HGPC Episode 2 Review

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Gotta give credit to Nodoka, just like her partner she knows how to think on the fly while also providing us with some laughs along the way.

Healin' Good Precure Episode 2 Review

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I appreciate the fact that they acknowledge how Nodoka, physically, should never have been a cure, not with the danger of combat. I hope they keep playing into that aspect and don't just magic her physical weakness away with the 'she exercised' excuse.


Writers will tell you one of the aspects of a good main character is a wound. A wound some deficiency in their character or lives that drives them. And we have wounds for both Nodoka and Rabilin.

For Nodoka, it is the fact her body is frail. Building strength in her body seems to be an arc through at least an early part of this series. However, there is the tendency to try to go too fast. This is a conflict similar to Haruka's where she tries things far beyond skills in trying to become more like a princess. This is more grounded but also presents a greater danger as Nodoka could seriously injure herself.

Then there's Rabilin who, despite appearances, is a soldier. She understands the dangers they face, and probably saw many friends die at the hands of their enemy. And here is this young girl with a frail body she is expected to take into war? And, as a healer, losing someone is a blow to her very reason for being.

And what this gives us is a sense of stakes in both the actual Precure stuff and even the normal life stuff that leads up to it. And we're given a clear sense of the threat the Earth faces. These people intend to wipe us out so they can make a new home for themselves. Already we are in a better position to understand this conflict than we ever were with Star Twinkle.

And Cure Sports does need to be a thing.


Another solid episode. I like how they characterized Rabbilin, and how she was worried that being a Precure was too dangerous for Nodoka. The heart to heart between them was well written. Hopefully, the writers aren’t playing their cards too early.


I agree the writers made me care more for Nodoka than they did for whole series of Star Twinkle. I do think we have to have a healthy skepticism, but what I see so far is more effort put into showing the consequences and stakes involved. In the last season, even though it was about saving the universe it was often treated as an afterthought with the girls caring more about the creator's pet plushie than the possibility everyone could be obliterated. This show understands in order to understand the stakes the characters must be as invested in it as us. In this case, I feel this season will be a dark and edgier one, which emphasizes the possibility of loss if the Precure don't win.


This episode alone already healed my pain watching Star Twinkle for a year. I hope they will sell Rabirin plushie, I want that bunny in my room.


Two episodes. Two freaking episodes. And Nodoka and Rabirin are more fleshed out than 75% of the Cures and Fairies we gotten after Go! Princess. I still don’t want to jinx it but Healin Good have already done a great job with its main characters. A problem I had with last season’s Cures is that most of them lacked motives in being a Cure or explanations to their character but these are very understandable and solid reasons. I don’t want to get my hopes too high to avoid disappointment but really, I hope this season remains consistent with this quality. Great review, Adam. I can’t wait for the Happiness Charge all the headaches that you probably get afterwards. XD


Man it's so hard not to be hyped about Healin' Good Precure, these two episodes alone have done so much. The bond between Nodoka and Rabbarin is already so strong, and Nodoka herself is already developing so much.
I found it funny how the fairy partners wanted to kept hidden rather than pretend to be animal pets like Latte because of their trauma of being smacked and chased around in episode 1. I thought that was a nice touch that sprinkled in some humor.
It was also funny how they parodied how previous pink leads have screamed out stuff about Precure before, so when Nodoka had a similar idea the fairies were like "NO"
One thing I noticed during the fight of this week is that our resident evil Bishie didn't recognize Nodoka as Cure Grace. He laughs at Nodoka for her attempts as Cure Sports, but then when Cure Grace comes up he doesn't seem to recognize her as the girl previous. (Despite her transforming within close vicinity, but I'll let that slide since he was probably concentrating more on being evil than the sickly girl that just failed to stop the Megapathogerm). Makes me wonder what they are going to do with the rivalry of these two since we all know something is going to happen between the two. I mean the opening hints at it already, and let's face it that's why most of us already started "shipping" them.
The conflict between the Healing Garden and Kingdom Pathogerm already feels very natural due to how simple of a conflict it is. They want to terraform the world more fitting to them, but that doesn't work for everyone else, so fighting ensues. The writers wouldn't even need to expand upon this as it's a pretty clear cut reasoning for all the fighting, but still makes me wonder if they will try to expand on it since Nodaka and Bishieboy are being advertised as close enemies from the opening theme.

