M2 Bradley Show-and-Tell Tour with JB

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Proud to present this active service member give us a tour of the M2 Bradley at the National Armor and Cav Collection at Ft. Benning in GA.

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I was in a federal prison a couple of years and worked at the UNICOR cable factory. I've actually made that curly black coms cable shown during the driver position portion. I hope those things worked well. We also made power lines, speaker splitters, etc. I always tried to make a good product for the troops.


I like his wry sense of humor, especially about "if you have a bad driver, these storage boxes are going to be the first thing crushed" and "the last crewmember sits up there behind the driver, he has a terrible life"


Bradley driver vet here Iraq 2006-2008 1st cavalry division. My vehicle never went down. Got hit by 5 of the 155 rounds of HME in a deep buried IED. The blast was so powerful it blew the door off the CP 2 miles away in a patrol base. All the damage was a cracked dog house and I lost conscious for 10 or so mins. No explanation but God. I even had the drain hole plug open to dump urine out and we know those are known to shoot up and take the drivers head off in a good explosion. Never felt so safe then inside one of these things. We lived there in countless hours of pulling security. Longest stretch was three days and when we got out i had 7 empty MREs. Good times great crew lots of shit talk lots of sweat as it’s hot as fuck which I always used the NBC hoses to blow a little fresh slightly cooler air. My gunner is now dead thanks to drunk driver my platoon sgt BC is still alive. I’d do anything to be with the same group of guys for one more day.


We lost three soldiers last year in Ft Stewart when their Bradley fell off a bridge during training. May they Rest in Peace.


It’s always great when you can get an actual crewmen to give you a tour.


You should do more videos with this guy! I can see why he was volunteered to become an instructor. He's got the right amount of humor mixed in with the info to keep you paying attention. He's a fountain of information though! Thanks to him for the info!!😀👍👍


I was on the Bradley for 8 years in the National Guard in my home state of Texas. I started out as a dismount and moved up to driver since I really hated riding in the back. I got motion sickness riding in the back so I loved my time as a driver. It was a fun 8 years going to summer camp at Fort Hood, Fort Polk, and even Camp Shelby, Mississippi. In the regular Army I was on M109s and they were a lot roomier inside than the Bradley. I’m 52 now and I really miss those years of my youth.


Wow--- had a toss up between a new Sofi video and a Mark Felton. Went with Sofi for this.

Yeah, this guy's an NCO. He must've been a good one to have in the field. A good, world weary NCO with a great sense of dry humor. Priceless.


When you see the door in the ramp open, while driving in column, its a sure bet you'll also see a stream of piss exiting the vehicle.


When the driver throws the piss bottle behind him and thirty minutes later you can hear commotion from the crew compartment bwcause a dismount drank it...memories.


I was a Bradley vet and served with JB. good to see you brother.


Really like the way JB introduces the vehicle. Hope we can see him more often in the future.


Fun Bradley washing story. We had just come out of the field, and they put the Bradley's through what is called a bird bath. It's a giant ramped pool, with about 3 feet deep water, and several giant mounted water cannons to hose the vehicles down. They also wash Abrams tanks in these, and you can put 2 at a time in. Each driver is informed to flash the head lights if there is a problem, such as the engine has died. A new driver enters the bird bath, and parks for cleaning. After a the water cannons start spraying the vehicle, the lights start flashing. That means everyone stops washing and all the water cannons stop spraying. Then the driver opens his hatch, and notifies us that his hatch is leaking, and he is getting dripped on. At that moment, I instruct both guys operating the cannons to open up the water streams on his hatch. These cannons are like they put on fire trucks, so they move a lot of water. The driver did his best to close the hatch as fast as he could before he got flooded out. When all was said and done, he sloshed out of the drivers seat like a drowned rat and learned that a few drops of water are not that big of a deal compared to the alternative.


The 4 dislikes are light infantrymen. Great video.


Former 11 Mike. This video brought back so many memories of Ft Hood and my Bradley. I was a driver. I miss those days now. I would lose about 10 to 15 pounds when we would do gunnery tables in the summer waiting for hours on the ready line with my hatch closed. God bless all the 11 Mike crews and dismounts.


I was on M2 Bradley 0002 after its overhaul in 92 at Ft. Bliss, Texas. I used to fold out the trim vane on the front and sleep there.


One thing he didn't mention about the commander's hand station, when commander squeezes that grip it overrides the gunners hand station. This is incase the commander sees a target that is more of an immediate threat that the gunner doesn't see, he can override the gunner and engage the target.


Cav Vet here, thanks for bring back some memories. Swimming those was always a trip


“One sits behind the drive, he has a terrible life” that’s funny


Ft. Hood Vet here. During field training, my dismounts left am assault bag in the back of the ramp that had a smoke grenade in it. They gave me the OK to raise the ramp and ended up crushing the grenade which caused it to go off. Caused a small fire but no one was hurt. Also, there's a way to turn the driver seat into a recliner with the driver's seat belt. Just fasten it while looping the belt behind the seat. I spent many nights sleeping like that.
