Peter Van Inwagen on Resurrection

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Study Guide Questions

1. What is the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead (henceforth DRD)?
2. What is Van Inwagen’s thesis about the DRD?
3. What is the Aristotelian interpretation of DRD?4. How does Van Inwagen explain his thesis using a manuscript as an example?
5. Why does Van Inwagen reject the claim that DRD is a theological mystery?
6. What, according to Van Inwagen, is the correct criterion of personal identity?
7. What is Van Inwagen’s main argument against the Aristotelian interpretation of the DRD?
8. What is Van Inwagen’s “A” objection to the Aristotelian interpretation of the DRD?
9. What is Van Inwagen’s “B” objection to the Aristotelian interpretation of the DRD?
10. What is Van Inwagen’s “C” objection to the Aristotelian interpretation of the DRD?
11. Which possibility does Van Inwagen ultimately suggest to make sense of the DRD?
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