The Best Solution to Video Game Addiction

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Healthy Gamer Coaches have helped more than 10,000 people across the internet with proven outcomes.

Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health explores Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and Meditation

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I used to grind League every single day as an escape since I didn't knew how to emotionally process, but once I did. It was easier facing challenges and I slowly quit grinding league. Today, I just play 1-2 hours with friends and spend more of my time building my career, investing more time on my romantic relationship, and learning more life skills that I used to neglect.

There's really a huge difference between playing games for fun and playing games to escape life problems.


The thing is that I have realized that games don't make me happy. Doing something to challenge myself does. And that is when I am at peace in life, when I can actually enjoy video games


And what's awesome is his lessons go beyond video game addiction itself into other areas of life. Dr K is doing great work for humanity.


I vote getting rid of the occasional stock footage edits (like that clip of the guy on his phone) and just staying on Dr K's handsome mug the whole video


At 17, I gave up everything to try to be a professional player, I lied to myself, I couldn't accept my addiction... I lost the opportunity for an international exchange, I stopped volleyball, even though I had several professional opportunities for myself, I stopped reading my books. books about career, psychology etc...
And it was like that from 2018 until 3 months ago, just playing, playing, for little money.
I still wonder if I like it or if it's just quick shots of dopamine from my brain.
Anyway, I've been abstinent from games for 1 month, I started programming, running, eating better and finally treating my ADHD diagnosed since I was a child...
But I still feel a terrible desire to achieve something in games... I'm lost, and I'm following financial security(code) because I'm in doubt...

English not my native lang, sorry


I think another alternative to video game addiction is studying video games entirely. Once you feel like you explored it in its entirety, you can retire from it. Or you can consciously play them with a reason as opposed to before. Its either self control or exploring the idea entirely that I believe for now.


for me it was never an addiction but a means to not have to deal with reality


This is probably the best, most sensible answer I've heard from someone in regards to a solution to video game addiction...

Much better than simply "video games are bad, do something else" - there are many positive attributes and influences that can come from gaming, it's when gaming becomes the dominating force in one's life to where daily responsibilities are neglected in favor of it, that it becomes a problem.

Balance is key, as with most things and self-understanding, as doc said, so that you can properly assess the effect gaming has on your life (pros and cons) and tweak it as necessary.


I remember one time I played for 15 hours straight without eating, showering, or taking any breaks at all it was the whole day, my parents got mad at me for it until it started getting worse till the point where I got grounded but I could still do anything I wanted except play video games and even if it was for a day I would get angry and aggressive and even start crying and acting like my life was over

After that, we seemed professional help where they put me on for 4 hours a day and my parents made me research 10 different hobbies online and put it down on a paper. I then started getting involved in different things and some days I didn’t even play 4 hours because I wanted to do other stuff

I feel like the more distractions you get the better it is

I also believe that video game addiction isn’t determined on how many hours you play, it’s based off of what it does stress wise and how much of a distraction it is in your life because I still play several hours a day sometimes but it’s gotten to the point where I can just drop the controller and come back later not giving a crap at all even if it’s the biggest game of my life because you have to train your self that IRL is reality and a pixel screen doesn’t matter with my point also being not having the urge to go back on


At the end of the day, it's up to you. A person can only give you advice, whether to take it or not is your choice


I liked gta 3 as a kid cause, but had to play it in secrecy from parents because violence. Years later GTA V came out, I got so addicted, I didn’t do homework, did not go to family gatherings or birthdays and such anymore. Basically my routine was; wake up, eat, school, game, eat, game til late at night, sleep, . I completely stopped gaming including other games for a year or 2/3, tried games again. Things went well, tried gta iV. No problem there. Tried gta V and fell into that big addiction hole again. This time shorter, but I was older and was better at understanding myself. So I agree. I stopped playing the Gta series all together and it worked out pretty good so far.


It keeps blowing my mind how well the audio for these gets looped considering that his conversation wasn't designed with the intent to be looped...


I was addicted to video games I studied myself how to get out of that it’s just do other things distract yourself cause I did that I’m not really on that much I used to play 24 hours everyday


Video explains the problem, but it doesn't provide the solution that is promised by the headline.


Video game addiction is nothing compared to phone/device/tablet addiction.


This is great. I could watch these videos all day. 🤪


I am not video game addiction but I am addicted to internet


whats the name of the full talk i couldnt find it in the description


It’s the reward system this thing causing addiction in the game.


i think with games, adding easy cheat codes kill interest quickly. nothing like the absence of any challenge or story to to push someone out quickly.
