Kobe Beef!

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First of all, a huge thank you to Lauralee and her husband for making this one of the most amazing food days I’ve ever had in Japan. And if you ever go to Kobe, make sure you drop by their restaurant La Shomon (焼肉バル) for an outstanding Japanese Kobe beef experience.

On Day 6 we took a day trip to Kobe… Kobe is one of those places that’s incredibly famous because of the beef they produce - which is considered to be one of the best beef destinations in the world. Just 30 minute by train from the center of Osaka, we weren’t going to miss it.

00:30 La Shomon (焼肉バル) - the Kobe Beef experience: I want to say that this meal was NOT sponsored in anyway (they didn’t even know I make video) - but Lauralee was just extremely kind. We started in Osaka, and took a train from Umeda station to Kobe-Sannomiya Station where we met up with Lauralee who graciously took us on an all day food tour of Kobe and the surrounding region. We didn’t even know we were going to get to sample Kobe beef until she invited us to her family restaurant, a place called La Shomon (焼肉バル) located in the Tarumi area of Kobe, about 30 minutes from the center of Kobe. We first met all the staff at La Shomon (焼肉バル), who were all really nice and friendly, and then came out the grill to our table. They presented us with a platter of the finest Kobe wagyu beef that I’ve ever seen in my life. The marbling action was just unbelievable. Lauralee grilled up the beef, piece by piece. The beef seriously, changed my life, it was so incredibly flavorful and ultimately juicy. In addition to Kobe beef, they also have dry aged Kobe beef, which was equally as unbelievably good.

11:56 Akashi Fish Market - After our life changing beef experience, we then bought tickets on the train to go to Akashi Fish Market, a lovely fish market village somewhere in Kobe. The market was a lot of fun to visit, and it was extremely friendly. One of the most famous things to buy and eat at Akashi Fish Market in Kobe is octopus, and

14:19 Akashi Yaki (たこ磯) - One of the most famous things to eat at Akashi Fish Market is something called Akashi Yaki (たこ磯), the regions version of takoyaki octopus balls. These are a bit different, and they are fried into ball shaped, but they are then eaten with soup instead of topped with ingredients. They were good, and made a good market snack.

17:16 Roushouki (元祖 豚饅頭 老祥記) - This is a well known place in Kobe’s Chinatown that serves steamed buns. They were pretty tasty.

18:06 The Sake Standing Bar - Walking around Kobe, we noticed on old school standing Japanese sake bar, and it had so much character we decided we need to step in. It indeed was an amazing experience.

22:17 Horumon BBQ (炭焼塩ホルモン『あ』) in Kobe - This time for dinner we didn’t have more Kobe beef, but we certainly ate some random beef parts in Kobe. Some of the interesting things we tried at this yakiniku spot were esophagus and the 4th intestines of the cow.

We headed back to Osaka after one of the most amazing Japanese food days I’ve ever had. The Kobe beef was unbelievable!


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It took a women to say it, Ying is really so patient! I always used to think the same watching all Mark's videos. Travelling all day, shooting as Mark eats, wait for him to taste and talk about the food before eating herself and keep up with him all the time! It has to be appreciated!


I was trying to understand why so many people (for the standards of this channel) disliked the video. Then I checked the comments and notice a lot of guys complaining (again) about Mark's expressions. I wonder why people get so annoyed by that! Is it too hard to understand that he simply likes food a lot? Even though I do think that the head tilting became a habit of his in order to make the videos more appealing I don't have a problem with that since he always makes clear when he disliked the food.

Finally, Mark is not a food critic, he is a food lover. Don't mistake one for another. If you want someone that always complains about food go watch some program on TV, where they complain just to get more audience.


Mark always falls slowly to his right when he is enjoying the food. One day if he finds something he really loves i am afraid he will literally fall to the ground haha.... Love your vids.


This is the only reason why I want to be wealthy. Not for the flash cars or flash house. But for food. Lot of food and lots of plane tickets.


Hey Mark, I stopped by this restaurant over the weekend for my birthday dinner while visiting Kobe. Both my gf and I nearly died from deliciousness overload. Thanks for uploading this video and sharing the restaurant! They deserve as much recognition as they can get for the delicious food as well as their warm hospitality.


You have no idea how much of an impact you've had on my wife's and my life. Thank you so much to have opened our eyes to experience more out in the world. Hope one day we can meet. Blessings.


I'm a chef and I appreciate your expressions Mark, your eyes say it all, seeing someone love good food as much as you and understand what you're eating ( quality )is AWESOME. Thank you for sharing interesting experiences :))


Mark's expression is his trademark, it's what make people remember him. From a business standpoint, it's clever to have his own unique expression.


One thing that goes unacknowledged on this channel, because of content, is the editing. Full respect sir, your editing skills are amazeballs.


Kobe beef looks so tender and delicious oh my goodness


It's nice to see all the negativity in the newer comments from people who have never experienced eating really good food. Makes me realize how lucky some of us are to know such pleasures while they can only complain and ridicule. Keep living the life, Mark.


Mark is the most honest and entertaining food vlogger on the internet. His reactions are absolutely priceless.
Keep up the good work Mark. You are living the dream!


Mark and Ying, You have a passion for great food. Please do not stop showing how you feel about the food with those wonderful expressions. Only foodies understand your creative expressions. If people do not like them then they can go to another boring site. Love you both!


hi Mark just went to visit the restaurant and had a great chat with Lauralee such a nice hostess and the dry aged was just so great it's by far the best wagyu ever had....
she also said thanks to your video more foreign visitors went to her place and she got to speak English more than ever... thanks man for the video


We just love how he presents. Makes you just want to eat what he is eating. We can't wait to go to Japan because of Mark's videos. Thanks Mark.


OH MY GOSH…Kobe is my hometown I'm very happy to watch this video!


To be honest I got genuine enjoyment fromThe video, just seeing your face light up and the ambrosial laugh after every taste was perfect


How can anyone dislike these videos? I think Marks reactions to the food is hillarious! Also its one of the things that make his videos unique...it just puts a smile on my face everytime he takes a savory bite!! Go ahead Mark!! ENJOY YOURSELF!!


The guy pulling poses and slicing the beef is incredibly charming.


Best travel food show ever you rock mark!
