What is wrong with Gnosticism | Clip from June Patreon Q&A

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In this clip I take on the question from the chatroom of what exactly is the problem with Gnosticism, and why Christians have rejected its major tenets. This clip is taken from the June Q&A offered to Patrons on Patreon.

Apologies for the first upload which had a mistake in it.

The monthly extra videos will be for all Patreon subscribers:

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Pageau's good humor and delight with life always come through. He's not processing trauma all the time like JBP, he's not distantly intellectual like Vervaeke, he never relies on vaguely mystical or awe-inspiring rhetoric like Paul VanderKlay.


This goes greatly together with G. K. Chesterton’s “Orthodoxy”.


The points you made from 3:48 to the end were very fascinating. The concept of a mountain essentially being contained within its peak struck me particularly deeply.


As I understand it, in Christianity the mystery lies in the gap between divine and material, between full coherence and full completeness, the dark element which is encompassed in the person of Jesus. This mystery can be partly understood over time with contemplation and religious observance, but only paradoxically by accepting the presupposition that the mystery itself is a necessary component of being. While in Gnosis, the claim is that the mystery is a veil of ignorance, which you can dispel by becoming illumined, and that the mystery was foisted on you by a cruel demiurge or power hungry priests for their own benefit. This is why secret societies are mostly all Gnostic at the core, they dangle an 'elite' status and 'hidden' knowledge in front of people. And in doing so they create a subtle poison, one which takes a necessary component of creation and life, and makes it an enemy of 'the good'. This is why gnostic religions always become world deniers and misanthropes eventually, regardless of what good intentions their founders may have had. They are at war with the thing that makes life itself possible. This world is, despite our sorrows and tragedies, as Leibniz said, the best of all possible worlds!


You gave a lot of description on what gnosis is but it's unclear to me what is "wrong" with gnosticism.


What's wrong with Gnosticism is that for every line that makes some kind of sense there are a hundred or so that don't make sense. Plus, it has all these weird and repulsive Kabbalah like stories in it.


Would you do an episode on the relationship between the churches who claim apostolic succession (E.O, Oriental, Rome, Anglican, Armenian, etc). I recently came out of evangelicalism after a major paradigm loss ( I was taught creationism and reject it). Now I am at loss of what to do. I understand churches that give Eucharist and have the three fold ministry to be a more pure form. Could you do a video on evangelicalism not understanding the symbols of the Bible.
To be perfectly honest, though I love and have an utmost respect for Eastern Orthodoxy, I find it hard to accept that they are the one church and not the coptics or the Armenians or any other group that keeps the sacraments.
It’s a confusing time for Christians. I also found that when I left the Baptist movement, I became much more liberal, scientifically minded, and more compassionate towards my fellow mankind.
For those who leave evangelical churches, is it any wonder I have developed an interest/obsession with eastern religions and philosophy? Or could that be because I am a highly creative thinking artist who just can’t help think outside the box?
Btw I love and admire what you and your brother are doing. It has to go alongside with what JP is teaching regarding being and consciousness.
Thank you

Ave Maria
Glory to God


I'm really glad to have found you, gnostism is rampant on tik tok and no one is addressing


Gnostic was an accusation, not a unified philosophy. There are many early Christians and Christian sects accused of Gnosticism, including the apostle Paul, who was called by Ireneus „the apostle if heretics.“ There was no proto-orthodoxy either. These are 20th century academic categories which are not helpful to understand the various early movements. Some Christians who were accused of Gnosticism are part of the Christian canon and were highly influential. Including Clement and Origen are the most obvious.


Terrific explanation about the unity of Chris and Christianity. That laugh in the end is really nice.


I really want Pageau or Jay Dyer to do a detailed watch of Neon Genesis Evangelion


Very interesting. Thank you for uploading this.


What you’re describing actually sounds similar to Vedanta, wherein the first step is to recognize that the world is an illusion, but the final step is to realize the paradox that there is no contradiction between God and the world, but perfect reconciliation.

The only difference (albeit a big one) is that in Christianity, Christ is the sole bridge that reconciles man and the world, whereas in Vedanta all of the avatara would fulfill that role.


So what's wrong with Gnosticism? You didn't even answer the the title.


Can’t we just go back to the good ol days when god murdered a bunch of first borns.


Father, Son, Holy Ghost...
Mind, Body, Soul ??


Ask yourself how many gnostic ‘saints’ there are, ask how many miracles have been performed. Ask how many died under persecution for their faith. “You shall know them by their works”


Major part on the comments doesn't know the 4 types of gnosis.
1) Special knowledge revealed.
2) Pessimistic disposition towards reality, where existence in reality is a prison and the human being was thrown into it against his will.
3) Heretical Christian Sects of the 1st and 2nd Century.
4) Ancient exoteric religion.


Great clip. When I finally made my way back to God, which is a far longer story than there's room for here, He gave me the symbol which, to me, now represents the _bothness_ which you talk about; It's that paradoxical mathematical form called the Mobius Strip. I think of it as my wedding ring.


I'm removing myself from secularism by studying all the declared heresies by the Church.
Thought systems are realities.
The darkness was shouded in the blue glow of the coming dawn. If it wasn't for the color blue I wouldn't be alive.
On earth as it is in heaven.