My excitement levels might be going too high since let's me honest anything would have looked like gold after Star Twinkle... but so far the healing process has been GOOD. (Real quick jab, Nodaka and Rabbarin are already closely bonded and better written than Hikaru and Fuwa)


That was a good episode!! I especially love how Nodoka faced off that monster without transforming and her backstory shows a little more sadness


It’s ironic that nodoka used more imagination as “cure sport” in this one episode than the whole cast of star twinkle in 49


Another strong episode! This is a pretty great start. We already know what's driving the characters and I appreciate the show for not dragging out the fairy conflict. The drama was the main part of this show and this is reflected here. Sadly, the action scene was cut short, but the focus this episode WAS NOT the action. It was the drama. And I think it works.

After the review:

Can we give Aoi Yuuki a reward for her voice acting here? The fact she put 110% into Nodoka already? She's doing a really good job so far. And I rarely ever say this, but she's proving to be a good fit with her range.

I'm liking the fairies even more here already. It's clear that Rabirin doesn't hate Nodoka because she's weak, she just doesn't want her to get hurt. And it feels like the show actually is acknowledging that being a Precure is DANGEROUS. Like, why does it feel like that these series has more stakes than the last one about SPACE?
It totally makes sense why she wouldn't want to be with someone who already is below average on the health scale. They didn't just have the fairies get annoyed because they don't "UNDERSTAND". Rabirin CARES. And man, they did this in 2 episodes without it being rushed? Maybe the writing staff actually did some communication this time lol

The villains have definable motives this time too. They just wanna destroy stuff and terraform the planet into a place that's unlivable for people! That's....pretty damn dark but okay!
I'm down for simple villains in this series. I think the less complex we get, the better.

Nodoka is starting out decent enough too. She's still accepting her growth, but I'm looking forward to it. The show has shown that she has something to refer back to. That and she still tries to help untransformed instead of pulling a deus ex machina. Credit where it's due to the writers as they still acknowledge Nodoka has a lack of stamina when not Grace.

The only con this week is that the fight is short, but the character development/drama makes up for it more than enough.

Overall, thanks for the review!


I'm gonna try to not spend the entire season going "SEE STAR TWINKLE! THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!", but especially with this episode, it's suuuper warranted. The difference between the fallout between Hikaru and Lala and this one between Nodoka and Rabbirin is fucking night and day. Characters are actually being set up with arcs to deal with their character flaws, instead of brushing them under a rug because a baby is crying? YES! GREAT! THANK YOU! Also, no baby this season, hallelujah. I am super super stoked for this season.


Man...this episode...this made me pull my heartstrings in both laughter and tears...and it was even better than last week. Im both impressed and shocked, like u would think these kinds of episodes would come at least somewhere in the ep 10 or so...but nope~ HG immediately dont hold any punches; thats a huge relief on my part, and i really love that. Theyre going all out on the feels and i hope they keep this up until the finale of their season

Ok, the episode itself: like i said before, it was better than last week. I really enjoyed the whole bonding experience with Nodoka and Rabirin. This was something that STP lack: the whole BOND between the Cure and their respective fairy partners. Its not just protecting it and make a huge cult. Its about understanding each other's flaws and make it work. Heck, Hugtto did THAT right...in a sense ^^;

Even watching the whole episode w/o the subtitles in their channel, just...hearing those voices played out, especially the duo in that forgiveness scene...aaah~ masterpiece~ TvT

But before going into "that scene" in particular, i want to comment on the whole sports scene, which is both funny and really cool for Nodoka to use later in the climax (its really brave of her to combine ALL those 3 sports she learned and at least tried to hold off the motw...even if its very short; at the same time, i got scared that she got hit so hard at the tree, considering she got tossed about in the air, even with that Kendo armor on OAO;;). I couldnt stop watching it over and over because the gags, especially the jump scene at the start, AND the fairies reaction throughout...its like a mix of Nichijou AND Chika's reactions in the volleyball scene in Kaguya-sama: Love is War. Its really good stuff XD

