Hello World | Coding with Qiskit 1.x | Programming on Quantum Computers

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Welcome back to Coding with Qiskit, where IBM research scientist Dr. Derek Wang will get you up to speed with the latest developments in quantum computers for your own work.

What is Hello World? When installing anything new, whether it’s a language or package, it’s standard practice to include a “Hello World” example. The purpose is twofold: first, we ensure that the installation was done correctly, and second, we want demonstrate what a typical application workflow looks like. Here, we’re going to prepare a two-qubit Bell state and then, to highlight how this approach can scale to utility-scale circuits on over 100-qubit circuits, we’ll generalize our approach.

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Some lingo that may be useful!

1. Bell State
A Bell state in quantum computing is a special type of entangled state where two qubits are linked such that the state of one qubit instantly influences the state of the other, no matter the distance between them.

2. Superposition
The principle that a qubit can exist in multiple states (0 and 1) simultaneously, rather than being in a single state like a classical bit.

3. Hadamard Gate
A basic operation that transforms a qubit into an equal superposition of its 0 and 1 states, creating a state where the qubit has a 50% chance of being measured as 0 and a 50% chance of being measured as 1.

4. The CNOT (Controlled NOT) Gate
A two-qubit operation where the state of the second qubit (target) is flipped if the first qubit (control) is in the state 1, otherwise, the target qubit remains unchanged.

5. Pauli Operators
A set of three basic matrices (Pauli-X, Pauli-Y, and Pauli-Z) used to describe quantum gates that can change the state of a qubit by flipping its state, rotating it, or inverting its phase.

In quantum computing, operators like ZZ, XX, and YY perform specific transformations on qubit states, altering their properties such as phase, amplitude, or entanglement.


I was expecting the Qubit's to print "Hello World" 😂
Man it looks like I have a lot to learn.


Starting to see how I sound to my parents when explaining classical computing 😭


Thank you so much for the clear explanation, making it easy to follow and working on my end as well. I've now completed my very first job on the IBM quantum platform 🙂! Will definitely continue with this series and enhancing my quantum knowledge.


Awesome Derek, a fantastic Qiskit Intro! Well done and keep going compiling the tutorials in the same style... really appreciated the condensed and swift walkthrough the code and step by step instructions... 👍


@Qiskit Why didn't he put other Pauli operators like "YY = Pauli('YY')" ? Excellent video, thank you very much!


Has "EstimatorV2" been changed? Im getting issues with the arguments


Nice to see new videos for qiskit 1.0 . Congratulations!!! But, instead of the estimator, how to calculate the count to create the histogram, as was previously done with get_counts?


Hey, is there any detailed class on operators or some other resource? That is one part I cant still wrap my head around.


Hi Derek, great video and initiative! I attempted to implement a 5-qubit GHZ example on IBM Kyoto, but I received a warning that the task would take more than 10m to execute. Surprisingly, when I tried the same on IBM Brisbane, it completed in nearly 50 seconds. This compels me to ask: How can I determine which system is more suitable for a particular task? Many thanks in anticipation.


I am working on windows and for some reason i wasn't able to create a separate environment, hence I didn't bother and continued with my default setup in vs code jyupter nb. I want to know if there will be any drawbacks of doing so.


I'm a little confused, in John's learning videos he says he's gonna use Qiskit notation and says "turn the circuit diagram 90° clockwise to easier remember which qubit is the first" but applying that here q1 would be the first, q0 second 🧐


Dr. Wang, I really appreciate you taking the time to create this video series. I am new to Quantum Computing and a little intimidated at the same time. I have a background in Python programming so it makes it a little easier to understand. However, in Step 3, I am getting a Name Error that 'job' name is not defined, did I forget to install something? job is not a variable I thought.


How to open Conda terminal on visual studio ? I always get powershell !


hello, im facing an error in step -2 transpilation at 18.23, the error shows : raise AccountNotFoundError("Unable to find account.")


Hello, can someone help me with the following issues I am facing while running the code?
In the extended Hello world e.g. for n qubit GHZ state, at step 3: for this = True" line of code I'm getting the error "'bool' object has no attribute 'enable'"..
even if I comment it out and run the code it is showing similar error in the very next line.
Please tell me why this is happening and how I can correct it.


please maximize the vsc window, because the font is too small.
otherwise the video is great! thankyou


Hi, thanks for these lessons! They are incredibly useful. I have a quick question, when we initialized the two qubits q0 and q1 are they automatically in the |0> state? (are they both in the same state..?)


Sir i have problem with installation process it just shows my name of pc in terminal anad when i try to create another environment for anaconda(like u) it just shows an error. Can you please help me to resolve my issue?


it would be excellent if the folks doing work in the quantum space would stop naming things after themselves and instead give them descriptive names.
