Jazz Standards Decoded: The EASIEST Way To Learn Them (Full Masterclass)

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💥The Masterclasses:💥

✔️Jazz Theory 101: Understanding the Basics of Jazz Music Theory

✔️Jazz Standards Decoded: Analyze Chords to Make Learning Songs Easy

✔️Triad Pair Magic: Unlocking a Hidden Soloing Strategy

✔️Melodic Cells Unleashed: Powerful Tools For Memorable Jazz Solos

✔️Diminished Scale Secrets: Using the Diminished Scale to Amplify Jazz Chords

✔️Melodic and Harmonic Minor Mastery: Utilizing the Jazz Improv “Super Scales”

✔️Pentatonic Power: X Ways to Use Pentatonic Scales In Jazz Improv

✔️Mastering ii-V-I’s: The Chord Progression That Unlocks 100’s of Jazz Songs

✔️Jazz Reharm Wizardry: Transforming Jazz Standards for Improv Creativity


00:00 Introduction
01:30 Why analyze jazz standards?
04:36 The best way to analyze jazz standards
05:55 A crash course on chord progression
08:08 Jazz Standard #1
32:00 Jazz Standard #2
44:20 Jazz Standard #3

💥Important Links and Resources💥

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Hi I've been struggling a lot with understanding how to work out a song that I love now watching this video I'm starting to see how it's done thnx a lot bro


Excellent lesson! Thank you very much!


Brent: super helpful, and it’s great that you share these videos with all of us. But please take this as constructive viewer feedback: Use. Fewer. Words. Like, a lot fewer.


Very nice masterclass, I’d love to hear about the diminished theory from your perspective.


Thanks for this lesson, it helps a lot! I have been a member of your LJS community and eventually will join it again. The way you explain things is easy to follow, despite the difficulty of some of the concepts discussed. I still have issues when I find a chart of a jazz standard with many altered or "weird" chords, but at least I am not afraid of trying to make an analysis of it. As a bassist, I can always play the root note and may be the third to get out of the trouble, at least! 😅


The most difficult thing to me is to take advantage of the roman numeral system to help me memorizing jazz standards progressions (keeping in memory complete chord-by-chord progressions seems to be literally impossible).
Since there are so many jazz standards with several key changes, secondary dominant chords that do not belong to the actual key signatures, etc etc, in the end I haven't found yet a reliable method to get rid of the lead sheets... Anyone could please give some ideas to improve on this particular subject?
