Jim Lee gives Real Advice for Young Artists

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I love this because it's Just. So. Real. Jim Lee (Publisher and Chief Creative Officer at DC Comics) often Live Streams on Twitch while he draws. On this night he gave a blunt lesson to a young artist about achieving goals, and it's real advice that applies to everything in life.
Scott Johnson is an Illustrator who creates merchandise and toy artwork for Marvel Entertainment and Hasbro, and has done book covers, box art, and comic book art for games like Warhammer 40k, Rifts, Star Saga, and Deadzone.

Twitter: @scottjohnsonart
Instagram artwork account: @scottjohnsonart
Instagram comic book buy/sell account: @cobra_kai_comics
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My favorite part about this was that he apologized for potentially unintentionally scaring the person who asked at the end. Little courtesies like that are why I respect people like him.


Jim Lee is right! We live in an age now where as long as you have a piece of paper, pencil, internet and camera, you can touch the world! We have YouTube, and other social platforms, books and videos to teach you the SAME things if not more than sitting in a class can do. The only difference is that you can tailor what you learn! The lessons and examples of all levels are out there. And get this, you can print and market your own stuff! There are no more gatekeepers! Do your art, learn by drawing what you love! Jim had a tutor, he took what he needed and won over the gatekeepers. He drew what he loved and he never gave up. Let the world be your tutor!


This is something that my Animation professor recently told me, school is good if you want to practice the art, it doesn’t necessarily make you better at it, it just gives you the practice that you didn’t know you needed. She even told me that you don’t need a masters or a bachelors, or any school experience really. All you need is a portfolio that will grab the attention of someone. As long as you’ve got work to show and it’s enough to make it past all the rejection you WILL face, then that’s what matters. But you still gotta put the work in there


Jim lee has been my favorite artist since I was a kid...
I never knew he was this original and this true, I always just focused on his art.
Now, I love him even more


Great content, Scott..."the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary".


That’s real shit. I grew up drawing and tracing Jim’s stuff when I was a kid. Wisdom from a true master.


best thing I've seen outta Jim Lee in a couple decades.


That was pretty good to hear; I think it was inspiring, coming from a legend like Jim Lee. Sometimes people need to have someone jump on them and tell them how it is.


Let me tell ya' what I learned, and what Jim is saying; DRAW!!
Just SIT DOWN and draw!! I'm lazy minded---I have to literally
FORCE myself to get ON MY BUTT and just DO IT! I am not
employed in any way, because "Making deadlines" takes ALL
the fun out of it for me. But, I have to say---if ya' really WANT
to make something of your Art---you gotta' WORK...Yeh, Work!!
Get ON it!
Your WELcome.


"Get your shit 2gether" r the words I live by when im struggling 2 do smthing I love.


Jim is so right. So many people, not just young people, want the easy route or someone to "tell" them what to do. Very few are willing to sacrifice and kill to get to where they want to be. This is why there is a 1%.


Brutal honesty. Good advise all around


When I was around 12 years old I emailed a few artists (one of them a comic book artist) and asked them how much money they made or if i could support a family, I don’t think they realized I was 12.


That wasn't a harsh response at all. That was a reality based response. The world doesn't care. YOU have to make your mark on the world. If it's given to you, it's worthless. If you sacrifice and suffer and work harder than you've ever worked to achieve something, when you get there, you'll enjoy it immensely.


Don't bleed from your fingertips literally though. Take care of the irreplaceable tools of your lifelong craft.


I gotta ask Jim questions hes for real


If a person have a talent to write a good story or book and with addition you have skill how to draw, ink and coloring then you have a chance. I wanted to be comic book artist I can draw in pencil but I can't write a book or have no talent in coloring or inking. I am still learning the pros and cons about it. If person wants to get out there to be comic book artist. Build your own story and create your own new character to see where it takes you?


Jim, please stop being awesome in so many levels! =)


That was awesome. Jim was just being honest. It seems to me that a lot of young folks today don't want to earn their keep (success); they want it given to them.


wow! that is so direct to the point answer! so true! no sugar coating! man! the best!
