Time is an illusion - Past Present and Future Exist at the Same Time - Max Tegmark - Block Universe

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According to physicists time is not real, It is just an illusion. There is no past, present or future, they all exist together. It means everything happens at the same time.
Actually the concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories.
“we have the illusion, at any given moment, that the past already happened and the future doesn't yet exist, and that things are changing.
"But all I am ever aware of is my brain state right now. The only reason I feel like I have a past is that my brain contains memories."

According to the block Universe theory, the universe is a giant block of all the things that ever happen at any time and at any place. On the basis of this block Universe model, past, present and future are not separate, they all are present at the same time.

According to this model, every moment of our life is out there, somewhere in space-time.
Our birth and death moments both coexist at the same time, somewhere in space time coordinates.
So according to the block Universe theory, it is possible to time travel. But it says that passing of time is just an illusion. Nothing is changing in our universe. Every event that has happened from the beginning of the universe, any event that we are observing right now and any event that will happen in the future, is already present at certain coordinates in the block Universe. So passing of time is not real, it is an illusion that we observe because of our memory of the past. Nothing is passing, everything is already there somewhere in space time.

To make this idea easy to understand, let me give you a simple example.
When we watch a recorded video on our mobile phone, then we see, things are happening in a sequence as the time passes in the video. Let me ask you... whatever you are seeing in the video is happening in real time? You will Say, no...
Because you are just watching events that have already happened. You are just seeing the recorded events in the past.
The whole story told in the video, has already been told. You can go to any point in the video by reversing and forwarding it. The whole story is already present in the recorded form in the memory of mobile. But whenever anyone watches this video from starting to end, he or she feels like events are taking place in the real time and they enjoy it. But nothing is happening at that time. Everything has already happened.
In the same way, according to the block Universe model, everything that has happened, is happening and will happen, is already present at the same time in the universe at some point in space time. We are moving from past to present and from present to future with time, is just an illusion of our brains. So time is an illusion!!!

So friends, if you enjoyed this video then please click on the like button and share it with others. You can share your ideas and questions regarding, what is time, in the comment section. Do you Agree with the block Universe theory? Do you really think that time is an illusion. Share with others your point of view about the time.

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It blow my mind how many minds that are on Earth have had this same exactly thought.


The reality that we live in is a 3 dimensional play (as opposed to a 2-dimensional play like a movie). The 3D pixels are extremely small (plank length), and there is no actual matter. If you see your finger moving through space, really all that’s happening is information is transferring between plank pixels to create the illusion of movement (similar to TV pixels changing colors to create the same illusion). All the pixels are present and fixed in the 3D plane. The story of the world has already been told, and our consciousness enters these bodies to experience the story and grow in love. We enter these suits of forgetfulness (our bodies) because if we remembered who we truly were, we wouldn’t be able to fully experience the adventure of life. Truly, everything already exists. It’s simply our experience that perceives a change.


I have experienced this directly on ayahuasca and DMT. It was not a concept or idea it was on a much deeper level, a deep knowing that our ancestors and descendants are actually living through us right now. Makes no sense to the rational survival mind, but it was nonetheless soaked in the feeling of truth.


So block universe also agrees that there is no free will... Everything in our life have already happened... You can't say that you have a choice to eat apple tomorrow because it is already destined to happen, not because of your choice but because that event has already been decided...

So the thing that we will do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and so on have already happened and we're just experiencing it and thinking that we are the one's making the decisions...

This brings the quotation "my whole life was a lie" to a whole different level!


If time is an illustration why do we grow older, from shorter to taller and from stronger to weaker? Is it still an illusion? Thanks for answering.


Yes you are always dead in part of the the time block but you will always be alive in other parts of the time block


The Block Universe does not say that time is unreal (after all, how can something that isn't real dilate?), or that everything happens at the same time. What is says is that things happen in a sequence of before, simultaneous with and after, rather than past, present and future, and that the Block is a static model rather than a dynamic one, as you would find in the Presentists' model of time.


I think this is what it is. Time is an illusion, but to complete my understanding I need to figure out how aging factors into this. Is aging (growth) an illusion also?


Who else jumps in delight when he says 'illuzion'? SO CUTE


Sounds logical but I'm doubtful this is correct. Yes reality maybe be different to how we perceive it but why is it this way? Basically this idea of everything happening at the same time is suggesting that we forever exist that we are been conceived, developing, being born, living our lives and dying all at the same time, so where are we at death and where are we before birth, which came first? Did everything happen or begin all at once? Was there a beginning? And what determines each persons life? Why do we have the life that we have? Why some are fortunate and others unfortunate? I think there's more to it than what appears to be. What about knowledge or information where did it come from? What was the first knowledge, information? Did all knowledge/information exist all at once? Why do our brains appear to move forward in time? Is there another part of us in another universe moving backward/ sideways etc in time? Are there infinite or a finite possibilities of the laws of physics? What determines what's possible and impossible?


I think that within the illusion/dream we’re in…as an individual actor, we do have a free will in our 3D present moment…and base on our choice, exists in the matrix of infinite probability a corresponding future…
Like in any game… rules and options are already settled and limited and players have the free will/responsibility to choice their own way to play🙌


*So, our past exists in a different space time. Everything has already happened, and we are just moving according to it. I also belief in this thing, but it's very confusing at the same time.*


Block theory has always been an interesting one, though the relativity of spacetime shows that single events can and do occur at different "times" relative to an observer - not in any "present" moment. Also, the narrator mentions things like "different coordinates" in the "block" and "memories." But WHERE are these coordinates and memories located in spacetime? If there is more than ONE coordinate, then those entities are FINITE and their relationships MEASURABLE by TIME and SPACE, because "time" is simply the interpretation of distances occurring between finite things, whether they are coordinates, relationships or the like. In order to really call time an 'illusion', you'd have to eliminate all finite and spatio-temporal things and say that everything existing in the universe is also an illusion and simply part of ONE ETERNAL, TIMELESS reality. Is that true and provable? Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.


So your are saying we are already dead? And that we have lived through the end of time already? Somethings not really adding up


I've wanted to understand how my life is why it is and if i have a choice to change it or is it all ready been decided. I'm scared to think about it.


If time is an illusion, the past, present and the future don't exist at all( all are illusions). Saying all the three exist at the same time again contradicts 'time is an illusion'.


I want to experience my past, present and future together . How can I do it.. 😐😮


Good video. Philochrony is the theory that describes the nature of time and demonstrates its existence. Time is magnitive: objective, Imperceptible (intervals) and measurable (duration).


Some of this resonates but the part that makes this theory too limiting is where does Expansion of the Universe come in?
Great scientific minds of the past say We are in an expensive universe constantly evolving and expanding.
Many powerful previous thinkers have said our thoughts create and form matter. Does this theory say that there is no expansion or evolution of the universe? No expansion whatsoever, we just observe what already is no adding to collective conscious?


Ironic, time is an illusion yet the description says past present and future exist at the same "time".
