Dorian Yates discover Volume Training doesn’t Work

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Most people don't train with enough intensity to cut back and regress. Training with high intensity its preety hard, and people don't want to experience pain nowadays.


I did PPL, Bro Split and Arnold split last year. I hit a plateau. I started reading into HIT following dorians way of training. Been doing it 3 weeks now my plateau has been smashed through. My reps and weight is going up. What I have found out about it is it’s nothing magic. It’s a Glorified Bro split. But what I will say what it does is it teaches you to lift with strict form and control. I didn’t know anything about positive, hold and negative which is what it has taught me. It’s tough as well I like a good workout. My cardio was always HIIT over long distance running. The one thing I will say is I have to do 5 days a week not four. After I have done chest I felt I was going to throw up when I went onto biceps and I couldn’t focus. So I’ve created an arms day to train them separate. Don’t get fixated on stuff keep trying things that suit you and I feel this training defo suits me. How long for we will see


I tried many training styles, and the more minimalistic i was thr better results i had


Volumers be like “Damn you Yates. I train AM and PM” 😂


The Shadow is so laid back & legit it’s ridiculous. And he keeps searching for, and finding, ways to stay fit and active out of the spotlight. Mad props to a real deal champ. 😎👊🏽


I think the hardest part about high intensity training is the fact that your mind says less days in the gym doesn't work. We are always told more is better but when going to failure and beyound you need to do less days per week but in that you must give it all you got and if you don't have a training partner you need to find other ways to do forced negative reps, Static holds, or rest pause sets.


The other key variable people miss in the gym is they don't try every training stule to find out what works best for their body. I found high volume training 20-30 sets a week per muscle group only works if I never go to failure ever. Low volume only works for me if I do High intensity and go to failure on every working set. The thing is the more I go to failure the more days off I need. You just need to find for you what works best for your body to grow and keep doing it until it stops working and then change it up to confuse the muscles.


Yup, if you guys want to hit muscle once a week hard. Try this

Monday legs
Wednesdays chest
Friday back
Sunday shoulders and arms

Plenty of recovery between sessions


Whenever I train I always ask myself What Would Dorian Do?


Funny, still to this day people still turn their nose’s up at HIT, training 3-4 times a week for 35 - 40 minutes at a time, and taking 3 days of recovery time. Let ‘em! Go ahead and spend your life in the gym while I go surfing, fishing, hiking, long walks on the beach and hang out with my wife and daughter….


I have been doing HIT a few months and loving it


Yates, according to his own records, published interviews and books did an average of about 30 sets to failure per week of training and about 45 "warm ups" which based on videos and his written training log would mostly have been considered "effective" by most modern so-called high volume proponents. At least 60 hard sets and 30 sets to failure per week.

Mentzer, according to his own words, at his minimum did about 18 sets to failure every 2 days, or about 60 sets per week to failure.

Arnold claimed to have gained most of his muscle doing the "Golden Six" routine that had him doing 20 sets for his whole body 3x per week on the squat, bench, military, chin, curl and sit-up, totally 60 work sets per week an about 30-40 being up to 0 reps in reserve.

All of the so called "volume" proponents recommend a baseline of 8-12 sets per week for chest, shoulders, back, quads, and about 8-12 direct arm and 8-12 total for hams and calves. That averages out to 60 sets per week and they typically recommend an average of about 2 reps in reserve and only 25%-50% of sets taken to 0 RIR.

Point is, they ALL recommend right on 60 sets a week for hypertrophy. If anything, the basic volume proponents do less, because they stay further away from failure. For all we know, Yates might have gained as much with his level of volume, but leaving 1-2 reps in the tank most of the time. His training then would have been basically identical to Arnold's golden six, Mentzer's "most effective routine", and the programs of so called "high volume" today like Mike Israetel and Brad Schoenfeld. IDENTICAL! Nobody is recommending 20 sets 3x per week for major muscle groups like Arnold did in pre-contest training after he had gained all of his muscle (by about age 24). Arnold was 240 at age 19 on the basics.


So how come it works for the people doing high volume?


Can you use push pull leg concept for HIT?


He starts zeroing because he isn’t recovering . It’s pretty simple, training intensity and strength plays a part in training people need to get smarter


Everyone is different, some can train 5 times a week and get great results but will never know if less volume would achieve the same results, also wear on the joints is less with less workouts


He seems to be equating high intensity training with frequency. Even if i train just three times/week, those sessions can be intense, no? 🤔


HIT is the key to massive gains regarding muscle and cardiovascular fitness. It's really tough, hard, scares people but the benefits are amazing. My vo2 max increased from average to great within 8 months and gained 5 kg lean mass while dropping body fat. Worked only 2 days a week.


Is Dorian talking about training one individual body part 3 days per week versus 5 days per week or is he talking about a total of 3 days per week of training all different body parts versus 5 days per week of all different body parts combined?


HIT keeps you strong in the age of people wanting everything easy.
