The BEST Golf Swing Tip of ALL TIME (Arnold Palmer's FAVORITE Golf Tip)

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The BEST GOLF SWING TIP OF ALL TIME. Do you want to wear out the sweet spot on the center of your clubface like that? Arnold Palmer's one golf swing thought CAN take care of your whole golf swing and make it happen powerfully, simply, body-friendly - leading to more FUN for you. Take a golf swing tip from one of the greatest golfers of all time and begin hitting the golf ball extremely solid with more yardage and FUN!

What's the GREATEST GOLF SWING TIP OF ALL TIME? It's quite simple and it will cause your golf swing to happen naturally without thinking so much about it. This swing tip was featured in a Golf Digest article highlighting Arnold Palmer's best golf tips. This was one of his favorite tips - "point the lead shoulder at the ball." That's it - that's ALL you need to have a fantastic, powerfully consistent swing.

1. Point the lead shoulder at the ball - maintains your body's relationship to the golf ball throughout the golf swing leading to crispy clean contact and finding the center of the clubface ALL DAY LONG.
2. As you do this, your hips naturally turn (powered by the turning of the torso) - creating an effortless power source for you in the golf swing.
3. You stay centered over the ball for clean contact shot-after-shot. You'll notice that this swing thought ELIMINATES SWAYING AND SHIFTING off of the golf ball, leading to your best contact ever.
4. The Backswing - the club will trace the proper golf swing path leading to an efficient and simple one-plane swinging motion.
5. The Downswing - the club naturally reacts to the turning of the torso and travels on the proper path into the golf ball INSTEAD of chopping at it and swinging over the top.

EFFECTIVELY, this golf swing thought can eliminate a ton of golf swing flaws and problems for you, IF YOU ALLOW it to do the work.

Is there a catch? NO. However, like all good things, you must do some work up front to get this thought to perform correctly every single time. You have to master the 3 GOLF SWING PREREQUISITES that I discuss in the episode. They will help you master this tip and ensure that your swing repeats all day long.

1. Introduction to this Awesome Golf Tip - 2:06
3. Golf Swing Prerequisite #1 - 4:05
4. Golf Swing Prerequisite #2 - 5:12
5. Golf Swing Prerequisite #3 - 6:44
6. THE GOLF SWING TIP - In Arnie's words - 8:08
7. Implementing THE BEST GOLF SWING TIP OF ALL TIME - 8:40
8. The Golf Downswing 10:25
9. Tom's Experience with this Golf Tip 13:15
10. BONUS GOLF TIP - 14:57
11. Join Tom's Online Golf School - Saguto.Golf 16:19

#golf #golfswing #bestgolftipever #arnoldpalmer #golftips #bestgolftips #golfr #golfstagram #instagolfer #golfing #fun #sports


I am Tom Saguto, PGA Member and founder of SagutoGolf. Thank you for visiting my instructional page where you can find how to get on the fast track to improving your golfing abilities. Whether you are a seasoned golfing veteran looking for a quick swing tune-up after an on-course emergency, or a beginner just looking to get the most out of your golfing experience, I am here to help you achieve your golfing goals.

My mission as your swing doctor is simple, to help you maximize your enjoyment in game of golf. Because, let’s face it, golf is a hard game.

My philosophy is wholly based on the student having a fun, meaningful experience in a frustrating and complicated game where potential lifelong golfers either quit because it is too difficult or that they experience some form of swing-related pain or discomfort. I mitigate these problems by focusing entirely on the student’s needs and goals while teaching a golf swing method that ultimately takes stress off of the common pain areas of the swing.

Рекомендации по теме

Tom, I'm 72 years and play decent albeit inconsistent golf. Prior to this vid I was shooting in the mid eighties. After watching I went to a nine hole course and by concentrating on pointing my left shoulder to the ball and turning my torso I was hitting the ball longer and straighter. I shot 38 (two over par). If not for my subpar short game I could have scored better. The next day I played this course again and shot 35 with an eagle on a par 5! My goal is to shoot my age and I think that is now possible. Thanks, and continue using the KISS method of instruction. "Keep it simple stupid"⛳️. 🏌🏾


This guy is by far the best golf instructor I've ever listened to or watched and it's not even remotely close. All of those other channels babble and it never does anything but his lessons are so simple and so effective.


Tom, I was waiting for you to put up a new video to post this. I only discovered your channel this week when your video "You've been swinging the club WRONG your whole life" popped up on my timeline. I watched that video with a lot of skepticism and I have to tell you, I've been binge watching your videos all week and you are ABSOLUTELY right. I watched one of your older videos yesterday where you talked about how you felt about the stack and tilt method, your struggles and how this method restored your game. After struggling with a deteriorating swing and game for the last several years, I finally broke from "traditional" swing theory and tried your method.
HOLY SHIT...what a difference. Your methods have fixed my driver, almost completely removed the vicious snap hook that my 5 iron produced regularly and I'm hitting the ball better than I have in decades.
I've realized that through your videos that there are just too many variables in the traditional method and if you're not playing every day and hitting 1000 balls it's almost impossible to hit it constently. Hell, even if you are it's almost impossible. This method is much simpler, so much more straightforward and so much more logical.
You've fixed, in a few videos, what I thought was going to take the entire summer and you did it in two video. My God what a transformation.
I can't thank you enough.


