Our Daughter Called for Help as We Built a Stone Wall In Her Transition Home

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One of the advantages of having beautiful teenage daughters. You get lots of help, when you need it, from handsome, strong, teenage boys. 😊😊


Those were the days, I was much younger and in the British army stationed in Dorset, UK. A local farmer used to ask for volunteers to help out cleaing the hay from his fields, three of them, over 1, 000 bales in total. We earned the cider and food his wife served us every evening, followed by a party the last day of bale picking. Still brings back memoiries 55/56 years later, specially the cider, ooh that was


Oh my gosh that wall is beautiful and I love the copper faucet! The kids are lucky to have such a beautiful place to transition to. Jeremy I hope your hands are feeling better. Great video! Have a wonderful week!


It takes me back over 44 years when I was courting my boyfriend who is now my husband when we would bring in the bales from the fields for the cows on his family farm……The wall looks so beautiful, well done to you both once again.🥰


Golden Retriever Puppies have just the cutest faces!


That accent wall looks great. Sorry about those hornet stings. That hand looked bad. I was excited for y'all seeing the hay getting cut, and I'm glad y'all had that help getting it in. Thanks again for providing this Saturday morning day brightener.


Every time I see the mountains behind your property I’m envious of what a beautiful place you live. Thank you for sharing it with us all.


God bless teenage friends!! The wall turned out beautifully! You guys rocked it again. Blessings.


Great job, the new build looks so wonderful and a great first home for each of the kids as they get older and its their turn to move in. 👍🏻👏🏻, . A family that Works Together, grows and learns together and inspires each other. THANK YOU FOR SHARING ❤️🙏🏻🙋🏻‍♀️🇦🇺


I apologize for not leaving any comments for a very long time due to a tremendous error a couple of hospital employees made while I was under their care after I had surgery for a torn quadricep tendon off my kneecap. They overdosed me on the wrong medication that caused my colon to perforate and eventually burst inside my abdomen, thereby causing extreme infections that actually caused my clinical death twice. I had to be shocked back to life. It's so wonderful to see all of the things you have accomplished and how beautiful and mature Nevaeh has become. You should have no problem winning parents of the Western US for the remarkable job that you have done!


love the wall. jeremy you deserve a big doughnut for your hard work and swollen hand.


I'm loving your daughters' friends.


Melissa I never underestimate your choices and vision for decorating... I happily just sit back and watch the magic unfold ❤ You and Jeremy did a fantastic job on the accent wall... That could not have been easy to decide what color stone goes where yet you did it flawlessly and it looks Absolutely Gorgeous.... I am so sorry about Jeremy's hand, getting stung by wasps is the worst! Been there done that and it was an AWFUL EXPERIENCE... It reminds us of the power these tiny wasps have 😮 I am So Proud of Nevaehs friends for coming and helping out bailing the hay. That is Extremely hard work and requires a lot of strength and stamina to get the job done. God Bless them All🙏 The addition is looking Amazing and you and Jeremy should be so proud of yourselves. I wonder if people realize how much hard work you two have done and Accomplished... Don't be discouraged about the timeline for Nevaeh to move in, it will Definitely be worth the wait... Love and Blessings to you All 🙏❤️🙏


The wall looks awesome, the hay looks plentiful. What a wonderful


The "Golden Hour" section is absolutely beautiful footage! Totally captures the "Dog Days of Summer". Well done Melissa! Well done!


What a great episode!!! God bless the young men who helped you!!!


The gabby build is looking so great. The accent wall is beautiful. ❤


Thank you for another great video! The stone wall in Gabby is beautiful! I never get tired of watching the haying each yr & I was thrilled to watch the younger generation buck the hay! Homesteading isn’t for the weak🙏🙏🙏Blessing’s


Thank goodness for teenagers. That wall looks beautiful. Jeremy I hope you feeling better by now. God bless you guys. 🙏❤️


Love this, I always love Melissa’s thought & commentary, beautiful thoughts. The wall looks fabulous too!!! Woohoo!!! It all worked out!!! The copper faucet, gorgeous!!!
