ES6 Tutorial for Beginners Part 1 | Ecmascript 6 Tutorial | Angular JS Tutorial for Beginners

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ES6 Tutorial for Beginners Part 1 | Angular JS Tutorial for Beginners
Hello and welcome to the Front-end web development Advanced training conducted by Acadgild. In Here in this tutorial you will learn the concepts of ES6.
Agenda of this training Session:
• What is ES6?
• What is Scooping
• Destructing
• Promises
• Arrow Functions
ECMAScript 6 (ES6):
ES6 is the sixth major release od of the ECMAScript language application. ECMAScript is the proper name of the language commonly referred to as JavaScript.
Why Should we learn ES6?
1. Evolving JS has the leverage to add or change the semantics of the platform in the way that no other strategy credibly can
2.So we go awesome changes in ES6 which will help us.
Do all Browsers support ES6?
• ES6 support is coming along well in major desktop browsers, with chrome at more than 95 percent compatibility, Edge at 83 percent and safari at 58 percent.
• But it doesn’t mean you cannot start with ES6, there are lot of pre-processor which will compile ES6 into ES5 which all browser supports
• We can use babel or many other compilers are there
• So this is right time to start ES6
• We will try to cover all basics and important features of ES6
Arrow Functions:
• Fundamentally arrow functions will not change anything
• Arrow functions provide two features: Lexical scoping of the ‘this’ keyword and less ceremony when defining an anonymous function
• Without arrow functions defines this value. No need to re-assign it.
• Using arrow functions in ES6 allows us to stop using that – this – or self – this or -this – or bind(this), for example, this code in ES5 is ugly:
Go through the entire video to learn more (Promises & Destructing) about ES6 in-depth. Happy Learning!!
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