Perseverance - Instrumental Mix (Undertale)

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Composition by Vetrom (Based on the part of Perseverance "Purple Soul" from Your Best Nightmare by Toby Fox)
Music by Vetrom

Souls, my first undertale album is out!!

Instrumental Mix of Perseverance from Your Best Nightmare from Undertale soundtrack.

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Determination - Unstoppable force

Perseverance - Immovable object


Perseverance, the ability to stand your ground against indomitable odds. The Yin to Determination's Yang, Perseverance can stand up to anything. They will take a punch and turn the other cheek. They will live long enough to see the world go crazy, and they alone will understand why.

Their nature makes them the front line, the ability to stand up not just against physical harm, but mental abuse. Girding themselves against the enemy, they cannot be stopped except by Determination, its antithesis. While Determination is the ability to move forward no matter what, Perseverance is the ability to be dauntless and unmoving. It's hard to say which would win.

Perseverance would likely be split in their decision of how to handle Asgore. I would argue that it would vary from human to human, much like Determination. Though Perseverance might be able to withstand Asgore's crimes and attacks, they might recognize that others would not. If monsterkind wishes to declare war on Humanity, Perseverance will not back down.


Perseverance's weapon is a Torn Notebook... _How do they write like they're running out of time?_


* You and me... we are the same, and yet so, so different.
* You push ever onward, while I'll forever stand my ground.
* You kill without mercy, while all I do is to protect those I love...
* I won't give in. I W I L L P E R S E V E R E.


I just realized: Toby was so clever with the soul colors that he even used color combos.
The purple soul means perseverance which is a combination of patience and determination. Purple is the combo of red and blue which is clever because red resembles the determined part of perseverance which can endure the difficulty and cyan resembles the patience part of it which can endure delay.
The same thing goes with bravery and kindness souls.


*You watch the human scribbling in their notebook. It seems they're recording your attacks.
*This probably won't end well for you.



Often to be considered DETERMINATION'S weaker twin. They are often used interchangeably, but are so incredibly different. Perserverance will endure, rain or shine, while DETERMINATION will use whatever means necessary to push forward. They are not patient like Perserverance, and therefore, if they deem it necessary, they will kill anyone who stands in their way. However, DETERMINATION is not pure evil, just as Perserverance is not pure good. The nature of these SOULs depends on the personality of the person to which they belong to, which is why both traits are capable of Pacifist, Neutral, and Genocide routes, even if Perserverance is doomed to fail no matter what, unless helped out by an unknown entity. Each SOUL retains it's strengths and weaknesses. Perserverance can stand until the end of time, but once they break/if they break along the way, they cannot come back. They cannot SAVE or RESET, but this is also their strength, because it shows that they can and are willing to take the consequences of their actions. DETERMINATION can also stand the test of time, but not in the same way. Not only that, but if they come across an incident that could be avoided, then they will reload their SAVE to try for a different outcome and scenario. This is their strength, but also their weakness. It displays the fact that you are unable to take consequences, because you believe yourself to be above them, due to your near limitless power. This is why DETERMINATION and Perserverance are at the top of the SOUL tier list, along with HATE corrupted SOULs. Fear is not considered a trait unaffected by HATE, because a HATE corrupted SOUL is a polar opposite to it's normal counterpart. The opposite of Bravery, is Fear, and that is the case with the notable FEAR SOUL Agate Lightvale. She was driven made by her own HATE, after a lost fight with her brother. But, that's a story for another day.

Perserverance will spare Asgore. Perserverance will kill Asgore. Which route it will take is uncertain, due to the fact that is one of the strongest souls in existence, and if there was no variant of DETERMINATION, it is very likely that Perserverance could gain control of the timeline, essentially becoming a DETERMINATION SOUL, but keeping their SOUL trait and personality. They would've, if it wasn't for Flowey, having been injected with DT. He, along with Asgore, would be the only threats to this SOUL, assuming a DETERMINATION or FEAR Soul is not present in the timeline. DETERMINATION and Perserverance, however, could become very close friends, mortal enemies, something in between, or partners in crime, as both SOULs desire to move forward, yet at different paces. Each SOUL could teach the other valuable lessons about life.

It is advised if you come across this SOUL, that you do not underestimate it, based off of weak, physical status. It contains a power immeasurable, and incomprehensible to those who have not possessed this trait. This SOUL could very easily have gotten to and past Asgore, had they not lost their glasses in a scuffle with Undyne. Only their torn notebook and cloudy, broken glasses remain, and can be found and bought from Gerson in Waterfall. It's a shame Perserverance fell at the hands of monster kind so quickly, and from a mere accident as well. They could've saved monsterkind, and created peace between humans and monsters, saving them from the wrath that could, and would eventually fall upon them, as time continued on, and DETERMINATION eventually falls.


