Narcissistic Abuse & BRAIN FOG What You NEED To Know #narcissisticabuserecoverycoach #abuse

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Is Becoming A Trauma Informed Coach YOUR Calling? Next Certification Program Begins: May 2023

I am always looking to add more value to my services -so I am soooo excited to let you know that anyone that joins DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY - the Trauma Informed Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach Training that begins in May .....

Will receive 3 months FREE Access to Thrivers School of Tranformation (This is a savings of $239.97) but not only does it save you money... it also strengthens YOUR OWN trauma recovery journey.

Doing the inner work FIRST is sooo important and helpful as it allows us to be able to hold a safe space for our clients without being triggered. If we are unable to hold that safe space - we run the risk of harming others.... and that is something we would NEVER want to do!!!!

There are only 20 seats available in the class...... will you be using YOUR post traumatic growth to pay it forward and help others????

I will leave the link here for you to check it out and see if it's a good fit for you:

If you don't feel ready yet to help others and want to do a deep dive into your own recovery journey and prefer working ONE ON ONE w/ Michele utilizing the modalities she mentions in this video - here's the link for a 3 Month Deep Dive designed to help you experience lasting change:

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I'm so sick of being in this state.


When you said memory loss I just about fell over. My memory loss came out of nowhere. Like I was hit in the head. I didn't realize it was from her abuse.


I am a old man 71 . I have been married to my narcissistic wife for 50 years . I did not leave her because of the kids at that time . yes it's taken a lot out of me . But this fog you mentioned which affected my head a lot . you young lady are spot on. I did not know about it. I thought I was doing to much thinking . I will be leaving her . My doctor said just leave her it's not going to get any better . but thanks again why my head was not working right . This fog just numbs your head . It's show you are never to old to learn


💯 I felt like I suddenly had ADHD and all my executive functioning skills went offline. Very disorienting which then caused more anxiety and depression from exhaustion and overthinking trying to push through everything. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced before and no clue how to fix it. Stuck in learned helplessness and paralyzed to move forward in life in any meaningful way because I could not trust anyone or myself. My attention had been so conditioned to be trained on him and unpacking all his inconsistencies, double speak, belittling, demeaning, etc. I had no idea who I was anymore.


Oh my goodness this is me! My life is falling apart and I don’t know how to repair it because I’m always in this state of mind. My health, my credit everything is suffering. I just want someone to ring me out or shake this out of me! There should be some free help for people like us. It’s like living in the twilight zone.


So glad you covered this aspect of narc abuse. I've suffered brain fog and disconnect all my life. Most of my life I've operated on autopilot and don't understand why I've done the things I've done or said. People have called me "dippy" but I'm too embarrassed to tell them it's a symptom of PTSD. This is the thing I want to fix the most.


Of course I was in fight or flight 24/7. Hello cortisol. It has taken a few years but I have recovered a lot of who I used to be and have grown.
I'm a jock but also I love science, reading and God Almighty. My workouts and running are more robust, I read several books at the same time. Hard sci fi etc. I'm delving into my love of the quantum world again with the mysteries of quantum mechanics.
Living with the nightmare, as she was, really crushed my spirit. All of these things I loved, and more, faded into oblivion. I may have been in a fog but I couldn't see the fog for the mist. lol

I'm sharing this with those who feel crushed and feel they're done. But things will be great again. I did this on my own but so many of you will need to do the work as Michele brings out. It most definitely is achievable, very much so. You will never regret the time and effort you put into it. You will be free again.
Love ya.


Wow! I just thought my brain broke. Every now and then I think that maybe my ex isn't really a narcissist. Maybe he just had some of the traits or I am exaggerating things. Then, I see this and realize I am lying to myself. She is spot on! I have every one of these symptoms.

Holy crap!


Yes, I have had all the symptoms. And this is 35 years on. I let him describe my reality and my eldest daughters. He blamed his behavior on me and the family bought it. He has the financial gains to show for it and the toys. But his friends and family who helped him attain these goals are dying off one by one and I am building a new life, one where I am proud of my own accomplishments. There's nothing on his horizon but shame, and mine is decency, hard won and fought to retain.


#2, Omgg that’s exactly what I am going through right now. I keep saying I just want to be me again.

#4 is also exactly what I feel.


I’m just getting out of a 20 year narcissistic as of the age of 17 years old. I feel lost and don’t even now where to start for repair. And yes I agree with one comment that there should be some type of free help for this


After a 40 year marriage I was feeling like I was getting old because I lost my fabulous memory and I was totally exhausted. What I didn’t know is that it was being done to me to grind me down. It made him feel good to inflict pain and feel superior. I thought he was wonderful once; but I guess you can’t get away from an abusive background. I think he grew up torturing because he wasn’t going to take his stepmother’s abuse without pay back somewhere. That’s why he picked me. Trusting and stupid.


Your brain shuts down. I had to make some really important life decisions and couldn’t think.
Your thoughts on the amygdala hit home. I was in the process of getting my commercial pilot license. My girlfriend at the time decided I wasn’t going to fly. She lied to the police to get me arrested and assaulted me when I got back home from jail. I had to walk on eggshells at home. Now I understand why I was unable to do the learning and flying necessary to finish.
This changed the arc of my life.


Totally agree, the person I married and trusted has told me so often I didn't listen don't remember, told I was wrong, stupid, , forgetful, so I've shut down. So I have to fight back to memorize since I'm constantly being questioned and challenged and punished emotionally.


Don't let the past dictate your future


Thank you so much for your contributions to make us get out of this induced hell. Horrible vile people.


the memory thing is very real! And critical thinking + dessision making is almost imposible. Yes


Yes to all of these things but most definitely memory loss. I have always had a great memory, for almost everything but this instant it's my very short term memory that's affected. I still feel like my long term is ok however I'll literally pick something up and 2 seconds later It'll forget what I'm doing with it, keys/phone/remote etc. Like my 5-10 second memory has just been eviscerated by abuse.. I think I would've been so used to checking 'are they there?' 'Am I ok?' 'Do I need to.." etc etc It's like the part of my brain that takes care of my stuff, what I'm doing, where I'm going etc has been clogged up.


Oh my goodness! This is the answer! I have feared I was going to get dementia early! Really frightened about it! Now I see what was happening. Now that I am out of the relationship and my cortisol levels have decreased my re-engineering is so much better!


Omg...I'm gonna cry now...this is the best description of this horrible state. It's such a relief to know you are not going crazy and even when I know/knew what it was (cause one day you know, next day you are looking for other reasons...)... But I have no idea how to explain it to other people. When they want from you things that you can't do anyore and they just don't understand. ...simple things like going to town for a cup of coffee.
