thin pipe welding secrets, why didn't the welder tell me this welding secret

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thin pipe welding secrets, why didn't the welder tell me this welding secret

This video is how to weld metal thin square tube using stick weld, tthin pipe, why didn't the welder tell me this welding secrethis video is made for beginner welders, how to weld for beginners
Hopefully inspiring and hopefully useful
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Рекомендации по теме

Ждём ролик "Секрет накручивания гайки на болт. Почему слесари не хотят, чтобы Вы об этом знали!?"


Thats not a secret thats a lot of practice and patient 💪


I usually do the second option followed by the
Nice and strong welds....


Sa pag welding kasi kailangan pag aralan ang lakas ng koryente kong panipis o makapal ba ang steel na iyong we weldingin. Kailangan mo ding alamin Ang exact angle ng welding rod ma vertical, horizon, flat or over head na position. Marami kang pag aralan pag gusto mong mga welder. Dito panipakita lang na ng welding ng pipe makikita mo sa huling video nya ng adjust na sya ng setting ng kanyang koryente kong alam nyo kong paano mg welding pero Hindi nya ito pinapakita sa kanyang video...


Good video learning a lot about welding


If you have time even 30 seconds let it cool down even a bit can reduce the risk of burning through especially if it’s a one shot weld


Wawwww, to be honest, this is quite difficult, I have tried it, but this time I will try


para soldar itens de segurança como quadro de moto, com gás é mais resistente que só arame?


It mainly depends on the thickness of the material, keeping the nozzle angle on the thickness side (which is the plate in this video).


Buena observaqción del colega Ruso, esos guantes...


Ive tried and tried but cannot stop mine looking like number 2, that slag in the middle of the weld.

I can manage a T joint okay (mostly), but pipe just always comes out with the slag in the middle.

Welding 1.5mm pipe onto an 8mm flange, 2mm 6013 electrode DCEP @75 amps


Hello. I have to weld a roof. the material is of rectangular bars 100x50x4. the structure is 9800 mm long. can you give me some advice? I thought of drawing the structure on the floor with the laser then placing the whole structure on top of it and then giving points
of welding to fix it then I turn and balance it well. what do you think? sorry for the grammar.


Zigzag motion is good, just watch your weld pool, maintain weld arc and the most important is you amp setting. Sometimes I do the circular motion.


This isn't a's welding


스프레이 이행 방식으로 두꺼운 철판쪽으로 아크발생 파이프는 스프레이형식으로 분사 시키면서 붙힌다.?


If want good welding for pipe need use 75 amperage ?


Начинать шов с прихватки в обучающем видео такое себе обучение.


Esta mejor agarrado el primer cordon el segundo muy bonito pero superficial, no tiene el mismo agarre


Welding thin pipe the speed as to be right the angle of the welding rod and of course the amps after that is easy


Вот тоже велосипед изобрел., да любой сварщик знает, что надо накидывать метал с толстого на тонкий.Это не секреты, а принципы соединения и виды швов и их применение .
