Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason, The Law of the Heart, sec. 372-373)

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In this 146th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," working through the second part of the sub-section, "The Actualization of Rational Self-Consciousness Though Its Own Activity" - "The Law of the Heart and the Frenzy of Self-Conceit". I read and comment on paragraphs 372 and 373 of the text here.

[more information to be added here in the near future]

In this video series, I will be working through the entire Phenomenology, paragraph by paragraph -- for each one, first reading the paragraph, and then commenting on what Hegel is doing, referencing, discussing, etc. in that paragraph.

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Section 373. I'm loving Hegel's integration and importance he puts on Action as a concept. Does Blondel comment on what you hit on here within section 373? Think the phrase you used is "Action is where realities collide and coincide." That is such a nuanced and rich view of action in the world. Love it.


Do you think note-taking while reading philosophy is essential? What is the best way to take notes? Are there any sources and/or authorities on the topic whose direction you can point me in? I'm asking because I plan on slowly reading "The Phenomenonology of Spirit" and want to maximise my learning.People other than Dr Sadler can answer as well.
