Ultimate 2020 Toyota Corolla Review | No Longer a Boring Commuter Car

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The new 2020 Corolla is redesigned and ready to compete with newer entries in the compact class. The most dramatic improvement is how well it rides and handles. Features are limited compared to some other cars in the class like the premium Mazda3, feature rich Kia Forte, and overall good value Honda Civic, but it's still certainly worth a look due to it's long standing reputation of reliability. The trim levels remain similar the L models and X models, with the XSE being the most sporty and the XLE being a bit more traditional. Enjoy this 2020 Toyota Corolla XSE review!

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Рекомендации по теме

Dude I love that you showed us how the lights look turned on at night! Awesome little touch on your behalf, I havent seen any other automotive reviewers doing that!


That’s my dream car. I hope next year I’ll finally get one. I’ve been working hard for it and I deserve it.


I just bought an SE Toyota Corolla 2020 and love this car. It's really good on gas and runs very smooth.


Just upgraded to a SE and I love it .. we had our 07 it has 125k miles and it still runs great . My wife got the new one 🤣 . We took my sequoia for a service and we took a rental yes a SE ! They hooked us .. so we decided to get one .. 👍


I love the fact that you compare every trim level


I went with the 2020 Corolla SE over other brands for one reason - reliability...


Your review is top notch. You will become really big some day. I love how you show things that people only notice when you live with the car.


I just bought mines, certified for 19!!! I love it so much has everything I need in a car!


I’ve had the LE for about 3 months now. I bought it as a commuter car for work. Yes, the Corolla has its shortcomings, but when you are looking for safety features, tech features, fuel economy, and reliability concerns, you don’t have to look any further. Even if the Korean brands cost less and have some perks, they don’t come as COMPLETE as this model at the lower price points. Additionally, the “safety-tech” features operate extremely well, much like a car costing dramatically more. The reasons to choose this model are feature content at a low price point, and expected low maintenance and reliability.


Thanks for the video. Just bought one and it’s cool to have this.


I bought exactly this car with the same color and I love it 🥶🔥 nice, sporty and drive very good


it's really impressive for a cheap economy car i test drove it and i was blown away


I really like this redesign. If I were in the market for a compact Sedan, I would probably go for this spec. Very polarizing. I think I'd pass on the remote start. I'm pretty sure the process of using that every time would do nothing but piss me off very quickly. As for as the storage, I can agree about needing a little more storage under the dash and I can see where bigger guys can feel somewhat claustrophobic with that dash sticking out. I'm also with you, Nolan on not believing Toyota for leaving at RCA, DTL, and an Auto dimming rear view mirror. Despite those things though, it has enough appeal to make my shopping list. Great review as always, Sir!


Cute car and pretty blue color. Great review as usual Nolan 👍


Another great review! Hats off to Toyota on the new Corolla sedan. Design is eye catching without being gimmicky and a nice improvement in the drive train for the top trims.


Wow! What an improvement Thank you for demonstrating the S T E R E O! I'm tempted to pull the trigger on one of these bad bad boys, seriously. Way to go Toyota! I kind of went to dreamland half way through so not sure how she drives but I'm sure the power & handling is adequate. I"d like your reviews more if you could try condensing your reviews to 15 minutes or less, that way I won't miss out on anything(I have a short attention span), thanks as that would be greatly appreciated! btw, I just so happen to have visited a Toyota dealer this morning for a job interview & was very impressed with Avalon they had on the show room floor! Have you had a chance to review one yet, Nolan?


I have a rattle behind me somewhere near the rear headrest. Otherside I worked 11 months for this and have 3k so far and havent second guessed my new car. 😍
19 xse hb 6MT midnightblack


I bought a Certified 2020 SE 6 spd MT a couple of months ago. I love this car...it is so fun to drive! Buying used, I got this sort of funky blue/purple color...not my favorite, but at sundown looks pretty good. I think that the area in front of shifter, under the dash is pretty roomy. I love it because I can put my pistol there and it is hidden from sight. Also room for other things. I don't find this Corolla any noisier than any other of my vehicles. The 2.0 Liter is peppy.


I am so glad that you mentioned that it has both direct and port injection as I was worried that I will have carbon built up later on for my car. Just a quick google and it actually does have both type of injection from Toyota website. Thanks bro.


Beautiful car. I've just bought one and its very fun to drive
