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zakir please debate with david wood. he says you are coward to debate with him and also he says you refused his challenge. we believe you can beat him


Im a security officer that cant wear hijab but i am also a second wife to a man whose wife says that i am we are nasty people for getting married because we were once friends and i feel bad for it


You take about sunnah, start with your fard also Muslim brothers ignore the sunnah of fasting on mondays and Thursdays, they ignore  the sunnah of praying 2 Rakats before fair, they forget that Tahajjud is a sunnah. The only sunnah they remember is to marry 4 wives... as Muslims we must fear Allah swt and not change the deen to suit our needs, unless we want Allah punishment to come upon us,

two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then one [marry only] from Quran...

And you will never be able to be equal just between wives, even if you should strive [to do so]. From quran from Quran...

Allah said
Verily, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and he forbids immorality and bad conduct and transgression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded.
Surat An-Nahl 16:90

And Allah says
O you who believe, be persistently standing firm for Allah as witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just, for that is nearer to righteousness. Fear Allah, for Allah is aware of what you do.
Surat Al-Ma’idah 5:8

“A man who has two wives and who is completely inclined to one and who ignores the other emerges with one side of his body paralysed in the Day of Judgment.” (Hadith; Ibn Majah, Nikah, 47; Mishkat al-masabih, 2/196)
A woman does not consent to share her husband with another woman under normal circumstances, and no woman would like to marry a married man unless she has to.
It is a necessity of belief that polygamy is right. However, to believe it does not necessarily mean for a woman to consent to the second wife and approve it.
No believer father would like his son-in-law to marry a second, third or fourth woman along with his daughter. The jealous nature of the woman and the affection of the father for his daughter disapproves this. As a matter of fact, the daughter of our beloved Prophet, Sayyidah Fatima, objected to her husband, Ali’s marrying of a second woman. If it weren’t permissible to object, Sayyidah Fatima, who was brought up by our Prophet, would not have objected. The Messenger of Allah would have warned her and ordered her to consent to her husband’s wish. However, it did not take place like that. On the contrary, the Messenger of Allah, who saw that his daughter was worried, asked Ali to give up his wish and told him that if he did not give it up, he could marry another woman after divorcing Sayyidah Fatima. He did not consent to Ali’s second marriage to depress his daughter.
By considering that act of the Messenger of Allah, it can be stated that Muslim daughters and fathers may object to the second marriage of their husband or son-in-law.


"Only if you can do justice marry 2, 3, or 4, but if you can't do justice to your wives, marry only one."

Funny, Jesus defined marriage as between one man and one woman (Matthew 19). If Muslims are really going to hold Jesus as a prophet, they'd better take him seriously.

Also: interestingly enough, the "only if you can do justice" qualifier did not seem to apply to Muhammad. Surah 33:51 gives him license to put away any of his wives he wants to, on a whim. He's also allowed as many wives as he wants, according to the previous verse (Surah 33:50), which allows him as many wives as he would like and also as many female captives. Interestingly, this ayah was revealed in the context of Muhammad's marriage to Zaynab bint Jahsh, his cousin, who was already married to his adopted son Zayd. There was no tribal allegiance to be gained by this marriage (she was Quraysh, just like Muhammad) and it wasn't financially necessary because she already had a husband. It's almost like the revelations given through Muhammad gave him special privileges, based solely on his preference, of which no one else got to partake. NO previous prophet in the Abrahamic tradition got those sorts of benefits from revelations given to them--in fact, the predominant pattern in the Old Testament is that polygamy is regarded as a stain on OT prophets (see David and Solomon as examples), and usually the God of the Bible calls His prophets to give revelations that are inconvenient for themselves (see Ezekiel or Jeremiah), rather than as a means of exercising sexual privileges.

I dunno, to me, that looks *really* suspect.


at least they don't support incest i suppose


do people actually listen to his logic wow?
