Wishing all the reporters over there be safe wherever you're.❤ ShirlBussman
Wishing all the reporters over there be safe wherever you're.❤
Keep your head down there Robert. Thanks for your report. LittleStar
Keep your head down there Robert. Thanks for your report.
If the world doesn’t band together and stop these madmen they will come to America too!!! transistic
If the world doesn’t band together and stop these madmen they will come to America too!!!
This guy Robert needs to get the heck out of there right away. Not worth what ever your paying him 🤔 luvtoyscollector
This guy Robert needs to get the heck out of there right away. Not worth what ever your paying him 🤔
They are getting the footage they wanted realflorida
They are getting the footage they wanted
The sound of them shells hitting is the true definition of a nightmare. You can feel the power just by listening trough the video. Imagine been there. Latexghost
The sound of them shells hitting is the true definition of a nightmare. You can feel the power just by listening trough the video. Imagine been there.
God in heaven may watch over the Holy City of Israel❤ mercejudge
God in heaven may watch over the Holy City of Israel❤
It's time for this apartheid to stop in Israël. truckerdaddy-akajohninqueb
It's time for this apartheid to stop in Israël.
Why aren't you folks sending Adhleigh Banfield to the Gaza Strip? thomasoaxaca
Why aren't you folks sending Adhleigh Banfield to the Gaza Strip?
Please send Fredo Cuomo to the heart of all the fighting. louskunt
Please send Fredo Cuomo to the heart of all the fighting.
Israel has stopped all their rockets, rt? spicyirwin
Israel has stopped all their rockets, rt?