5 BLOCK - From Hell to Hope

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From the creators and production company (Los Feliz Films) of Hermanos Short Film, brings you 5 BLOCK.

5 BLOCK follows Jose Flores, a convicted criminal serving a life sentence, who, despite overwhelming challenges and adversity, discovers his inner strength and transforms into a beacon of hope and redemption for himself and others.

Dive deep into the reality of the US prison system with Jose Flores in 5 BLOCK. Experience a day in the life of an inmate, revealing the struggles, dreams, and strength within the prison walls. Get a raw and insightful perspective on incarceration from sunrise to sunset.

Directors Note:
While creating '5 Block,' I witnessed the profound impact of positive programming in prisons and became more passionate than ever about bringing humanity to those seeking a second chance.

I believe the sharing of Jose “Hozer” Flores’s compelling journey with audiences is a narrative that can evoke and spark a much-needed conversation about the power of rehabilitation within our prison systems.

Jose and countless others have undergone incredible transformations, demonstrating the limitless potential that exists within each of us.
-Timur Bootzin
Рекомендации по теме

The guy with all the tattoos on his face, Flores, has such a great positive attitude...i wish nothing but the best for him.


Im an addict of over 27 years. I came across this video by chance and wow. Its inspiring that these people are so happy. To many people live in a rat race and never find true happiness. I want that and im going to get it.


brother you are a beacon of hope and carisma. We all make mistakes, and some are redeemable. Our system is less than perfect but is workable is you have the right set-mind. Don't let the past define who you really are. We all deserve a second chance in life. Jose, you're making a positive impact on so many people, and many will follow your steps for a better life and knowledge. Cuídate y sigue adelante.


I wish he would write a book. He took back his power.


This was beautiful more states need this. There is hope for everyone seriously.


Best rehabilitation story and it’s truly remarkable… This is hands down a must watch


Jose Flores ur a great guy my respect for u all the things u been trough n ur still positive es lo que necesito un consejo de ti dude👍


This brought me to shed a quiet tear 😢I mean fkn wow life sentence and going home 39 years later 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💙🇺🇸I salute you guys and as an ex convict 15 years served myself 😢we need to believe in Rehabilitation for offenders as in life we all make mistakes 😢sadly some bigger than others 🙏God bless guys and prayers for any victims along the way 🙏 I pray for this man’s release GTC 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🙏✌️


Awesome documentary. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for allowing yourself to be you and be vulnerable. Keep doing what you are doing and keep believing in all that you do.


Very inspirational. Positive attitude and programing is a must. I been there.


This video was absolutely amazing and yes, it made me cry but for joy


When in I realized that many of the guys were products of their environments. I had the opportunity to help a guy learn to read. Had the opportunity to learn a lot about a lot. Half the guys just kids that had no positive guidance. Many addicts. We have the power to help each other and bring us UP. Just gotta figure out how and implement.


Nice to see. Change is hard and as an EX CORRECTIONS OFFICER, is nice to see some guys making the efford. Hope they stick to it.
As a Dog /Animal lover my self, i Love the Dog program. They had it at the prison I worked at...


I did ten years in CDC 94-04. Fortunately I made it out. A year after working a minimum wage job I started my own business. That was 19 years ago. I now employ 33 and have generated well over 50 million dollars. I’m beyond blessed for the opportunity I got when that door opened. But when that door opens, it’s on you to kick it down and work your ass off to scale that opportunity and succeed. Trials will come but it’s the way you navigate your way out of them. I dropped out of school in 7th grade. I gang banged my whole life and the only thing I learned in prison was how to deal with different personalities and patience. Those two traits have got me a long way in business. Seek and you will find that door. Don’t give up be patient you deserve what you put out.


There’s nothing more impressive or amazing than seeing people who genuinely wanna do better for themselves


Jose Flores is the perfect example of don’t judge a book by its cover. He might have tattoos that make him look scary but he’s beautiful on the inside. I’ve never been in jail and I don’t have a single tattoo but I feel connected to him and his struggle. We all need to be better people and learn from each other’s flaws, struggles and mistakes. We are all brothers and sisters, we need to have love for one another. Gob bless the prisoners that are changing their ways and becoming better people. Much love!
Ps. Jose your smile lights up the room, keep shining!


Just got off the phone with Jose. He says thanks and he is so excited for this to be shown around. I have known him since I was 12. I am so excited for his change ❤️


Whoever is running that prison for sure is doing something right


WOW! I'm blown away! These programs should be available in all prisons. Mr. Flores should be taken around the country to speak and create programs in all the states.


I think if Flores was given another chance in the free world, he would do great things. Guy is inspirational
