Left an abo as a thx for helping me out with the build.


Those yellow archon shards are useles, imo. I'd swith them out and probably use either 2 TF violet and 3 TF crimson, or vice versa (Though I myself run all 5 TF violets for melee crit).

Also, if you're gonna run violet, you need at least 500 maximum energy to bring out their full potential, which means you'll need a primed flow - you're not doing yourself any favors with the regular one.


Some of the melee weapons has fix slash proc on heavy attack like the Harmony you are using... thats why Harmony works so well with heavy attack because the enemies on heavy attack will get all the dot like heat, slash, toxin etc.. at once so yeah... even the status duration gives you dmg on the Harmony since it gives you 110% status duration so the slash proc that you would proc will deal like twice as much dmg. :D If you using corro, cold, radiation on the Harmony you'll lose the potential that the weapon has.


thanks man this build worked really well


Started the game a month ago and finally finished building this frame yesterday, I managed to pull of a 1, 600, 000 damage red crit and it felt so good😂 especially this early in my warframe journey


Just grinded out the parts for kullarvos and looking forward to giving this build a try


My fello Tenno if you enjoy the video please share with your friends and let me know what you think of the Kullervo build


He lowkey sounds like one a those 3am sales men you'd see on tv😂


Nice build man appreciate it❤ i just finished building kullervo and i want to ask if this build works well in void cascade. Thankyou beforehand bro🙏🏻


this build is so fun ! thx for sharing !!


I'm gonna try this out. So far I put two taugorged violet shards on but in order to double the damage Im using primed flo and arcane battery. That has me at 836 energy but Im ditching the streamline and going with energy nexus nexus. So once I hit my 4th ability I'll have 336 energy in overhead to use my first 3 abilities perserving the 500 to double my crit damage boost if understand it correctly, lol. Thats a shit ton of extra critical damage. I can even make one more tauforged violet but I'll try it as is later tonight. I still need to pick up wraith of Ukko as well.
Thanks for the build. I was just about ready to do another build but I liked your ideas here.


hey, just pulled a riven for harmony was wondering if you have any suggestions for what i should roll for and what mod to replace with the riven


Using Rauta for your combo counter is so much easier and intuitive. Most of your AOE clear should be 3 then 1, with 2 when needed for Overguard. Subsuming Roar or Nourish onto his 4 is god tier, especially Nourish built with a bit of strength to give him infinite energy basically.

You don't need a primary for damage, only maybe a secondary like Furis or Dual Toxicyst to nuke VIP enemies/bosses. Storm of Ukko is just if you don't have a good helminth. Also for most content, I've found range to be more than enough around 175 to 190, but that's assuming you already subsumed off Ukko.


How do you stay alive in high levels cause I feel like my kullervo gets absolutely deleted?


i was wondering if the 6 forma used on this build is required? cause i dont have time(i have time but im lazy) to farm all of theese levels
