The Legend of Revan (As Told by Kreia)

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“I would rather excel in knowledge of the highest secrets of philosophy than in arms.”
-Alexander the Great

Music used:

Darth Revan (Jedi Version) by Lucas King

Darth Revan (Epic Theme) by Samuel Kim

Anakin's Betrayal by John Williams

Padmé's Ruminations by John Williams

The Tusken Camp and the Homestead by John Williams
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Since this video is getting so much attention, here’s my controversial opinion:

Revan (the novel) is one of my favorites. I really loved the bitter-sweet conclusion to his story. He’s like a larger than life hero from Greek mythology, so it made sense to me that he had a tragic end. The bigger they are, the harder the fall, right? Even still, his failure still ended in a small victory; delaying the invasion by hundreds of years. He saved the galaxy one last time and no one will ever know. Tragically beautiful, if you ask me.

I also liked his character arc of trying to live up to his own reputation, until he became the embodiment of the light AND dark sides of the Force. He became the “balance”. It made him badass, but somehow vulnerable as well.

“I am Revan reborn! And before me, you are nothing.”

That said, I really didn’t like Meetra Surik’s ending. Seemed anticlimactic and lame. Maybe I’m biased, because Meetra’s my favorite EU character.

Edit: Also, I wasn’t a fan of Revan in The Old Republic MMO. I feel like the novel should have been the end of his story.


the idea that revan never fell, but knowingly sacrificed himself to the dark side to save the galaxy from a greater him so perfect


Revan: the person that paradoxically was one of the best sith and Jedi


Revan's greatest feat was getting his life told by Kreia and not getting roasted once. If this happens to you, it means you're absolutely epic (or you're the writer's pet).


"Savior, conqueror, hero, villian. You are all of these things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone".
- Darth Malak


“Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the force”


Kreia, the greatest character ever written in Star Wars.


Kreia and Obsidian are a big reason for why Revan is so damn intriguing and awesome. They paid a lot of respect to the first game and his legacy. They expanded on it and made it really fleshed out and interesting... Too bad Bioware didn't give a rats ass about KOTOR 2...


“You see, the war, the true war, had never been one waged by droids or warships or soldiers, but waged in the hearts of all living things, against our own natures. Light or dark”

This quote rings true, especially 3000 years later with the rise of Darth Vader


Kreia was alot of the reason revan was as powerful as he was.oit of all his teachers, it was her he listen to most.


Shout out to Kreia's voice actress! Kreia's every word is sculpted so that she just exudes power and knowledge. I feel that she is the perfect balance or container for the legend of Revan. Not a container as if she's restraining him, but hers is the only in-story character that I feel can tell Reven's story. In my opinion she is the perfect, and maybe only, lens to view, and consider Revan. Only power can speak of power.


"Revan choices was always his own, it was not teaching or examples, it was him" This quote is powerful, and also shows the utter failing that SWTOR did, by taking away his agency. (Making it so that they were dominated by the sith emperor vitiate)


I can't get over how AMAZING Kreia is, dialogue and storywise. She was the reason I got intrigued in Revan since I never play KOTOR 1. Dude sounds like a legend through her view.


“The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is sometimes difficult, but I feel that Revan understood that difference more than anybody knew.” Phenomenal words. What I wouldn’t give to write like this.


My god.... the story telling alone is S++, Kreia is such a good story teller she's like the Deckard Cain of star wars it really does make you want to "stay awhile and listen".


I will always love Obsidian for creating Kreia, and turning Reven into a much more complex and interesting character in a just a few lines of dialogue. Such a shame that his depiction in the old republic just wasn't at Obsidians level.


Kreia is the greatest force wielder and force scholar of all time. Not only did she keep searching further, deeper, embracing a broader view than any before her but she was also to afraid to take a stance, to be critical, to formulate an opinion, to put her foot down, setting her strongly apart from wishy-washy grandmasters like Yoda who became vague, submissive and inactive as a price for their understanding, bent to the will of the Force. But Kreia is someone for whom truth and freedom were more important and someone who would spit in the eye of gods and face the universe and fate itself alone if needed.
And yet, even her strength could only do so much before she reached her limits, and her achievement was ultimately failure. We need more students of the Force who understand her legacy, her discoveries to seek an ultimate solution.


Obsidian did such a good job creating Kreia, it's easy to believe that she was Revan's mentor.


Obsidian and Kreia: "Perhaps he became the dark lord out of necessity... to prevent a greater evil."

Bioware: "haha Tenebrae mind control go brrr haha Revan puppet go


It's criminal how few views this has. There are plenty of videos of Revan's timeline accompanied by visuals on youtube and there are several videos of Kreia talking about Revan but this is just the best of both worlds. Then add the epic soundtrack and this is officially amazing. Well done!
