Get Organized with these French Cleat Tool Holders!

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Here's my latest set of 10 new French Cleat Tool Holders for all of your French cleat tool storage needs! If you haven't made any tool holders recently, take a look at these ones to get those creative juices flowing again.

Discount code: eveningwoodworker15

00:00 Intro
00:03 French Cleat Pencil Holder
01:07 French Cleat Screw Bin Organizer
02:06 French Cleat Notebook Storage
03:36 French Cleat Clamp Rack 1
04:15 French Cleat Installation
04:40 French Cleat Clamp Rack 2
05:10 French Cleat Clamp Rack 3
06:28 French Cleat Clamp Rack 4
06:55 French Cleat Phone Amplifier
08:14 French Cleat Squares Tool Rack
09:06 French Cleat Marking Knife Rack

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I am an engineer by day and a woodworker by night... usually after the kids are in bed and before the neighbors call the cops!

I have a passion for building things out of wood and all things woodworking. I am always looking for new projects that look fun and challenging. My woodworking inspiration comes from my kids, my wife, and the forests around my house. I consider myself a serious hobbyist and I hope you can learn something and get inspired from the projects and mistakes that I make. I will also show you how I organize and work in my small shop in 1 bay of my garage. I will share videos of my past, current, and future woodworking projects with the goal of getting you out in the shop making sawdust!

#frenchcleat #shopstorage #woodworking #besseyclamps
Рекомендации по теме

I really appreciate that your design ideas are creative *and* practical.

The pacing is good, too. There's no need for us to watch your cut & assembly steps in slow real-time. You have sped them up just enough to remove tedium, yet easily grasped

Good stuff, thanks, looking forward to seeing more..


Great video. I also use French Cleat all over my shop for storage. I don't move stuff around frequently. However, when I do need to reorganize things, it is great how easy it is to move stuff around.

I have found that I use a lot of dowels in my various French cleat tool holders.


Fantastic! I love seeing all the different tool holders that people make for French cleat walls!

My favorite that ive built is a rack for things on the drill press and router table. It's a deep box (8-10" or so), and I've got 5 2×10"s at an angle: metric Forstner bits, SAE Forstner bits, drill press tools (chuck keys, sanding drums, countersinks, etc.), 1/2" shank router bits, and 1/4" shank router bits. Fully-loaded it's like 10-15 pounds, but it's held up for a few years and looks awesome.


I build a French cleat wall for my long, but narrow shop in order to conserve precious floor space. Building tool holders can be a great skills-builder, and is an opportunity to perfect techniques. My fav holders are my table saw & chop saw blade racks. Organized, easy access without bending over & rooting around. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Good inspiration. I also finish my holders so they’ll outlast me (or decompose in a landfill when my family piles them into a dumpster).


Cool ideas.
I’ve just started my French cleat wall and so far my favourite holders are for clamps, sandpaper/sander and squares. My plan is to only mount the tools I use often. The rest can hang out in my cabinets.
Fun stuff.
Rick, Canada.


I have a French cleat corner for my power tools and I like it. It’s easy to change the holders and to move them around. My other tools are in drawers and on a prefabricated tool wall; maybe some day I’ll exchange that for a French cleat wall like yours 😄


I said ‘wow’ when you showed how your note book holder slides out from under the plane rack you designed … which in itself is a pleasure to see. I love these French cleats. New idea for me and very timely as I have book shelves and cabinets to design and make. Thank you for all these ideas. I have now subscribed. Thanks for making these videos - you filmed everything very well too. Watching from the Uk.


I totally forgot about french cleats! I am going to make a cleat wall in my shop after watching this. :)


I <3 French cleats! My daughter and I actually made a French cleat coffee bar. I like the little speaker idea!


Good morning. Excellent ideas. Thanks for such a stupenuous broadcast.


The clamp racks are a great idea and efficient use of space. Build out where you can, not across.


This whole video is amazing. My mom wants a wall like this to hold a bunch of cute plants and candles 🌵


Like you, I waited forever to buy an impact screw gun. Buying one was one of the best purchases I made.


These are amazing. Yeah, that notebook one is particularly cool! Great idea. Thanks for sharing!
Also: "...easy to find the slot with your tool..." 😂


These are all great ideas, but the star of the show for me was that stud finder. I gotta go pick one of those up.


Clamp racks are the best application for French cleats I've ever found...


awesome ideas... saved your video.. I always save the best in my woodworking video folder!


Really fun video to watch and see your creativity. Especially the phone speaker. Brilliant stuff. Thanks for the inspiration to just try stuff out. I'm constantly thinking I have to design and make the right tool holder first time every time and almost don't begin. Thanks again.


Great video! I can't make myself pick between making a French cleat wall, or just hanging a sheet of plywood on the wall and screwing holders directly to it...


There’s some awesome ideas here. Thanks for sharing.