*ahem* then...the conflict of this episode: Rabirin dissing Nodoka out. Now i get some people getting pissed off at this bunny for doing that, believe me, i was too...until Chiyu and Pingu come along to the 2 (partially Nya-tan helped a little but im gonna talked about these 2 pairs more). Both of them knew that both Nodoka and Rabirin care for one another (even if Chiyu didnt know about it until the end of the episode...she only knows her physical limits due to her health ^^;). Nodoka, despite her physical frailty, wanted to do something to help others out, in a sense, returning the favor; Rabirin, in spite of saying it harshly (like i get it: miscommunication. To be fair, they only just met ^^;), only wanted to protect her because knowing that this Precure mission is very dangerous, she didnt want her to get hurt, especially considering her illness...hence, "that scene". It was so moving...i couldnt stop thinking about it since. You could hear those VAs reeeally getting into the character, especially to the point of near breakdown of both sides about how they feel and want to do something...*sniff* ...sorry. just a small dust in my eye. Now granted, some say "well, Rabirin couldve just told her reason of dissing her, like what she said to Pingu"...even if she would, this scene would still play out either way; heck, few added "u do know theres a monster just wrecking the whole place up right?" And i agree...but i dont want to ruin this touching moment. Its like a saying from the Aliens of the Toy Story movies: "You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful". Its THAT GOOD, that these are the few moments where i didnt care for the short fight. If a show has the heart, despite lacking the action, thats good enough for me in my book~


After two solid episodes from the main writer of the show, my main concern is how the sub writers will do. These can kill a good series if they don't know what to do with the cast, so I hope we get a cohesive team working with the series composer.

It could be a pretty decent season if they can achieve that, but I'm still holding my hopes, as it's Toei what we're talking about.


This was Yuji Yamaguchi’s final episode before passing away


This series is going to the most darkest since HeartCatch. Nodoka is literally the first PreCure to have a disability.


this episode alone made me happy to be fan of the series. many good points. thanks for your review.


My only problem with this episode is that the fairies say that Pretty Cure and the Healing Animals supposed to be a secret even though last episode, they were going out in the open and asking everyone around them to be Pretty Cures.

That's the only problem I have with the episode. The rest is great and I hope that Healin' Good keeps up the quality for the rest of the show.


Hinata = girl with too much coffee
Daruizen = pretty boy villain
Chiyu = blue waifu

I love this formula


Another very good episode. This season is starting really strong, and I applaud it for that. I like how they're exploring their theme this season, unlike some other universe-spanning ones... °coughStarTwinklecough°


I just thought of something. You know how last season the cures were seen as a galaxy themselves? Elena and madoka being the sun and the moon of their school, hikaru being a star sharing said galaxy while keeping its distance from the sun and moon, lala being a seperate galaxy entirely, and if we include Yuni and her shapeshifting powers she would represent the cosmos as a whole, as she represents every creature in the known universe.

Well i just realized that the Healin'Good team has a similar dynamic that takes on two different forms. First is Health in general with Nodoka representing the Medicinal Plants used to cure illnesses, Chiyu representing the clean drinking water we need to get through the day, Hinata representing the sunlight we need to maintain a healthy glow, and the future Cure Earth represents the fresh air we need to stay healthy.
The second dynamic this team has is a deeper comparison to the first but centering on how Nodoka will be able to conquer her poor health.
Nodoka and her poor health, is a rare medicinal flower (the cure against the Byokkens) starting to whither and her teammates are the representations of what that flower needs to keep living. Water and sunlight as the flower's nourishment (Chiyu and Hinata's advice to help Nodoka strengthen her body and shine with a healthier glow) and the wind that helps Pollenate other plants to help keep the flower from completely dyeing out. (Cure Earth's inclusion increasing the effectiveness of the core Trio's Treatments to combatting the byoggens)

Im not a doctor or a botanist so my comparisons might be a tad inaccurate but i thought it was interesting to point out
