Arduino Nano ESP32 - A Short Tutorial to Setup and IoT Usage

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Introducing the Arduino Nano ESP32 - Your Gateway to Versatile IoT Development! 🚀🔧

The #ArduinoNanoESP32 features an ESP32-S3 with 2.4 GHz, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, and long-range Bluetooth 5 LE connectivity, all packed into a compact Nano form factor. It boasts 16 MB SPI Flash memory IC, a USB-C port with voltage regulator, and a selection of LEDs. Notably, this board offers exceptional affordability, making it a budget-friendly choice compared to other Nano boards, excluding the Nano Every.

Utilize the Arduino Nano ESP32 in two distinct ways: the familiar C/C++ programming in the Arduino IDE or embrace the exciting possibilities of #MicroPython, recently introduced alongside this Nano #ESP32 board.

Ready to explore its potential?

0:00 Intro
0:19 Specs & Price of the Arduino Nano ESP32
0:55 Setup of the Arduino Nano ESP32
1:50 Program Arduino Nano ESP32 in MicroPython
3:05 Outro

#IoT #Electronics #DIY #TechEnthusiast #MakerCommunity #Microcontrollers #EmbeddedSystems
@Arduino @ElektorTV @EspressifSystems
Рекомендации по теме

How do you program the baud rate and Mac address for the slave module (using an HM-10)for the Bluetooth connectivity? I'm used to using a slave and master outboard Bluetooth module and program them with the serial monitor using AT code. Thank you.


Can you make the Serial Monitor work in your Nano ESP32? Mine had an error "No monitor available for the port protocol dfu" and I feel that it could be a bug because there were questions similar to it in the dfu github.


just got the simple nano arduino and when I opened the page I thought its a paid software...I was about to pay and then I realised its more like a donation


I was hoping someone would have a tutorial on how to get it to actually install the fn windows drivers so i could use it. i have been screwing with this junk for days now and now the IDE wont even uplad to it.


I switched off when microPython was mentioned.

I have been involved in software development for 52+ years, and have experienced most languages, but Python is among the worst.


Board: " ARD NANO ESP32 H /// Arduino Nano ESP32 mit Header, ESP32-S3, USB-C // ABX00083

Problem with LED: == RGB LED = "DL1"

in the Document "ABX00083-Schematics" i can see, that the DL1 LED is connected to the following GPIOs.
GPIO 0 --> R12 --> DL1 (Green)
GPIO 45 --> R11 --> DL1 (Blue)
GPIO 46 --> R10--> DL1 (Red)
But the following Code, is not doing ANYTHINK. Only leting the LED making a RED Light each 4 seconds. No blue, No Green.
#define GREEN_PIN 0 // GPIO 0 --> R12 --> DL1 (Green)
#define BLUE_PIN 45 // GPIO 45 --> R11 --> DL1 (Blue)
#define RED_PIN 46 // GPIO 46 --> R10 --> DL1 (Red)

void setup() {

// Pins für die RGB-LED als Ausgang definieren

// Alle LEDs ausschalten (Common Anode RGB LED)
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, HIGH);

Serial.println("Setup abgeschlossen. Test beginnt...");

void loop() {
// Grün aktivieren
Serial.println("Grün an");
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, LOW); // LED an
delay(2000); // 2 Sekunden an
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, HIGH); // LED aus

// Blau aktivieren
Serial.println("Blau an");
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, LOW); // LED an
delay(2000); // 2 Sekunden an
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, HIGH); // LED aus

// Rot aktivieren
Serial.println("Rot an");
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, LOW); // LED an
delay(2000); // 2 Sekunden an
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, HIGH); // LED aus

// Pause vor Wiederholung