Even when you felt trapped, you took notes and achieved victory

You're filled with *PERSEVERANCE*


Perseverance is that color/soul trait that is in between patience and determination. Upbeat like determination, yet slow but steadfast like patience. Now, before you say determination is stronger than perseverance, perhaps you need to think about their different strengths. While determination is all about moving forward, perseverance is more about how willing you are to stay and endure difficulties in order to move forward. It's the difference between someone who goes to college, and drops out but found a good job due to sheer determination, and someone who chose to stick it with college and also managed to get a good job due to perseverance. That enduring difficulty part comes from Patience, who is willing to endure great criticism and annoyance before getting angry, in other words, a tolerance for difficulty.

In fact, Determination's Reset button in the game is a weakness, since it shows an inability to endure the consequences of your actions, which is the whole point of the game: to stick with the decisions that you chose and dealing with the consequences. You also lose some of your progress too as a result of a Reset. Even with a Reset, if you did a Genocide run, there's no going back since doing a True Pacifist run after that would reveal the consequences of your Genocide run at the ending. Hence, if you did not Reset even once, you have shown true Perseverance.


*I've been through...a lot.*
* when life gives you lemons...sometimes you don't have enough sugar to make that lemonade.*
*Oh well...I'll do what I do best.*


*The Soul of Perseverance gain interest in you
"The Soul wants to know"

Pacifist: "The Soul is intrigue on you being able to Spare each monster you've encountered"
Neutral: "The Soul wants to know the reasoning on only killing those specific monsters"
Genocide: "The Soul wants to know on how are you able to keep moving forward after killing all monsters with a grin"


Determination and Perseverance are basically two sides of the same coin; one has you being an unstoppable force that will always go on forward a linear path no matter how dangerous it may be, while the other has you being an immovable object that will always be able to stand their ground and get past through any twists and turns that you may come across. At a basic level, these two are the 'Not giving up' type of traits.


You encounter the persevering soul
Perseverance respects your determination
"Perseverance" 2 ATK 3 DEF The soul greets its determined rival"
"The soul seems to continue forward no matter how you act"
"It perseveres through the pain you've inflicted"
"Perseverance pushes onward. . . but hungrily stares at your items"
"you decide to share"
"it accepts your mercy so that it can keep moving forward"


Perseverance - The Calculated SOUL

While other traits choose to rush in with no plan or reason, Perseverance will use the precious time they have to calculate and plan the best course of action. Each passing moment they begin to dive deeper into their knowledge of their challenge till eventually they will overcome it with a planned strategy. Each passing moment they become stronger without having to lift a finger. With their perfect calculation they overcome any challenge that will be thrown at them. Some may call Perseverance a nerd for always having their head in the books or never taking their eyes off the challenge, but they will soon think twice when said nerd schools them on what true strategy is.


This one didn’t come for a fight.
They didn’t come for a sad reason, either.
No, they just wanted to learn. Nothing would stop them.
In fact, they did learn. In this torn paper, there are notes taken on everything around. The echoes growing without sunlight, the ghosts and their snails... there even is a sketch in there.
The last place they went before getting arrested and sent to Asgore? Waterfall. The place was intriguing to them.
Now, consider this: a smart youn author was killed by Asgore. Easily? I should think not.
The only reason they died was that they tripped and lost their glasses while running from the guards.


Dude once all the souls are done, you need to make a mini-album or something. I'd buy these in a heartbeat.

Pun completely intended.


Determination is the will to keep moving forward, even if you don't. Perseverance is the nigh-uncontrollable voice forcing you to keep moving forward, even if you shouldn't. Both have their issues. With determination, you can be determined and still not do what you're determined to do. You have the willpower, but you still think it's not the right path so you don't. With perseverance, you will be perseverant sometimes even when you know what you're doing is wrong and is not on the right path, and will 100% end badly for everyone, including you. You're still pushed to do it, even if you shouldn't. They're similar, but once you dissect them, they're almost complete opposites.


Perseverance, the most similar to determination as they both stand strong, but different
Perseverance would last through determinations attacks in a battle but nothing about perseverance adds to attack thus the difference is clear


this SONG IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. it explains perseverance PERFECTLY. the slower tone representing the patience, yet the upbeat and continuous song showing the determination, all wrapped into one little basket of PERSEVERANCE.

(my headcanon is that there are a few main souls and then the combination souls. the main souls are determination, justice, kindness, patience, and integrity. the combination ones are bravery and perseverance, bravery being a mix of determination and justice, whereas perseverance being a mix of determination and patience (it makes so much sense right?! kinda like colors we learned as a kid. I'm not being sarcastic lol). these combination souls are not two souls, but rather, half and half of one soul. if, by any chance, there is no determination soul around, bravery and perseverance will have control over the timeline, since they would have the most determination. now, i'm not very sure about kindness because if we look at it this way it could be a mix, because green is made with yellow and blue, but justice doesn't stand that well in kindness so... we'll excuse toby on that one because to be honest, green is a base color in the color spectrum when looking at light so we're taking ALL the base colors here and not just the paint ones... well sorry for my rambling and uh i made this just to clarify, lol, but this became longer than my original comment... oh well...)


I am a Student, I''m working all day.
I've got to get an A-Plus!
I am a Student, I'm working all day.
I really could use a break!