Tom, you're a refreshing persona to watch and listen too. After just one video weeks ago you have me ENTHUSIASTIC about golf again. I tell all my golfing buddies about you. Please just watch will sink in. That left shoulder down and pointing to the ball is money. Sky's the limit and I hope you stay grounded are helping so many of US oldheads...that were stuck in the past. Take care Sir and Be safe everyone.


I tried this Arnold Palmer golf tip swing. The third round I made my first hole-in-one.
A nice baby draw to a par 3.
I started hitting over the greens with my 2nd shots and had to go down one club. Nice.
Thank you Saguto.


Im 68 & This video changed my game...ive only been playing for 4 months never played golf before & im shooting low 80's already & shooting for 70"s next year..thank u so much for this changer for me..big fan ..


This is the "tip" that left my swing at some stage of my life resulting in my powerful consistent semi-pulls with irons for many years. I was 5 handicap once and probably did the "tip" unknowingly when I was young. I only read this now and tried a few sponge balls on the sitting room carpet. Eureka, I know how to hit down the line again. All it took was a little bit extra effort of will to get my left shoulder to point at the ball. I just know it will work on the golf course next weekend. Thanks Major Tom. PS: Have you any " tip" to remove scorch marks from a carpet. I want to stay alive till next Sunday.


Great tip, Thanks Arnold Palmer and Tom for bringing it back and showing us how to put it together!


Your teaching points have totally changed my game for the better. Making better contact than I ever have, awesome stuff Tom


I’ve been following you for awhile now (3 months) and love your teaching methods for the golf swing. Other instruction has failed to relate to me. Yours is the first one that made sense. Now you have an awesome single thought tip that is going to allow me to have a swing that I can have fun with. ( like you’ve been saying). Thank you Mr. Saguto. I appreciate your instruction. I know you can’t beat the game but sure is going to be fun to try.


Thank you!!! Best time hitting the ball after watching this. Just pointing that left shoulder over the ball made a world of difference.


Thanks soooo much for all the videos. I’ve watched loads over the years and none come even close to how you explain it. I used to play with the worst swing and a baseball grip with a foot in between (slap stick). You’ve made me now understand everything and can actually play the game now. You sir are a hero 👌🏻


Coach Tom: wonderfull to see you doing the Pinguindance. But the left shoulder secret works. Great explanation. Keep it simple.😉


This is the best tip I have seen you teach. It makes the swing almost automatic.


Thanks Mate
My Golf Swing has improved thanks to your tips


that tip at 6:50 about keeping the weight forward and loading the front leg in the back swing may be the most impactful improvement to my swing I've ever made. I was doing legs all wrong.


Tom is the best. I’ve been playing 3 months and my drives and iron game is killing by buddies who’ve been playing for years.
Keep your weight on the front foot has been the best tip I’ve gotten by far.

Thanks Tom ✌️


Thank you for your videos and instruction. Today I played 9 holes for the first time in a year. Last year I played only once (9 holes). I shot a 41 today that included a birdied on the par 5 9th. I did this with literally no practice or even range warm up. I am so excited to see where this swing will take my game as I get it more groved it. Most of my "misses" into the greens where left pulls, due to my old move of really spinning my hips hard that caused my weight to fall back. When I kept if forward on the down swing I was amazed at the strike I was producing. When we were done my friend said "ok...what is up? You have not hit a ball in a year, and come out and shoot 41 (I took his dollar too🙂). I gave him your name and told him to watch your videos. I told him it is truly game changing! Thanks again for what you do. It is great stuff.
PS - I used single length irons and 2 utility clubs the length of a six iron. I play from the up tee (yellow) with a goal of 200 from the tee shots. I hit a couple 230+, which is huge for me!! I am super excited what the future holds. I feel that with my single length clubs I will Grove this move much faster. Will I ever shoot a, but I am very confident I can get my scores into the 70's. It blows my mind that I even think that way so very confidently. It is a great feeling - totally thanks to your teaching. Sorry so long, but I am just amazed. Cheers and take care.


Tom, finally someone who knows what he is talking about and can communicate it to his audience. Someone once said "golf is a simple game" which of course no one believes because we make it hard and why.? Because of all the complicated instruction and the lack of explaining in simple terms or the expectation that we already know some things. I'm turning 80 soon and have blown out to 20 handicap and with that one single tip of keeping the left shoulder pointing ( in my case, nearly to the ball) I can see myself improving at least 5 shots.. maybe. So now am heading to your website to become a " Saguto golfer " Thanks mate from Victoria Australia, MEL.


Tom, you are amazing with your effective teaching method, you fire me up every time I watch videos.
