Final Fantasy VII What Is The Most Overpowered You Can Get

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Not for the faint of heart to say the least, This is one of the WORST grinds in FF history when it comes to time taken (outside of MMOs like 11 and 14)

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Thanks for watching, and much love!
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I would like the full version, all 600h of it.


Great video! If I may give some feedback for anyone that wants to do this but doesn't have 600 hours to spare:
1) extended W-item glitch can max out your stats in a couple hours.
2) materia grinding in the weird swamp area in the Northern Cave can max out all your materia super fast. Just use Vincent to kill everything here to rack up his kill counter
3) once all your materia is maxed, back room in the mythic cave with Vincent + mega all + as many sneak attack deathblow (with the sniper gun so you don't miss) can rack up the kill counter super fast.

All in all, this will save you hundreds of hours and cut the time in half if not more. Happy grinding!!


Well since you put in the hundreds of hrs into making the vids, I could possibly manage watching the long version!


The fact that you put the ff9 song "you are not alone" in this, makes me happy


In all sincerity, i would very much like a longer version. Along with the nostalgia it's extremely relaxing to watch. Having it on in the background cleaning or laying down in bed and getting ready to sleep is ideal time to watch for me. The longer the better and i thank you for the videos man. Hope you like a small insight into possibly some demographics.


For those who want to max strength relatively early, just finish the temple of the ancients and don't forget to grab the transform materia. Then go to gongaga and transform the tank monster for power sources until you're maxed out.


"get one for each character with no other reason than we can"
Me: i wish i have your patience


Just started my first playthrough. I'm really liking Aerith. I can see having her in my party forever!


I wish I were this dedicated to literally anything in my life.


A few note because I've been thinking about this way too much. There are variations on the item duplication glitch that include morphing. So, you could cut the time to collect most if the source items significantly. Also, be sure to max out vincent first, so he can take yuffie's place as your party morpher and get more kills. Additionally, while the mythril cave looks pretty good for grinding out kills for him, the woods across the river from the nibilhiem mountains are home to an enemy that can show up as many as 6 at a time called 'battery caps'.


My mind is actually melting... the effort, time and dedication this must've taken is beyond my comprehension... saying "thank you" seems lame in exchange for this video but the gratitude is real. I agree that a longer version would be awesome as I love watching this sort of video... very calming and enjoyable. Hope the therapy is going well!!


I would opt for the longer version. You spend such an incredible amount of time doing these runs, a 15 minute clip simply doesn't do it justice. And all the steps are super fascinating to watch!


We need a Primalliquid and The Completionist crossover episode so badly

These 2 youtubers work so very hard for their craft


"It took me 20 minutes to beat ruby!"
Yeah all of it was knight of the round cut scenes tho


Your FFX OP video inspired me to start that game again, and I tried the Zanarkand and Kilika boat leveling tricks. That headstart got me to where I could finally beat the Dark Aeons and Penance for the first time.

So yeah, I don't mind longer videos, especially if there is also information for people who don't want to go completely all-in OP. Those leveling tricks actually really helped me enjoy the game more.


I haven't even watched the video yet, but I wanted to say "Thank You" for these videos.


After max 255 vitality and spirit + zeidrich or mystile (do not use wizard bracelet) you can safely use HP⇔MP swap for all 3 characters. This gives you exponentially more MP to play around with since you don't need HP. It's also just cool seeing 999/9999 instead of the reverse.


I love the game, a lot. Probably played it through about 9 times. Even once done a little grinding to pass the Midgar Zolom without a Chocobo. Which made me totally OP for the rest of the game. And while I greatly respect you for what you achieved. If I did it I'd never want to play FF7 again and that's something I hope never happens.
If I live to 70 years old. I promise to myself here and now that on my 70th birthday I shall start a new game of FF7.


Idk how to word this but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video this devoted to final fantasy 7 lmao. Great vid


Anything FF7 related and I'm like a moth to a flame! Thanks for the content dude
