Mastering Sunny 16 - Tips and Tricks!

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Today we discuss Mastering Sunny 16 so you can shoot your film cameras without light meters! By learning how to shoot film without a light meter you can train your eyes to read light and today I go over 4 different lessons to help you master the technique. This video is packed with information going into detail about stops of light and how to expose your film for better results. This video basically has everything you need to know about shooting film without a light meter. Grab some coffee, grab your camera and get comfortable because it's time to MASTER Sunny 16!

Light Meter Backup - 1:26
Understanding Stops of Light - 3:58
Overexposing for safety - 8:51
Documenting Settings 10:24


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Filming Equipment used:
Sony A7II
Manfrotto tripod
Go Pro hero 7

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Рекомендации по теме

Your first video about sunny 16 really helped me alot when i first started shooting film 2 months ago. and this video has helped even more. Great stuff pal. Keep it up. Stay safe.


A great way practice is to set the ISO on your digital camera to your preferred film's ISO, say Porta 400, then set your shutter speed at 500, then practice the sunny 16 rules. If you have a Fuji it will feel more film like but any decent digital camera works. Your electronic viewfinder will provide instant feedback...include the histogram or just eyeball the exposure. Once you feel you have mastered that exercise, load up a roll of film, and have at it!


I watched both Sunny Sixteen videos. Excellent. After all these years, I finally understand, thanks to your clear and simple instruction. Nice presentation.


This was really helpful! I would love if you could do another video on why you would want to use certain ISO, shutter speeds, and aperture for artist effects?


I've been doing digital photography for about 8 years, now a few days ago I ordered an analog film camera to try something new. And before it‘s even arrived I‘ve already learned so much more about photography. Nobody teaches you something like this when you start with digital photography, no book nor video.


Thanks a lot for a wonderful video. You have explained these important concepts succinctly and with precision.


Here is a very important aspect not covered in this video though. For those looking to be more creative with their photography - you need an ND Filter. So for example instead of compensating apertures and shutter - as KingJ illustrates in the video - if you want to use a particular aperture AND shutter speed combination, you are now using an ND filter and compensating the stops in that accordingly!


Thanks for the video! I never thought I could "meter with my eyes", but I found that after shooting many rolls through my OM-1, it can become second nature, with many different types of film.


I have been using sunny 16 rule since I bought my analog camera 📸 because the light meter doesn't work. The result has been amazing. The best way to understand and learn how photography works. Film photography helps me to improve my composition.


Lol I took a screenshot of the video and immediately after he goes “screenshot this video and save it on your phone”


as soon as the lockdown finishes in my area I’m gonna go out and practice it all!! Thanks 💔


I would be interested in a video explaining sunny 16 with more specific lighting situations (i know to use the rule but some situations make my head ache ^^ like shooting a portrait on a bright day but the subject is shaded under the branches of a tree.. how to have his head well exposed without everything else burned.


One of the best videos I have seen in YouTube related to photography basics! Great presentation skills!!


This chart reminds me of a sneaky trick my cinematography tutor mentioned a student did with Ansel Adams' "Exposure Zones" and F/T-stops. Apparently this guy drew both lines on the insides of his forearms, and would make adjustments by shifting one arm up against the other.


This really helped out. Just inherited My late uncle's Canon AT-1 I have admired for years.Unsure on Matching the Aperture and Shutter speed. just wanted to say Thank You Man. Keep it up.


Great to see new generation teaches the world about old cameras, love it 😍


You just described the story of my life....always compensating for something. #CanonGang!!!


Funny, I did a nice exhaustive sunny 16 chart that involves some math recently. Your paper stops of light thingies reminded me of that. If anyone's interested here, I can send you the thing ; pretty sure it's totally printable so you can put it at the back of your camera to remind you or so


A note worth mentioning is that stops of light in terms of shutter speed moves in geometrical scale as it is simply measuring time, it just doubles or halves, so the math is pretty simple if you need to count stops in one direction or another. Now, the Aperture moves in logarithmic scale so the numbers are quite less intuitive... bottom line is, just memorize the F-stop scale.


As a beginner who doesn’t really have the budget for a light meter who also wants to learn all manual this is so helpful!
