Discover the Truth Expose 'Waldensians, A People Persecuted'

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Waldensians, A People Persecuted

Who were these people known as the Waldensians? Could they be a remnant from the original First Century Assembly who followed Yahshua the Messiah? Did they keep not only the Sabbath but also the Feast Days? Did the Waldensians revere the 10 Commandments? Who is the true Assembly today? Discover what these early Sabbath Keepers believed and Sabbath keeping in Europe and America.

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Funny thing is, I just had a conversation last Sabbath with a brother over this, he told me about these Waldensians that kept Torah. I never heard of them until he brought it up. I knew about the Nazarenes following the first century, but I didn't know about these brethren


This was extremely intetesting. I wish my wife could see how we have been deceive by the Roman church. I pray that she will listen to me and believe the truth.


So glad to hear you explain this passage in Matthew 16 correctly....the acknowledgement of Yahshua being the Son of YHWH was the rock upon which Yahshua formed His church. Rome tries to twist this scripture and make it as Peter was the rock and then became the first bishop...which is completely unbiblical. May the Most High bless you ministry and prosper it to bring glory and praise to His exalted, precious name!!


I am so thankful we found this ministry.


Thank you. Keep on revealing Bible truth


HalleluYah. Thank you for your ministry.


You're right about the Sabbath, but wrong about the feasts. The feasts have been abolished. And no, I read many quotes about Waldensians where they did NOT keep the feasts. But they did keep the Sabbath. You must have found a quote from some obscure Waldenses that don't represent the majority of them.


como todo uruguayo soy nacido de extranjeros mi mama de colonia valdense mi papa de la colonia rusa , bien pero la restauracion comenzao 3:21 - a quien el cielo debe recibir hasta el día de la restauración de todas las cosas, acerca de lo cual Dios habló por boca de sus santos profetas desde tiempos , me dio trabajo traducir los subtitulos seria bueno que los tradujera al español, hermosos videos como estos !!


Great information on the Waldenses. We just took a tour of the Waldensian heritage in Valdese North Carolina. I would highly recommend to anyone that it’s worth the trip to tour the museum and also the Trail of Faith located 1/2 mile or so out of the little town.
During the museum tour, our guide mentioned that the some of the Waldenese people emigrated to America; going to Uruguay, Argentina, New York, North Carolina, and Missouri. The only churches established in the U.S. were in Valdese N.C. and Missouri.

My question is this: What evidence is there that supports the notion that the Waldense people kept Sabbath and kept the Israelite lunar calendar (new moons, feasts)? We asked our tour guide this. We had always understood they did keep a seventh day Sabbath, but our tour guide was confused at this, thinking we were talking about Sunday. He wasn’t helpful in regards to the doctrine they held. They church body they adopted in America was the Presbyterian church, as an attempt to assimilate into the new country they moved to. But I think they’re original doctrine held did not resemble what the Presbyterian church holds today.

I personally wish they would have retained the true-to-scripture doctrine their forefathers suffered and died for.


Ah yes, a shorter version of a recent sermon. Elder Alan, Brother, that turtleneck is making me sweat just watching. I'm not far away and it's 100+ degrees today. Love my YRM fam. Shalom


Great video. Among the reasons why many of the Jewish traditions have passed is that those that belong to the Levitical priesthood are no longer enforce. Paul assured us that the Levitical priesthood was inferior and acknowledged to be so to the Melkezidec priesthood. Also, John the Baptist, as a representative the Levitical priesthood (his father was a priest) also acknowledged it at Christ's baptism. The Melkezidec priest is made so by an oath by God the Father Himself, as you'll see in the Psalms. The temple in heaven and Christ are both elements of the Melkezidec priesthood--the Bible makes clear as well when speaking about the 2nd covenent. All true believers are to be priests--and the sacrifices they are to make, while obviously much inferior to the Great Sacrifice made once and for all, are nevertheless required. Sacrifices in giving. Sacrifices in time. Sacrifices in obedience. Sacrifices in other ways.


can I go to heaven believing in the Father His Word and His Spirit and use the Name Jesus? How can one keep the 10 commandments?


There are so many lies out there... this is the Truth.


The "W" in Yahweh is a misnomer. The W comes from German scholar's rendering of "V" in Hebrew. In German, one V has an F sound. Two V's together, that is, W has a hard V sound. In German, using a "W" is appropriate, but in English, the W has a "ooah" sound and is inappropriate. Thus, the Hebrew letters representing the Holy Name are YH VH and should therefore be pronounced Yahveh. The latter part of the word Jehovah is more accurate. The vowels in ancient written Hebrew are lacking, so are a matter of speculation. Is it A or is it E?




You don’t have to keep Torah in order to be saved. We are not under the old law but rather are saved by Jesus.


His name is I AM (YAH) WHO (HUW) IAM (WAH) = YAHUWAH ( 3 syllables ) NOT Yahweh


Te Gospel is in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, which this man fails to mention. It contains neither a law nor an ordinance. In Acts 15, people asked Paul to have the new Christians do four things, I suggest you check that out (Sabbath observance and keeping feasts and festivals was not part of them). This man wants to mix the Old Testament with the Gospel of Grace, which is is exactly what Paul condemned in Galatians chapters 3 and 4. Please, read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, and Galatians 1:8-9.
